What's the difference between imperturbable and indomitable?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) The system shows almost complete imperturbability to moisture.
  • (2) MAC correlated with musculoskeletal complaints (-.29, p less than .05), eye complaints (-.36, p less than .05), personal activity (.38, p less than .05), personality dimensions: "Imperturbability" (.41, p less than .01), "Wellbeing" (.31, p less than .05), "Traditionalism" (-.45, p less than .01) and "Psychophysic constitution" (all evaluated by questionnaires), a body weight index (-.51, p less than .01) and systolic blood pressure after performance (-.51, p less than .01).
  • (3) Rolling sheets of ice particles were scouring the road, while the midday sky remained an imperturbable blue.
  • (4) That causes a clash between contradictory impulses: unruly urge for freedom and independence on the one hand, and insatiable yearning for harmonic community, that means, for imperturbable warm-hearted human relations on the other.
  • (5) It enraged this normally imperturbable competitor that the chair umpire refused to overrule the call and his anger got the better of him when he belted a forehand into the tape to give Murray the serve for a two-set lead.
  • (6) Obama, usually imperturbable in public, said he had not been "on vacation" and was busy with the economic crisis and two wars.
  • (7) The delightful-sounding writing partnership between the gum-chewing, slang-slinging, jodhpurs- and baseball cap-clad Wilder and the imperturbable East Coast brahmin Charles Brackett seemed like the ideal creative combination of accelerator and brake pedals.
  • (8) In this time, I saw Graham as diligent writer, movie star, alcoholic, activist and ultimately imperturbable, impenetrable human being.
  • (9) Once when an engine in a plane he was flying in caught fire, he was imperturbable.
  • (10) The best guarantees to avoid "dis-stress" as well as psychic stress-disorders are changing of attitude of life, compensation of overstrain by sensible recreational activities, going in for sport, engagement for human and social environmental factors as well as a harmonic family-life and a conception of life in the sense of imperturbability and tolerance.
  • (11) The kidnappers' demands were ably investigated by the bride, imperturbable in ivory satin, though the list of suspects (a brisk resumé of all the Braithwaites' aggrieved lovers) made her reconsider matrimony.
  • (12) His whole political position, in his own country and to an extent in the world, is based on projecting an image of being brilliantly and imperturbably on top of things.
  • (13) Despite living through extraordinary circumstances – a self-made man, he married a sometime chorus-girl, spent time with Hollywood movie stars, endured Nazi internment and journalistic accusations of treason – he still kept up the appearance of imperturbable "normality".
  • (14) Happily she is imperturbable – a "cool cat", as Louis Smith has it.
  • (15) The Social Imperturbability PD subscale was related inversely to trait anxiety.
  • (16) High and low levels of assault were best differentiated by Ma3 (Imperturbability), Scale 5 (Masculinity-Femininity), and Pa2 (Poignancy).
  • (17) Or does Osborne try to mimic Howe’s imperturbability in his pursuit of a swaggering Britain-as-hedge fund, a country ruled by the swift buck?
  • (18) After the Bin Laden raid the normally imperturbable army chief, General Ashfaq Kayani, held town-hall meetings on three bases.
  • (19) Journalism's loss, I fear.... More here: Janet Yellen's High School Friends Remember Her As Interested In Everything And Imperturbable Joseph Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) ALSO: Exclusive photos of Janet Yellen in high school.
  • (20) Once again I'm struck by the proximity and the imperturbable sang-froid of the big beasts.



  • (a.) Not to be subdued; untamable; invincible; as, an indomitable will, courage, animal.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) If Deng is a 21st-century Becky Sharp, we should recall that for all her cynicism, Thackeray's heroine also possessed an indomitable spirit.
  • (2) He speaks admiringly of the hot streak and indomitable desire that is shared by Suárez and Sánchez.
  • (3) The ideal Isolde is flame-haired, fiery, indomitable yet vulnerable, stern yet tender, and a standout dramatic soprano.
  • (4) The state government of Haryana said it would honour the girls’ “indomitable courage” .
  • (5) Just as an unbeaten run stretching back to Boxing Day could forge the same sort of indomitable team spirit that Leicester’s remarkable escape from relegation last season instilled in the King Power dressing room before Claudio Ranieri even arrived.
  • (6) Dean Kiely [a former Charlton goalkeeper] was always an inspiration to me because he didn’t get to the Premier League until he was 29.” Elliot’s mission is to imbue his team-mates with similarly indomitable spirit.
  • (7) My students understand the new media reality that has scared the once-indomitable Murdoch.
  • (8) That's an important crack in the NRA's seemingly indomitable public stance, and a sign that even this formidable lobby group does not stand above democratic accountability.
  • (9) Released 25 April Rio 2 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Well, it's hardly set on location, but if anything's going to get you buzzing for a trip to Brazil, it's this indomitable trio of CGI parrots.
  • (10) Fuchs bristles at that suggestion and makes an interesting analogy with a French comic book series and the indomitable Gauls fending off Roman occupation to explain Leicester’s mindset.
  • (11) The poorer classes seem to be getting some kind of vicarious pleasure from thinking: ‘I’m facing difficulties by standing in a queue, but the rich people who acquired wealth by dubious means, all their black money is gone.’” Whether these same people feel the pain was worth it, once money starts flowing again, will decide the fate of India’s seemingly indomitable prime minister.
  • (12) This, and other experiences at that time, made me even more determined to continue to show practical solidarity with the Eritreans who were demonstrating the indomitable spirit, which had, for years, enabled them to fight poverty, famine, and armed Ethiopian aggression.
  • (13) Now, I am in my 65th year with a teenage daughter still at home, and a mother in her 90th year who has a fragile independence boosted by an indomitable spirit, living 70 miles away.
  • (14) This is not the first time that financial concerns have affected the Indomitable Lions’s preparations for a World Cup.
  • (15) But the usually indomitable businessman admits he occasionally feels overwhelmed.
  • (16) But it would be surprising, when they are identified, if the great writer was not to be reburied in a place of honour so that admirers of the indomitable Knight of the Sad Countenance could pay their respects.
  • (17) Senator Charles Schumer called the crash “a massive and heartbreaking loss for this community.” “It deeply saddens me that Rochester has now lost two of its most indomitable, industrious visionaries,” Schumer said.
  • (18) Shawcross, for so long a formidable centre‑back who personified Stoke’s refusal to bow to supposed superiors, has not been his indomitable self since being afflicted by back trouble last year.
  • (19) In the Wimbledon final, Murray had taken an early advantage and then been hauled back, but here he was indomitable, matching everything Federer could throw at him and saving six break points.
  • (20) But while she might seem indomitable, Guillem knows perfectly well that her body will eventually let her down, and she has enough self-awareness to predict that she will suffer miserably when it does.