(a.) Incapable of being moved; immovable; fixed; stable.
Example Sentences:
(1) Maximal covalent binding of [4,5-14C]ronidazole to DNA also required four-electron reduction, consistent with previous studies of the covalent binding of this agent to immobilized sulfhydryl groups [Kedderis et al.
(2) Prolonged immobilization was accompanied by a decrease in Ca-concentration dependence of Ca2+ uptake.
(3) A 2-fold increase in the dissolution rate was observed when the same number of particles was immobilized without macrophages.
(4) The immobilizing activity of human normal sera occurred in low titres only, rarely in dilutions of greater than 1:32.
(5) We then used synthetic peptides spanning the active fragment to identify the primary sequence of the adhesive site as Leu-Arg-Glu (LRE): neurons attach to an immobilized LRE-containing peptide, and soluble LRE blocks attachment of neurons to the s-laminin fragment.
(6) The immobilized enzyme preparations were stable when stored at 4 degrees C and pH 7.5 for periods up to eight months.
(7) The binding of 125I-labeled core protein to immobilized fibronectin was inhibited by soluble fibronectin and by soluble cold core protein but not by albumin or gelatin.
(8) This was confirmed by the MAIPA ("Monoclonal Antibody Immobilization of Platelet Antigens") test, performed to detect antibodies to GP Ib-IX and GP IIb-IIIa.
(9) By using different immobilized and labeled antibodies, this method could easily be adapted for use with other analytes.
(10) The enzyme is immobilized to provide better control over its catalytic activity and to increase the lifetime of the biosensor.
(11) The biomechanical strength of femur of adult rats was tested after immobilization for 9 weeks and remobilization for 12 weeks of 1 hind leg.
(12) Binding of fibronectin, an extracellular matrix (ECM) protein, to Candida albicans was measured, and adherence of the fungus to immobilized ECM proteins, fibronectin, laminin, types I and IV collagen, and subendothelial ECM was studied.
(13) We felt that this relatively high redislocation rate was due to failure to immobilize these shoulders for 3 weeks postoperatively.
(14) Furthermore, monoclonal antibody CG37 specifically eluted 5'-nucleotidase from immobilized laminin and thus enabled its isolation from other myoblast laminin-binding proteins.
(15) The trauma, the immobilization and the surgery influenced the musculature of the operated as well as the intact leg.
(16) These experiments may provide the basis for the expanded use of immobilized lectins for purification and characterization of hydrolases and other glycoproteins.
(17) Weighed amounts of lyophilized venom from each snake were compared chronologically for variation in isoelectric focusing patterns, using natural and immobilized gradients.
(18) The author maintains that the osteoma of the brachial muscle as well as post-traumatic periarticular calcifications, occur in the muscle mass or in the tendon that prolongs it, or in the articular capsule, as a result of surgical treament and post-operative immobilization, and only exceptionally following orthopaedic treatment of traumatic lesions.
(19) A 30% maltodextrin solution has been continuously hydrolyzed at 50 degrees C and pH 4.5 in a recycled, fluidized bed reactor (FBR) containing GA immobilized on these magnetic microparticles.
(20) The antigen purified on immobilized mAb MEM-102 is recognized by all six known CD48 mAbs under western blotting conditions.
(a.) Not moving; not appearing to move; stable; fixed.
(a.) Not improving or getting worse; not growing wiser, greater, better, more excellent, or the contrary.
(a.) Appearing to be at rest, because moving in the line of vision; not progressive or retrograde, as a planet.
(n.) One who, or that which, is stationary, as a planet when apparently it has neither progressive nor retrograde motion.
Example Sentences:
(1) sn-Glycerol 3-phosphate was found to decrease the quasi-stationary concentration of Fru 2,6-P2.
(2) Although less growth occurred with limited glucose, M protein of high specific activity was produced with an actual increase in acid-extractable M protein during the stationary phase of growth.
(3) The mutant ribosomes prepared from the transition-phase cells have much lower activity (below 60%) for poly(U)-directed polyphenylalanine synthesis than those in exponentially growing or resting stationary-phase cells.
(4) At the beginning of the stationary phase the activity of intracellular nuclease was relatively stable in both strains.
(5) In the present study, we have compared the phosphorylation state of the fibronectin receptor in motile neural crest and somitic cells, in stationary somitic cells, and in Rous-sarcoma virus transformed-chick embryo fibroblasts, using immunoprecipitation following metabolic labeling.
(6) Both the formazans and tetrazolium salts were screened for their antiviral activity against the Ranikhet disease virus and vaccinia virus in a stationary culture of chorioallantoic membrane of chick embryo.
(7) By moving an electronic pen over a digitizing tablet, the subject could explore a line drawing stored in memory; on the display screen a portion of the drawing appeared to move behind a stationary aperture, in concert with the movement of the pen.
(8) In the stationary group the bronchograms showed only a mild mucous reaction, and peripheral filling was generally good.
(9) No significant differences were found between the motion and stationary MSLT days.
(10) Three types of behavior of the compound eye of Daphnia magna are characterized: 'flick', a transient rotation elicited by a brief flash of light; 'fixation', a maintained eye orientation in response to a stationary light stimulus of long-duration; 'tracking', the smooth pursuit of a moving stimulus.
(11) We report here that dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO): suppresses radiation-induced transformation in vitro, even when DMSO treatments begin as late as 10 days post-irradiation (when cells are in the confluent, stationary phase of growth); inhibits the 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) enhancement of radiation-induced transformation in vitro; does not affect the expression of transformed cells as foci (when surrounded by non-transformed cells); and may be affecting radiation-induced transformation through its solvent properties (i.e.
(12) Likewise, 60 s incorporations show a large amount of bicarbonate fixed into aspartate (30.9%) in stationary phase cells over that of exponential phase (11.6%).
(13) In particular we focus on the case encountered in many tomographic applications in which the spatial response functions are approximately stationary with object depth.
(14) Stationary-phase cells of Escherichia coli were enumerated by the pour plate method on Trypticase soy agar containing 0.3% yeast extract (TSYA), violet red-bile agar, and desoxycholate-lactose agar, and by the most-probable-number method in Brilliant Green-bile broth and lauryl sulfate broth.
(15) The main pregnancy resolution was vaginal via; only 6.3% of the study group subjected cesarean section against 10.3% of the witness group and the most frecuent indication was stationary dilation (1 and 8 cases respectively).
(16) The Chinese hamster fibroblasts entered the stationary phase of growth after 5.5 days of cultivation.
(17) Regeneration of cells from protoplasts was monitored throughout the growth cycle and was most efficient when cells of either S. fradiae or S. griseofuscus were taken from the transition phase between the exponential and stationary growth phases.
(18) Bacillus megaterium, in which sporulation was blocked either by mutation or with netropsin, synthesizes during the stationary phase more exocellular proteinase than the sporulating culture.
(19) The search process first segregates the array into moving and stationary items, and then examines the moving group for the target form.
(20) This device has collecting cups which follow the movements of the floor of the mouth but which is kept stationary by a fixed platform on the occlusal surfaces of the teeth.