(a.) Not turning the mind to a matter; heedless; careless; negligent; inattentive.
Example Sentences:
(1) Previous studies have shown that immunosuppressive therapy permits the growth and spread of inadvertently transplanted malignant cells in man, and, in addition, is associated with a 5 to 6% incidence of de novo cancers in organ homograft recipients who were apparently free of cancer before and at the time of transplantation.
(2) Strict precautions are necessary to prevent the catastrophic events resulting from inadvertent gentamicin injection; such precautions should include precise labeling of all injectable solutions on the surgical field, waiting to draw up injectable antibiotics until the time they are needed, and drawing up injectable antibiotics under direct physician observation.
(3) Despite end-tidal CO2 monitoring, five children inadvertently developed PaCO2 greater than 50 torr during the study.
(4) Everyone worked hard, but it is fair to pick out Willian because of his work-rate, quality on the ball, participation in the first goal and quality of the second.” It had been Willian’s fizzed cross, 11 minutes before the break, which Dragovic had nodded inadvertently inside Shovkovskiy’s near post to earn the hosts their initial lead.
(5) 203 children born to women inadvertently treated during pregnancy were identified.
(6) Decreasing inadvertent PEEP by lengthening the expiratory time increased the compliance of the respiratory system (r = -0.74, n = 10, P less than 0.02).
(7) Eleven cases of inadvertent catheter insertion into the small bowel or stomach during percutaneous abdominal abscess drainage are reviewed.
(8) Five patients (1.8%) who inadvertently removed their gastrostomy tube within seven days of insertion were treated with immediate replacement using the retrograde string technique, avoiding laparotomy.
(9) However, of the four children with a residual gradient greater than 20 mm Hg, two were the youngest in the study, and in two the aorta was inadvertently dilated with a balloon 4 to 5 mm smaller than the isthmus diameter.
(10) Kipling deliberately concealed something of himself, but did not seek to conceal the truth about the nature of imperial power; Wodehouse exposed himself, and thereby inadvertently exposed something of the double standards of the system of power in which he unthinkingly believed.
(11) Four patients are described who experienced an acute episode of eczematous dermatitis of the scrotum where 5-fluorouracil (Efudex) cream had inadvertently been applied in the course of treating warts and keratoses.
(12) We describe the first reported case of inadvertent anastomosis of the left internal mammary artery to cardiac vein.
(13) Examples of drugs for which it may be undesirable to inadvertently increase plasma concentrations include warfarin, theophylline and phenytoin.
(14) These results confirm the biologic efficacy of local cooling and clearly contra-indicate the use of local heating to treat inadvertent DOX extravasations in the clinic.
(15) Mohan also said it amounted to an "innocuous British institution", a phrase that inadvertently emphasised its anachronistic nature.
(16) We propose inadvertent excision of the lateral portion of the inferior rectus muscle during inferior oblique myectomy as the probable mechanism of inferior rectus injury.
(17) Salicylates used for rheumatoid arthritis, or in inadvertently high dosages by patients themselves, often cause toxicity manifested by tinnitus, hearing impairment, and imbalance.
(18) On discontinuation of the agent, the liver damage disappeared, relapsed during inadvertent rechallenge, and healed following permanent withdrawal from the drug.
(19) Diagnostic procedures (lumbar puncture, fetal monitoring electrodes, suprapubic aspiration, and heel sticks) may result inadvertently in the inoculation of a neighboring osseous structure.
(20) A review of three hysterograms inadvertently performed during early pregnancy reaffirms the regular appearance of infiltration of aqueous opaque media into the substance of the decidua, producing the sign of the double-outlined uterine cavity.
Example Sentences:
(1) Weddellite calcification was associated with benign lesions in 16 cases, but incidental atypical lobular hyperplasia and lobular carcinoma in situ were present, each in one case.
(2) The remaining case had a calibre persistent submucosal artery within the caecum that was found incidentally in a resection specimen.
(3) No increased incidence of pancreas divisum was found in any of four groups: an incidental group, a group with alcoholic pancreatitis, a group with unexplained upper abdominal pain, and an idiopathic pancreatitis group.
(4) (Incidentally, Australia had just revoked Blanc’s visa).
(5) We concluded that this case was incidentally successful with good regeneration of urethral mucosa of the anterior urethra by grafting a polytetrafluoroethylene tube.
(6) Whether the incidentally reported increase in multiword responses in some normal elderly forecasts an approaching dementia needs further research.
(7) As predicted, the blocking effect was found to be smaller in subjects who displayed a high degree of incidental learning in either of two tasks in which intentional vs. incidental learning corresponded to (1) words vs. word position, or (2) a target initial word letter vs. non-target initial letters.
(8) Unresolved etiological issues requiring clarification in the near future include the following: (1) Are stressful events important in the development of panic, or are they more incidentally related?
(9) We report on a 47-year-old man with a granular cell tumour of the appendix, discovered incidentally during surgery for a rectal adenocarcinoma that had been irradiated preoperatively.
(10) Incidental teaching and traditional discrete-trial procedures were used to teach two children with autism the expressive use of two color adjectives to describe preferred toys and food items.
(11) Ninety patients with a visually normal opposite ovary had no identifiable tumor in that ovary by investigative incision or incidental excision.
(12) It was intended, however, as a response to more radical reforms proposed by congressman Justin Amash, a Republican from Michigan, and is likely to have relatively limited impact on the NSA's ability to collect data on US citizens through incidental means, the so-called backdoor provisions , which was seen as a bigger threat as Snowden's revelations continued.
(13) The markedly dilated main pancreatic duct was noticed at the time of an incidental ultrasonogram during hospitalization for diabetes mellitus.
(14) Our data suggest that the risk for development of a wound infection after a staging laparotomy for Hodgkin's disease is increased by performing an incidental appendectomy as part of the procedure.
(15) 10.21am GMT Incidentally, we've just learned that September was a less cheery month for the eurozone.
(16) Ductal carcinoma in situ as an incidental finding may be treated by excision alone; papillary and micropapillary DCIS are best treated by therapy aimed at the entire breast, although axillary dissection may not be required.
(17) Nonfatal complications specifically related to splenectomy occurred in 15 per cent of patients with multi-organ injury and in 18 per cent of patients with incidental-accidental splenic removal.
(18) The use of other techniques, such as a gated blood pool scanning or computerized tomography, affects primarily the incidental discovery of a "silent" tumor.
(19) We report two patients receiving maintenance valproate, one with resolving acute hepatitis C and the other with chronic persistent hepatitis C, with incidental microvesicular steatosis demonstrated on oil-red O stains.
(20) It is recommended that incidental teaching procedures be included in future language development programs for children with autism.