(1) This procedure is manifested in the region of system-immanent weak spots of the positional and locomotor system and, in the pelvic girdle region by tipping of the pelvis in ventral direction, with consecutive evasive shifts of the vertebral column and extremities.
(2) Continuing Leo Stones study of the psychoanalytic situation, in this paper the "immanent suggestion" of the structure of the external arrangement is more closely investigated and defined as a primary and general valence of transference.
(3) The phenomenon of compulsion, unless it is seen as purely pathological, discloses in a peculiar way by an analysis of the situation in connexion with the immanence of life.
(4) The first was children's ideas about the causes of illness, in which the widely postulated notion of immanent justice was not found to be common.
(5) Nevroses and dellusions are self-induced language in which the uttered statement is implemented in an immanent and intransive way, through the psycho-pathological language itself.
(6) In uncomplicated course it is not justified to suppose disability only by immanent risk.
(7) Results supported the prediction that children use the belief in a just world in immanent justice judgements.
(8) In language production, the claim is that such words are intrinsic to, identified with, or immanent in phrasal skeletons.
(9) An attempt is made to reconcile the immanent contradictions, and to demonstrate that this is actually a fruitful extension of the scope of the theoretical fundamentals of psychiatry.
(10) This means the new landscape of Stonehenge embodies modern Mammon's triumvirate of commoditisation, gambling and charity, just as it once did Trinitarian ideas of transcendence and immanence.
(11) The immanent sense of optic orientation in space is related to the unchangeable line of principal visual direction and its collaterals.
(12) Subjects received 4 stories and answered the Piagetian immanent justice questions and rated outcome fairness.
(13) Psychohygiene and sanitary education must help to be incorporated in the complex attendance to elder people as immanent ingredients.
(14) The existence analytical inquiry has developed corporal models that admit in their integrative-anthropological form fertile comparisons with a phenomenological radical immanence-philosophy of the constitution.
(15) When Twice-Told Tales appeared in 1837 (secretly financed by his old Bowdoin friend Horatio Bridge), it was as though Hawthorne had become a "finder" of stories that were immanent in the ancestral culture of America itself.
(16) The building up of the Berlin Institute for Brain Research finished in 1931 is the result of inconsistant developmental needs immanent to neuro-sciences on the one hand and science policy interests of imperialistic groups in the Weimarian Germany on the other hand.
(17) The gallstone was removed endoscopically, the immanent complication of gallstone ileus could be eliminated.
(18) The results show: Successful group participation was to the extent of maximal 50% determined by the experiences immanent in the client centered group process concept.
(19) Human existence is not purely immanent, a flow of transcedence continually runs through it.
(20) Possible explanations, like reactivity to test-immanent coexpressed antigens of Saccharomyces cerevisae are discussed.
(n.) The state of inhering; permanent existence in something; innateness; inseparable and essential connection.
Example Sentences:
(1) This suggested that the chemical effects produced by shock waves were either absent or attenuated in the cells, or were inherently less toxic than those of ionizing irradiation.
(2) Even though attempts to generalize the data from childbearing women to women of childbearing age have an inherent conservative bias, the results of our study suggest that 988 women (95% CI 713 to 1336) aged 15 to 44 years in Quebec had HIV infection in 1989.
(3) In choosing between various scanning techniques the factors to be considered include availability, cost, the type of equipment, the expertise of the medical and technical staff, and the inherent capabilities of the system.
(4) Control incubations revealed an inherent difference between the two substrates; gram-positive supernatants consistently contained 5% radioactivity, whereas even at 0 h, those from the gram-negative mutant released 22%.
(5) The results strongly suggested that the rate of learning depended largely on factors inherent within the individual animals.
(6) These observations indicate that radiosensitivity is retained in vitro and is an inherent property of the testicular tumour cells.
(7) Principal conclusions are: 1) rapid change to predominantly heterosexual HIV transmission can occur in North America, with serious societal impact; 2) gender-specific clinical features can lead to earlier diagnosis of HIV infection in women; 3) HIV infection in women does not pursue an inherently more rapid course than that observed in men.
(8) The interresponse-time reinforcement contingencies inherent in these schedules may actually mask the effects of overall reinforcement rate; thus differences in response rate as a function of reinforcement rate when interresponse-time reinforcement is eliminated may be underestimated.
(9) In addition to the threat of industrial espionage to sustain this position, there is an inherent risk of Chinese equipment being used for intelligence purposes.
(10) Where Jim Broadbent stands as an inherently warm screen presence, his co-star's image is rather more flinty.
(11) Methodological difficulties inherent in incidence and prevalence studies of native Canadians are examined.
(12) Because of the inherent limitations of computed tomography in the visualization of posterior fossa structures, MR imaging should be considered the initial screening procedure in the assessment of patients with trigeminal neuralgia.
(13) It is shown that when a constant current is applied such that a stable equilibrium and rhythmic firing are present, the following predictions are inherent in the HH system of equations: (a) Small instantaneous voltage perturbations to the axon given at points along its firing spike result in phase resetting curves (when new phase versus old phase is plotted) with an average slope of 1.
(14) Continuous postoperative follow-up of the patients (from a few months to 14 years) and analysis of the early and late results allow to regard the combined technique of Coffey II-Nesbit-Goodwin as the method of choice having the slightest risk of peritonitis, intestinoureteral reflux and other complications inherent in other procedures.
(15) Psychiatric testimony to ultimate questions at law is limited by the inherent contextual variables of psychiatric clinical and experimental knowledge and practice.
(16) To study the inherent radiation sensitivity of vulvar carcinoma, we tested three new vulvar carcinoma cell lines and the long-established cell line A-431 by using a 96-well plate clonogenic assay, earlier shown by us to be suitable for survival studies of SCC.
(17) Numerous factors influenced its activity: method of spore production, inherent spore resistance characteristics, alkalination, storage time and storage temperature.
(18) Thus, many of the reported behavioral differences between normals and retardates of the same mental age are seen as products of motivational and experiential differences between these groups, rather than as the result of any inherent cognitive deficiency in the retardates.
(19) These data demonstrate that monocytes from subjects with psoriasis are altered and suggest an apparent inherent metabolic disorder.
(20) Hitherto performed abdominoperineal or sacroperineal procedures entailed major traumatizing surgery with an inherent risk of complications.