(a.) Freedom or exemption from any charge, duty, obligation, office, tax, imposition, penalty, or service; a particular privilege; as, the immunities of the free cities of Germany; the immunities of the clergy.
(a.) Freedom; exemption; as, immunity from error.
Example Sentences:
(1) Patients with papillary carcinoma with a good cell-mediated immune response occurred with much lower infiltration of the tumor boundary with lymphocyte whereas the follicular carcinoma less cell-mediated immunity was associated with dense lymphocytic infiltration, suggesting the biological relevance of lymphocytic infiltration may be different for the two histologic variants.
(2) Herpesviruses such as EBV, HSV, and human herpes virus-6 (HHV-6) have a marked tropism for cells of the immune system and therefore infection by these viruses may result in alterations of immune functions, leading at times to a state of immunosuppression.
(3) We have investigated the effect of methimazole (MMI) on cell-mediated immunity and ascertained the mechanisms of immunosuppression produced by the drug.
(4) Competition with the labelled 10B12 MAb for binding to the purified antigen was demonstrated in sera of tumor-bearing and immune rats.
(5) In addition, this pretreatment protocol did not modify the recipient immune response against B-lymphocyte alloantigens which developed in unsuccessful transplants.
(6) within 12 h of birth followed by similar injections every day for 10 consecutive days and then every second day for a further 8 weeks, with mycoplasma broth medium (tolerogen), to induce immune tolerance.
(7) The nuclear origin of the Ha antigen was confirmed by the speckled nuclear immunofluorescence staining pattern given by purified antibody to Ha obtained from a specific immune precipitate.
(8) We determined whether serological investigations can assist to distinguish between chronic idiopathic autoimmune thrombocytopenia (cAITP) and immune-mediated thrombocytopenia in patients at risk to develop systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE); 82 patients were seen in this institution for the evaluation of immune thrombocytopenia.
(9) We postulate that FAA may affect the human peripheral and mucosal immune system.
(10) Attempts are now being made to use this increased understanding to produce effective killed vaccines that produce immune responses in the lung.
(11) These data indicate that RNA faithfully transfers "suppressive" as well as "positive" types of immune responses that have been reported previously for lymphocytes obtained directly from tumour-bearing and tumour-immune animals.
(12) Reactive metabolites which suppress splenic humoral immune responses are thought to be generated within the spleen rather than in distant tissues.
(13) Release of 51Cr was apparently a function of immune thymus-derived lymphocytes (T cells) because it was abrogated by prior incubation of spleen cells with anti-thymus antiserum and complement but was undiminished by passage of spleen cells through nylon-wool columns.
(14) These same molecules may be equally responsible for the pathologic characteristics of the immune response seen, for example, in inflammatory bowel diseases.
(15) The literature on depression and immunity is reviewed and the clinical implications of our findings are discussed.
(16) These results suggest that CD4+ protective T cells generated by immunization with vBCG are characterized by the ability to produce IFN-gamma after stimulation with specific Ag.
(17) All of the rabbits immunized with FCA developed sterile subcutaneous abscesses.
(18) We conclude that both exogenously applied PAF by inhalation and antigen exposure are capable of inducing LAR in sensitized guinea pigs, and thus the priming effect of immunization and PAF may contribute to the development of LAR observed in asthma.
(19) Its pathogenesis, still incompletely elucidated, involves the precipitation of immune complexes in the walls of the all vessels.
(20) Our results on humoral and cellular components of immunity in dependence of age, according to SENIEUR protocol admission criteria are presented.
(a.) Of or pertaining to cows; pertaining to, derived from, or caused by, vaccinia; as, vaccine virus; the vaccine disease.
(n.) The virus of vaccinia used in vaccination.
(n.) any preparation used to render an organism immune to some disease, by inducing or increasing the natural immunity mechanisms. Prior to 1995, such preparations usually contained killed organisms of the type for which immunity was desired, and sometimes used live organisms having attenuated virulence. since that date, preparations containing only specific antigenic portions of the pathogenic organism are also used, some of which are prepared by genetic engineering techniques.
Example Sentences:
(1) We were able to detect genetic recombination between vaccine strains of PRV following in vitro or in vivo coinoculation of 2 strains of PRV.
(2) Attempts are now being made to use this increased understanding to produce effective killed vaccines that produce immune responses in the lung.
(3) We have measured the antibody specificities to the two polysaccharides in sera from asymptomatic group C meningococcal carriers and vaccinated adults by a new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) procedure using methylated human serum albumin for coating the group C polysaccharide onto microtiter plates.
(4) The simultaneous administration of the yellow fever vaccine did not influence the titre of agglutinins induced by the classic cholera vaccine.
(5) Before carrier vaccines are applied, these risks must be thoroughly evaluated case-by-case.
(6) Whole-virus vaccines prepared by Merck Sharp and Dohme (West Point, Pa.) and Merrell-National Laboratories (Cincinnati, Ohio) and subunit vaccines prepared by Parke, Davis and Company (Detroit, Mich.) and Wyeth Laboratories (Philadelphia, Pa.) were given intramuscularly in concentrations of 800, 400, or 200 chick cell-agglutinating units per dose.
(7) The prophylactic effect of immunization with P. aeruginosa polyvalent corpuscular vaccine has been shown on the model of P. aeruginosa generalized chronic infection in mice with leukopenia induced by the intraperitoneal injection of cyclophosphamids.
(8) The data support inclusion of these residues in future CS protein vaccines.
(9) By vaccinating adult dogs in boarding kennels the morbidity rate dropped from 83.5% to 6.5% and the mortality rate from 4.1% to 0.5%.
(10) It is clear that before general release of a new living feline infectious enteritis vaccine, there must be satisfactory evidence that concurrent infection will not affect the safety of the modified antigen.In cats infected with feline infectious enteritis there appears to be a short period, coinciding with the onset of leucopaenia, during which they are highly infectious.
(11) The combination vaccine consisted of 12 Lf tetanus toxoid and 10 TCID50 vaccinia virus "MVA" preserved with gelatine and glucosamine.
(12) We evaluated the safety and efficacy of a conjugate vaccine that links the H. influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide to the outer-membrane protein complex (OMPC) of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B.
(13) The litter size of vaccinated gilts was larger than that of the control gilts.
(14) The SNT and the I-ELISA indicated that the pigs responded to vaccination and challenge.
(15) The value of benefit-risk, benefit-cost, and cost-effectiveness analyses lies not in providing the definitive basis for a decision on vaccine use or evaluation.
(16) Injection of about four ImD 50 of vaccine intracerebrally produced a local immunity, resulting in an immediate kill of challenge organisms given 14 days later.
(17) For the purpose of studying the role of elastase and protease of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in bacterial infection in burns, the effects of the vaccines made from each enzyme, their toxoids and OEP on protection against infection in burned mice were studied.
(18) No vaccination reactions were noted, although most birds involved in the trials were carrying Mycoplasma spp.
(19) Serum from piglets of vaccinated sows had no more bactericidal activity than did sera from non-vaccinated sows.
(20) The purpose of this study was to investigate a tumor cell vaccine delivered via peripheral lymphatics as maintenance therapy after induction of remission with chemotherapy.