What's the difference between idea and thing?



  • (n.) The transcript, image, or picture of a visible object, that is formed by the mind; also, a similar image of any object whatever, whether sensible or spiritual.
  • (n.) A general notion, or a conception formed by generalization.
  • (n.) Hence: Any object apprehended, conceived, or thought of, by the mind; a notion, conception, or thought; the real object that is conceived or thought of.
  • (n.) A belief, option, or doctrine; a characteristic or controlling principle; as, an essential idea; the idea of development.
  • (n.) A plan or purpose of action; intention; design.
  • (n.) A rational conception; the complete conception of an object when thought of in all its essential elements or constituents; the necessary metaphysical or constituent attributes and relations, when conceived in the abstract.
  • (n.) A fiction object or picture created by the imagination; the same when proposed as a pattern to be copied, or a standard to be reached; one of the archetypes or patterns of created things, conceived by the Platonists to have excited objectively from eternity in the mind of the Deity.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Virtually every developed country has some form of property tax, so the idea that valuing residential property is uniquely difficult, or that it would be widely evaded, is nonsense.
  • (2) In this book, he dismisses Freud's idea of penis envy - "Freud got it spectacularly wrong" - and said "women don't envy the penis.
  • (3) A backbench policy advisory group will be established to develop ideas.
  • (4) The idea that 80% of an engineer's time is spent on the day job and 20% pursuing a personal project is a mathematician's solution to innovation, Brin says.
  • (5) More disturbing than his ideas was Malema's style and tone.
  • (6) These data, compared with literature findings, support the idea that intratumoral BCG instillation of bladder cancer permits a longer disease-free period than other therapeutical approaches.
  • (7) The starting point is the idea that the current system, because it works against biodiversity but fails to increase productivity, is broken.
  • (8) Unlikely, he laughs: "We were founded on the idea of distributing information as far as possible."
  • (9) On 17 December Clegg will set out his own script for the year ahead, testing the idea that coalition governments can function even as the two parties clearly show their separate colours.
  • (10) This is about the best experience for our users: the idea that the experience was lacking, the innovation was lacking and we weren't reaching that ubiquity."
  • (11) Bose grew up with the idea, as the child of a well-to-do Bengali family in Kolkata.
  • (12) The observations support the idea that the function of pericytes in the choriocapillaris, the major source of nutrition for the retinal photoreceptors, resides in their contractility, and that pericytes do not remove necrotic endothelium during capillary atrophy.
  • (13) He was really an English public schoolboy, but I welcome the idea of people who are in some ways not Scottish, yet are committed to Scotland.
  • (14) Differences in scar depression also supported the idea of more stretching in the Dexon group.
  • (15) These results are consistent with the idea that RPE pigment dispersion is triggered by a substance that diffuses from the retina at light onset.
  • (16) These conclusions are consistent with those obtained from other techniques and support the idea that the effects of dopamine agonists on the activity of dopamine neurons and globus pallidus cells can provide an indication of the relative selectivity of these drugs for pre- or postsynaptic dopamine receptors.
  • (17) They also dismiss those who suggest that the current record-low interest rates mean countries could safely stimulate growth by raising their borrowing levels higher: Economists simply have little idea how long it will be until rates begin to rise.
  • (18) These results favour the idea that the factor present in peak II fraction might behave as an ouabain-like substance.
  • (19) You could also chat to local estate agents to get an idea of what kind of extension, if any, would appeal to buyers in your area.
  • (20) When the alternatives are considered, it seems most consistent with Piaget's ideas to regard both cognitive and affective phenomena as problem-solving organizations.



  • (n.) Whatever exists, or is conceived to exist, as a separate entity, whether animate or inanimate; any separable or distinguishable object of thought.
  • (n.) An inanimate object, in distinction from a living being; any lifeless material.
  • (n.) A transaction or occurrence; an event; a deed.
  • (n.) A portion or part; something.
  • (n.) A diminutive or slighted object; any object viewed as merely existing; -- often used in pity or contempt.
  • (n.) Clothes; furniture; appurtenances; luggage; as, to pack or store one's things.
  • (n.) Whatever may be possessed or owned; a property; -- distinguished from person.
  • (n.) In Scandinavian countries, a legislative or judicial assembly.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) One thing seems to be noteworthy in their opinion: the bacterial resistance of the germs isolated from the urine is bigger than the one of the germs isolated from the respiratory apparatus.
  • (2) The curious thing, it seems to me, is that she was never criticised for it.
  • (3) I’ve never really had that work versus life thing; it’s all part of the same canvas.
  • (4) I f you haven’t got a family, you need that replaced in some way, that’s the most important thing you can do for someone in care,” says 24-year-old Chloe Juliette, herself a care leaver.
  • (5) Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall tried to liven things up, but there are only so many ways to tell us to be nice to chickens.
  • (6) Benzaldehyde's in cherries and cherrystones and amaretto, so it's immediately a base to pair things with."
  • (7) The most difficult thing I've dealt with at work is ... the terminal illness of a valued colleague.
  • (8) Photograph: Gareth Phillips for the Guardian Because health is devolved, the Welsh government can do things differently from England.
  • (9) Nick Robins, head of the Climate Change Centre at HSBC, said: "If you think about low-carbon energy only in terms of carbon, then things look tough [in terms of not using coal].
  • (10) But do you know the thing that really bites?” he pointed to his home, which was not visible behind an overgrown hedge.
  • (11) One radio critic described Jacobs' late night Sunday show as a "tidying-up time, a time for wistfulness, melancholy, a recognition that there were once great things and great feelings in this world.
  • (12) October 27, 2013 7.27pm GMT Around the league And here’s how things look elsewhere, as we head into the fourth quarter: Cowboys 13-7 Lions Browns 17-20 Chiefs Dolphins 17-20 Patriots Bills 10-28 Saints Giants 15-0 Eagles 49ers 35-10 Jaguars 7.25pm GMT End of 3rd quarter: 49ers 35-10 Jaguars The quarter ends with the Jaguars facing a third-and-one at their own 32.
  • (13) The two groups had one thing in common: the casualties' mostly deliberate posttraumatic reaction; there were only 3 patients in a state of helplessness.
  • (14) On a weekend that sees the country celebrate 50 years of independence it is certain that despite all things – good and bad – that have taken place in 2013, the next 50 years will be transformed by personal technology, concerned citizens and the media.
  • (15) One of the things Yang has said he wants to investigate is: "This state we're in ... a moment when we have to negotiate our past while inventing our present."
  • (16) Advancing the health and rights of women is the right – and smart – thing to do for any nation hoping to remain or emerge as a leader on the global stage.
  • (17) Before the offer for the jungle came in she was meant to be presenting the Plus Size Awards this week, an event supporting plus-size people who are doing amazing things but are overlooked by the mainstream.
  • (18) Pekka Isosomppi Press counsellor, Finnish embassy, London • It may have been said tongue in cheek, but I must correct Michael Booth on one thing – his claim that no one talks about cricket in Denmark .
  • (19) In some ways, the Gandolfini performance that his fans may savour most is his voice work in Spike Jonze's Where the Wild Things Are (2009), the cult screen version of Maurice Sendak 's picture book classic – he voiced Carol, one of the wild things, an untamed, foul-mouthed figure.
  • (20) If people improved their consciousness, things would work better.