What's the difference between hyperdactyly and polydactyly?



Example Sentences:



Example Sentences:

  • (1) Limb abnormalities included lumbar scoliosis, short malformed tibias and fibulas, and polydactyly.
  • (2) Evidence was presented to demonstrate that, for major malformations such as CNS anomalies, cleft lip, polydactyly and limb reductions, maternal genital bleeding was not a cause but a consequence of the conception of an abnormal embryo.
  • (3) Two additional forms were also found: four cleft feet with central polydactyly are described as polydactylous type, and three monodactylous feet with lower-leg diastasis or tibial aplasia or both are described as diastatic type.
  • (4) Cleft hand, central polydactyly, and osseous syndactyly were induced experimentally when the same teratogenic factors acted on the embryos at the same developmental stage.
  • (5) A new "postaxial polydactyly-progressive myopia" syndrome of autosomal dominant inheritance is delineated on the basis of nine affected persons in four generations of one family.
  • (6) One of the problems is the relation between polydactyly, syndactyly and typical cleft hand.
  • (7) The Rieger syndrome is characterized by mesoectodermal dysplasia of the iris and cornea, dental defects, in some cases short stature, abnormal external ears, hypertelorism, arachnodactyly, polydactyly, scoliosis, kyphosis, imperforate anus, umbilical hernia, myopathy and in a few cases mental retardation.
  • (8) Polydactyly, 0.1% was about as common as the average.
  • (9) Two infants with cystic kidney dysplasia and polydactyly were born to consanguineous parents.
  • (10) Fourteen patients with preaxial polydactyly are classified into four types according to their morphologic configuration: type 1--ray duplication; type 2--completely duplicated phalanges; type 3--incompletely duplicated metatarsals; and type 4--incompletely duplicated phalanges.
  • (11) We present a case of lethal short rib-polydactyly syndrome (SRPS) that cannot be categorized into the existing classification.
  • (12) A maternal grandaunt also had preaxial polydactyly of the feet.
  • (13) The triad of the syndrome consists of occipital encephalocele, polycystic kidneys and postaxial polydactyly.
  • (14) The authors present a new classification of polydactyly based on radiomorphological alterations.
  • (15) Those of the lower extremities were polydactyly, syndactyly, and cleft foot.
  • (16) Hall-Pallister syndrome is defined by specific facial anomalies, post axial polydactyly, imperforate anus, and brain anomalies including a rare diencephalic mass, hypothalamic hamartoblastoma.
  • (17) The patient showed the full spectrum of anomalies including imperforate anus, perineal fistula, triphalangeal thumb, preaxial polydactyly, pre-auricular tags, and microtia.
  • (18) We present 2 unrelated fetuses with manifestations of both the hydrolethalus syndrome and the short rib-polydactyly syndrome, type Majewski.
  • (19) Ulnar polydactyly was associated only with sixth-ray duplication.
  • (20) Both had all three elements of the classical triad, namely, occipital encephalocele, renal cystic dysplasia and post-axial polydactyly.

Words possibly related to "hyperdactyly"

Words possibly related to "polydactyly"