What's the difference between hyperchromatism and intensity?
(n.) The condition of having an unusual intensity of color.
Example Sentences:
(1) Moderately differentiated tumor revealed a wider range of nucleus size, less clustering (coefficient--3.59) and more hyperchromatic (70.1%) and "bare" (49.4%) nuclei and large nucleoli (22.2%).
(2) There were several dilated, distorted tubuli lined with abnormal epithelial cells with large, hyperchromatic nuclei.
(3) The PAS hyperchromaticity of basement membrane material and pericyte loss occurred throughout the retinal vasculature, while while the microaneurysms and complex lesions were limited to the capillaries of the central and paracentral retina.
(4) Light microscopy revealed nests of tumor cells with oval hyperchromatic nuclei.
(5) The nuclei of the tumor cells were slightly hyperchromatic and not bizarre or pleomorphic.
(6) Data which favor the diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma are: (1) spindle-shaped cells with malignant looking nuclei; (2) cells with extremely long, fiber-like cytoplasms and hyperchromatic nuclei; (3) large, anaplastic malignant cells.
(7) These cells have moderately hyperchromatic nuclei with finely granular pattern, which were round or oval, and have tiny nucleoli.
(8) On the basis of clinical observation and with reference to a Chinese and Tibetan medical tradition a reflexological interpretation is suggested for hyperchromatic structures in relation to organic and functional pathologies.
(9) Transrectal FNA of the prostate produced samples that included clusters of malignant cells with crowding and overlapping of hyperchromatic nuclei containing prominent nucleoli and a loss of polarization and cohesion.
(10) The coefficient of clustering was 3.99 whereas the percentage of hyperchromatic and "bare" nuclei and large nucleoli-69.7, 52.1 and 17.4.
(11) Histologically, the tumor was composed of various sized multiple cysts which were completely or incompletely lined by a layer of mucin-producing columnar epithelial cells with moderate nuclear hyperchromatism, and of a papillary pattern in some parts, indicating low grade malignancy.
(12) Some parts of the tumor resembled a vascular lipoma, others contained multivesiculated primitive cells and hyperchromatic multi-nucleated and granular lipoblasts.
(13) The five most valuable signs were "mild koilocytosis," mild dyskeratocytosis," hyperchromatic nuclei, bi- and multinucleation, and cleared cytoplasm.
(14) The HBs displayed single or small aggregates or larger clusters of cells with a high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio and usually round, hyperchromatic nuclei with single, and occasionally double, prominent nucleoli.
(15) Following radiation and chemotherapy, in addition to increased necrosis and vascular response, a variety of characteristic but nonspecific changes were observed in cell and nuclear morphology with prominent formation of multinucleated giant and monstrous cells, irregular and hyperchromatic nuclei, and severe cytoplasmic degeneration indicating both inhibition of cell division and cell damage.
(16) Two different cell groups were demonstrated in the papulonodular eruptions: large atypical cells with multiple nuclei that were well stained with anti-Tac, but not with Leu 3a, and other cells that possessed prominent hyperchromatic nuclei and which stained well with Leu I and Leu 3a but not with anti-Tac.
(17) Nuclei of acinar cells were hyperchromatic and pleomorphic.
(18) These areas may demonstrate large pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei, numerous mitotic figures, and a tendency toward squamous differentiation with many of the neoplastic cells demonstrating individual keratinization.
(19) Microscopically, the tumor was found to consist of a rough fibrous connective tissue stroma with groups of minor monomorphic lymphocyte-like cells and glandular-like cavities that were lined with melanin-containing hyperchromatic rounded and flattened epithelioid cells.
(20) Smears showed moderate cellularity, consisting of moderately to markedly atypical cells with enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei.
(n.) The state or quality of being intense; intenseness; extreme degree; as, intensity of heat, cold, mental application, passion, etc.
(n.) The amount or degree of energy with which a force operates or a cause acts; effectiveness, as estimated by results produced.
(n.) The magnitude of a distributed force, as pressure, stress, weight, etc., per unit of surface, or of volume, as the case may be; as, the measure of the intensity of a total stress of forty pounds which is distributed uniformly over a surface of four square inches area is ten pounds per square inch.
(n.) The degree or depth of shade in a picture.
Example Sentences:
(1) Patients with normal echocardiogram and ECG on admission do not require intensive care monitoring.
(2) Apparently, the irradiation with visible light of a low intensity creates an additional proton gradient and thus stimulates a new replication and division cycle in the population of cells whose membranes do not have delta pH necessary for the initiation of these processes.
(3) beta-Endorphin blocked the development of fighting responses when a low footshock intensity was used, but facilitated it when a high shock intensity was delivered.
(4) Type 1 changes (decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted spin-echo images and increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images) were identified in 20 patients (4%) and type 2 (increased signal intensity on T1-weighted images and isointense or slightly increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images) in 77 patients (16%).
(5) The intensity of the type III specific peptide bands correlates with the type III content of the samples.
(6) Intensity thresholds for eliciting eating and drinking were different, and both thresholds decreased with repeated testing.
(7) This article reviews the care of the chest-injured patient during the intensive care unit phase of his or her recovery.
(8) The pattern and intensity were followed up for up to 15 days.
(9) Respiratory alteration in the intensity of heart sounds is one of the commonest auscultatory pitfalls.
(10) They are capable of synthesis and accumulation of glycogen and responsible for its transfer to sites of more intense metabolism (growth, bud, blastema).
(11) After either 5 or 10 days of culture with both cytokines, intense immunofluorescent staining for Ia could be identified on the surface of greater than 80-90% of the viable islet cells.
(12) Experiment 3 showed that the color-induced increase in odor intensity is not due to subjects' preexperimental experience with particular color-odor combinations, because the increase occurred with novel ones.
(13) The epithelium of Brunner's gland stained intensely with Ricinus communis agglutinin-I (RCA-I), succinylated-WGA (S-WGA) and wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA), moderately with Bandeirea simplicifolia agglutinin-I (BS-I), Concanavalia ensiformis agglutinin (Con A) peanut agglutinin (PNA) and Ulex europaeus agglutinin-I (UEA-I) and occasionally with Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), Lens culinaris agglutinin (LCA) and soybean agglutinin (SBA).
(14) Proposals to increase the tax on high-earning "non-domiciled" residents in Britain were watered down today, after intense lobbying from the business community.
(15) In common with other studies, we found that the injury occurred in competitive runners, especially females, and was likely to develop during competitive races or intensive training sessions.
(16) Electrical stimulation of afferent pathways at intensities just below threshold for eliciting action potentials resulted in a dramatic decrease in JSCP threshold.
(17) It was not possible to offer all very low birthweight infants full intensive care; to make this possible, it was calculated that resources would have to increase by 26%.
(18) At sufficiently high field intensities, the reaction may approach a value equal to that of the free enzyme system.
(19) The present results using approximately 12% hemoglobin concentration in 0.1 M Bistris buffer at pD 7 and 27 degrees C with and without organic phosphate show that there is no significant line broadening on oxygenation (from 0 to 50% saturation) to affect the determination of the intensities or areas of these resonances.
(20) Analysis of 156 records relating to patients at the age of 15 to 85 years with extended purulent peritonitis of the surgical and gynecological genesis (the toxic phase, VI category ASA) showed that combination of programmed sanitation laparotomy and intensive antibacterial therapy performed as short-term courses before, during and after the operation with an account of the information on the nature of the microbial associations and antibioticograms was an efficient procedure in treatment of severe peritonitis.