(n.) A young or inferior devil; a little, malignant spirit; a puny demon; a contemptible evil worker.
(n.) Something added to, or united with, another, to lengthen it out or repair it, -- as, an addition to a beehive; a feather inserted in a broken wing of a bird; a length of twisted hair in a fishing line.
(n.) To graft; to insert as a scion.
(n.) To graft with new feathers, as a wing; to splice a broken feather. Hence, Fig.: To repair; to extend; to increase; to strengthen to equip.
Example Sentences:
(1) Intramembrane particles (IMP) were quantitatively assessed in the perikaryal plasma membranes of infundibular neurons.
(2) The inhibition by TAD of IMP DH activity in ovarian carcinomas (N = 4) was 81%.
(3) Incubation of I diaphragms with isoproterenol did not significantly increase the concentrations of AMP, IMP or inorganic phosphate, activators of phosphorylase beta activity, nor was there a decrease in ATP and glucose 6-phosphate content, allosteric inhibitors of phosphorylase beta activity.
(4) Second, interconversion of adenine nucleotides to guanine nucleotides, is curtailed by the inhibition of IMP dehydrogenase by these same IMP analogues.
(5) Under optimal reaction conditions, HhaI and RsaI cleaved the DMTS-std duplex to 76-77% completion and the DMTS-imp duplex to 96-99% completion.
(6) The incorporation of inosine or hypoxanthine into the IMP and ITP has been proved.
(7) At all times, a tight inverse correlation exists between ATP and IMP concentrations.
(8) It was concluded that the IMP content of human skeletal muscle is very low at rest and after low-intensity exercise, but increases after moderate and high-intensity exercise.
(9) The synthetic "C" nucleoside, tiazofurin (2-beta-D-ribofuranosylthiazole-4-carboxamide), its selenium analogue selenazofurin, and the related inhibitor of inosine 5'-phosphate (IMP) dehydrogenase, mycophenolic acid, are effective inducers of the terminal differentiation of HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells.
(10) After 60 min recovery, exercise was performed for 8-10 min each at 20, 30, 40 and 50 W. Measurements of pulmonary oxygen uptake, heart rate, blood pressure, leg blood flow, and femoral arterial-venous differences of oxygen content and lactate were performed as well as determination of ATP, creatine phosphate (CP) inosine monophosphate (IMP) and lactate concentrations on biopsy material from the quadriceps muscle before and immediately after the intense exercise, and at 3, 10 and 60 min into recovery.
(11) Virazole 5'-phosphate was subsequently found to be a potent competitive inhibitor of inosine 5'-phosphate dehydrogenase (IMP:NAD(+) oxidoreductase, EC isolated from Escherichia coli (K(m) = 1.8 x 10(-5) M) with a K(i) of 2.7 x 10(-7) M. Guanosine 5'-phosphate (GMP) was a competitive inhibitor of this enzyme with a K(i) of 7.7 x 10(-5) M. Virazole 5'-phosphate was similarly active against IMP dehydrogenase isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, with a K(i) of 2.5 x 10(-7) M. The K(m) for this enzyme was 1.8 x 10(-5) M, and the K(i) for GMP was 2.2 x 10(-4) M. These results suggest that the antiviral activity of Virazole might be due to the inhibition of GMP biosynthesis in the infected cell at the step involving the conversion of IMP to xanthosine 5'-phosphate.
(12) Initial rate kinetic studies demonstrate the ppGpp inhibition is competitive with respect to GTP and noncompetitive with respect to L-aspartate and IMP.
(13) Uptake of IMP was calculated from the arteriovenous difference of 14C-IMP across the lung and lung effluents and homogenates were analyzed for the presence of metabolites of IMP.
(14) During continuous isometric exercise with constant stimulation time, the amount of IMP was linearly and inversely related to the age of the animals; a higher IMP concentration was found in intermittent isometric and dynamic exercise.
(15) We evaluated the effect of high partial pressures of O2 on pulmonary uptake and metabolism of IMP.
(16) Thus, 123I-IMP and 99mTc-HM-PAO SPECTs seemed to be a useful tool in the diagnosis, deciding of whether the treatment was suspended or continued, and clarifying the pathophysiology in HSE.
(17) It was considered that the analysis of the lung release of 123I-IMP forms a new lung dysfunction index.
(18) The increased activity in cancer cells of inosine 5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMP DH, EC, the rate-limiting enzyme of de novo GTP biosynthesis, was suggested as a sensitive target for chemotherapy.
(19) To determine the biochemical mechanisms of cytotoxicity of these drugs, assay procedures have been developed for measurement of the levels of intermediates proximal to IMP in the pathway for de novo purine biosynthesis in mouse L1210 leukemia cells.
(20) Our review indicates that 123I-IMP SPECT may have an important future role in the early diagnosis and management of patients with acute infarctive stroke and AD.
(n.) Harm; damage; esp., disarrangement of order; trouble or vexation caused by human agency or by some living being, intentionally or not; often, calamity, mishap; trivial evil caused by thoughtlessness, or in sport.
(n.) Cause of trouble or vexation; trouble.
(v. t.) To do harm to.
Example Sentences:
(1) They want to send a very clear message to China that they are serious about this.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest This image from the US navy purportedly shows Chinese dredging vessels in the waters around Mischief reef in the disputed Spratly archipelago in May 2015.
(2) Steering the debate through these turbulent waters with more than his usual sense of mischief was David Dimbleby .
(3) And he was not above a spot of mischief on that score, imagining perhaps - and despite the prime minster's known stance – a time of closer European integration.
(4) | Howard W French Read more In the South China Sea, China has, by massive dredging operations, turned submerged reefs with names out of the novels of Joseph Conrad – Mischief Reef, Fiery Cross Reef – into artificial islands, and is completing a 3,000m runway on Fiery Cross.
(5) Nelson said: "Against the cacophony of the 24-hour news era, there has never been a greater need for what the Spectator offers: wit, style, mischief, elegance of thought and independence of opinion.
(6) Their carefully judged mischief lightened the whole mixture like stiffly beaten egg-whites.
(7) Campaigning before the June election Demirtaş had been full of mischief, needling Erdoğan, making fun of the AKP’s gaffes.
(8) He had a chirpy self-confidence even then and a sense of humour, but what made him attractive to a journalist was his enthusiasm for mischief.
(9) Did an implied "come up and see my target seat" let a political supremo make passes at women well out of his league – or did they make it up and risk all for mischief?
(10) He wrote with mischief and a sometimes acid eye about the theatre of politics.
(11) There is a new thirst for characters, for mischief-makers and rascals, for politicians whose mistakes make them more accessible to the rest of us.
(12) If they are not rascally Tories making mischief or communist infiltrators, then they are leftie romantics, their heads in a dwam and full of ideals incompatible with modern, monetarist Britain.
(13) The anecdote describes both his ego and his attachment to mischief-making – and it might even be true.
(14) Some people have tried to make mischief by claiming that the pupil premium is not additional money.
(15) 'Positive points are difficult to find today,' he said in that gnomic way of his that falls between irony and mischief.
(16) In the fevered Daily Mail version, this fact suggests a nefarious and hyperactive court, up to mischief and rejoicing in 'overruling' national authorities, better to promote the interests of sex offenders and the homicidal.
(17) US manoeuvre in South China Sea leaves little wiggle room with China Read more The guided-missile destroyer reportedly received orders to travel within 12 nautical miles (22.2km, or 13.8 miles) of the Spratlys’ Mischief and Subi reefs, which are at the heart of a controversial Chinese island building campaign that has soured ties between Washington and Beijing.
(18) I suspect that messrs Fry and Connolly – who grew up watching this man segue from gar- landed stage-thesp to tireless campaigner (Stonewall, women's and children's rights) to Hollywood catnip to that dreadful position for anyone with a fine remaining sense of mischief: being on the cusp of national-treasure status – were equally conscious of the company they were in.
(19) The introduction of Olsen in place of the sad and utterly disorientated McGrath for the last 15 minutes provided no answers as Oxford's willingness and determination to push wide down the flanks where Phillips was always a source of mischief only served to underline the frailty to United's current defensive framework.
(20) Gizewski could be accused of eccentricity (there is also a long letter to Social Democrat party members on his site, explaining why they should have voted against a coalition with Merkel's party), and perhaps of wilful mischief – he could have just linked to one of the thousands of other scans of Mein Kampf you can find on Google.