(a.) Glassy; resembling glass; consisting of glass; transparent, like crystal.
(n.) A poetic term for the sea or the atmosphere.
(n.) The pellucid substance, present in cells in process of development, from which, according to some embryologists, the cell nucleous originates.
(n.) The main constituent of the walls of hydatid cysts; a nitrogenous body, which, by decomposition, yields a dextrogyrate sugar, susceptible of alcoholic fermentation.
Example Sentences:
(1) Histologically, foci strongly resembling hepatocellular carcinoma with hyaline globules were noted.
(2) In some of the tubuli there were hyalin cylindroids.
(3) These observations suggest that the function of BMG is to evoke mesenchymal cell differentiation into prechondroblasts during the latent or migratory morphogenetic phase while the effect of the culture medium is to provide the bionutritional requirements for synthesis of hyaline cartilage matrix by chondrocytes during the patent phase of development.
(4) Reversible increases in size and distribution of hyaline droplets within proximal tubular epithelium occurred through 1 year of treatment at a severity that was dose-dependent.
(5) Chemically isolated separate preparations of the non-aggregating protein-chondroitin-keratin sulphate (PCKS) fraction from the hyaline cartilage and hyaluronic acid (HUA) of the vitreous body and of the umbilicus were investigated by electron microscopy.
(6) Regardless of cyst localization, lowest diagnostic sensitivity was observed in patients whose cysts were intact and of the hyaline type, whereas recently broken cysts were associated with the most consistently detectable immune response.
(7) All three meningiomas showed expression of carcinoembryonic antigen, cytokeratin, and epithelial membrane antigen in the cells surrounding the hyaline bodies.
(8) Closely associated with alcoholic hyalin and often found along its entire circumference, were bundles of fine filaments in parallel arrangement of much smaller size.
(9) The presence of hyaline cartilage within the wall of the cyst allows to make the difference for sure between an esophageal cyst of bronchogenic origin and a cyst of enterogenous origin.
(10) Histologically, vascular lesions such as vacuolization, degeneration and desquamation of the endothelium and hyalinization and necrosis of the muscular coat predominated, whereas reparatory reactions were relatively sparse.
(11) Upon fertilization, the antigen was exocytosed from the cortical vesicles and became associated with the hyaline layer, the fertilization envelope, and the plasma membrane.
(12) These studies showed that the cartilaginous cap of human osteophytes has the capacity to synthesize the entire repertoire of sulphated proteoglycans of mature hyaline cartilage.
(13) It is well-established that binding of a chemical to alpha 2u-globulin is the rate-limiting step in the development of male rat-specific hyaline droplet nephropathy.
(14) In some areas, the tumor shows a striking resemblance to Kaposi's sarcoma; criss-crossing fascicles of spindle cells are interspersed with narrow vascular spaces, but PAS-positive hyaline globules are absent.
(15) In the case of arthroses the primary lesion occurs in the non-vascularized hyaline cartilage.
(16) Hyaline bodies were present in nearly all tumours of skin.
(17) The following morphologic observations were made: Arteries exhibiting arteriosclerosis appeared, in the new host, to take on a distinct new cellular deposit which was superimposed on the previously existing hyalinization in the intima.
(18) Thirty-five neonates developed hyaline membrane disease.
(19) In the control males given the vehicle alone, the proximal segment of the os penis, composed of a compact cell mass found at day 0, developed at 5 days into the membrane bone with bone marrow and hyaline cartilage; the distal segment, composed of mesenchymatous cells until 10 days, developed at 30 days into fibrocartilage characterized by a distribution of type I collagen.
(20) Histologically the most conspicuous were the findings of the hyaline alveolar membrane and the cellular atypia of endothel of the alveoles and the lymph-ducts.
(n.) A kind of knot often used at the end of a rope; a wall knot; a wale.
(n.) A work or structure of stone, brick, or other materials, raised to some height, and intended for defense or security, solid and permanent inclosing fence, as around a field, a park, a town, etc., also, one of the upright inclosing parts of a building or a room.
(n.) A defense; a rampart; a means of protection; in the plural, fortifications, in general; works for defense.
(n.) An inclosing part of a receptacle or vessel; as, the walls of a steam-engine cylinder.
(n.) The side of a level or drift.
(n.) The country rock bounding a vein laterally.
(v. t.) To inclose with a wall, or as with a wall.
(v. t.) To defend by walls, or as if by walls; to fortify.
(v. t.) To close or fill with a wall, as a doorway.
Example Sentences:
(1) Within the outflow tract wall, the labelled cells were enmeshed by strands of alcian blue-stained extracellular matrix.
(2) The rise of malaria despite of control measures involves several factors: the house spraying is no more accepted by a large percentage of house holders and the alternative larviciding has only a limited efficacy; the houses of American Indians have no walls to be sprayed; there is a continuous introduction of parasites by migrants.
(3) With aging, the blood vessel wall becomes hyperreactive--presumably because of an augmented vasoconstrictor and a reduced vasodilator responsiveness.
(4) At operation, the tumour was identified and excised with part of the aneurysmal wall.
(5) The role of whole Mycobacteria, mycobacterial cell walls and waxes D as immunostimulants was well established many years ago.
(6) The lesion (10.6 X 9.8 mm) was a well-defined ellipsoid granuloma due to a foreign body with a central zone of necrosis surrounded entirely by a fibrous wall.
(7) During the digestion of these radiolabeled bacteria, murine bone marrow macrophages produced low-molecular-weight substances that coeluted chromatographically with the radioactive cell wall marker.
(8) All patients with localized subaortic hypertrophy had left ventricular hypertrophy (left ventricular mass or posterior wall thickness greater than 2 SD from normal) with a normal size cavity due to aortic valve disease (2 patients were also hypertensive).
(9) Its pathogenesis, still incompletely elucidated, involves the precipitation of immune complexes in the walls of the all vessels.
(10) The standard varies from modest to lavish – choose carefully and you could be staying in an antique-filled room with your host's paintings on the walls, and breakfasting on the veranda of a tropical garden.
(11) The following possible explanations were discussed: a) the tested psychotropic drugs block prostaglandin receptors in the stomach; b) the test substances react with prostaglandin in the nutritive solution; c) the substances stimulate metabolic processes in the stomach wall that break down prostaglandin.
(12) It may, however, be useful to compare local wall dynamics in the more isometrically-contracting basal segment with those in the middle portion which brings about most of the emptying of the ventricle.
(13) Their levels in urine are a useful indicator of the integrity of membrane barriers of the kidney glomerular capillary wall.
(14) The resistance of GSA 65 to proteolytic degradation, together with previous immunofluorescence data that indicate the antigen is an integral part of the G. lamblia cyst wall, suggests that this molecule may play a role in maintaining the integrity of the cyst in vivo.
(15) Polypeptide factor isolated from vascular wall of the cattle ("vasonin") was shown to affect the immunogenesis and hemostasis, to stimulate kallikrein-kinin system and to accelerate processes of regeneration.
(16) In the case with a more distally situated VSD, the bundle branches skirted the anterior and distal walls of the defect.
(17) Cholecystectomy provided successful treatment in three of the four patients but the fourth was too ill to undergo an operation; in general, definitive treatment is cholecystectomy, together with excision of the fistulous tract if this takes a direct path through the abdominal wall from the gallbladder, or curettage if the course is devious.
(18) Following injections of HRP into the apex of the heart, the sinoatrial (SA) nodal region and the ventral wall of the right ventricle, we observed that HRP-labeled sympathetic neurons were localized predominantly in the right stellate ganglia, and to a lesser extent, in the right superior and middle cervical ganglia, and left stellate ganglia.
(19) A temperature-sensitive mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was identified which at the restrictive temperature of 37 degrees C is unable to secrete a number of cell wall-associated proteins and thus resembles previously reported sec mutants.
(20) Polypropylene mesh was used to repair the abdominal wall.