What's the difference between inadvisable and unwise?



  • (a.) Not advisable.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is concluded that it is inadvisable for a single observer to judge BMD when studying routine X-ray studies of the peripheral skeleton.
  • (2) The use of bucolome in infants with hyperbilirubinaemia is inadvisable.
  • (3) Our experience supports the use of this flap for local hand and forearm coverage when local tissue is unavailable and skin grafting is deemed inadvisable.
  • (4) Driving to meet Steve Horton, a US tax accountant whose clients include bankers, entrepreneurs and high-flying American lawyers based in France, the taxi driver passes Fouquet's, the expensive restaurant where Sarkozy inadvisedly celebrated his own election victory, in company with pop star Johnny Hallyday, film star Jean Reno and high-flying businessmen, prompting the coining of the soubriquet President Bling Bling.
  • (5) Yet it would be inadvisable to ban them, because that would drive people with eating disorders further into the shadows and away from potential help, she said.
  • (6) However, because of the inability to augment iron absorption to compensate for blood loss, it would be inadvisable for the patient with a partial gastrectomy to take a high dosage of aspirin for long periods of time, unless aspirin-induced blood loss is measured and shown to be very low.
  • (7) Species differences make extrapolation inadvisable.
  • (8) It is concluded that routine administration of DDAVP to CABG patients is inadvisable because hemodynamic side effects are potentially dangerous and therapeutic benefit is highly unlikely.
  • (9) Its use should particularly be considered in patients to whom the administration of radiographic contrast material is inadvisable.
  • (10) The use of inhalation anaesthetics is therefore inadvisable during bronchoscopy in adults unless sufficient anaesthetic scavenging can be established.
  • (11) Although commercial test kits for detecting elevated levels of maternal serum AFP were approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1983, ACOG has opposed their routine use on the grounds that the high incidence of false positive results makes it inadvisable to use the test in pregnant women who do not have access to high-quality follow-up tests and counseling.
  • (12) Contraindications include difficulty in establishing an adequate pneumoperitoneum; acute peritonitis, ileus, or intestinal obstruction; and inadvisability of penumoperitoneum or Trendelenburg position.
  • (13) Thymus tissue which is not removed during the operation is one of the causes of recurrent myasthenia, while unjustified extension of the volume of the operation in nonneoplastic affection of the thymus is also inadvisable.
  • (14) The light microscopical diagnoses of "reticulum cell sarcoma" seems now inadvisable, since thhe majority of these cases, when examined by electron microscopy, were found to be "blast cell sarcomas", probably lymphoid in nature.
  • (15) There are occasions when intermaxillary fixation may be inadvisable, and in these instances external fixation techniques may be an appropriate means of immobilization.
  • (16) If a paramedian sternotomy is proved, simple reclosure is inadvisable.
  • (17) The use of ampicillin as a single agent for the treatment of pyelonephritis, however, is inadvisable.
  • (18) It is concluded that operation for unilateral cataract is inadvisable, if the vision of the fellow eye is good and contact lenses cannot be used, that the time between operations for bilateral cataract should be as short as possible, and that the use of contact lenses is essential.
  • (19) Results are presented indicating the inadvisability of using lower animals as test subjects with the aim of predicting toxicity for higher animals.
  • (20) We present a case in which ovarian function was annuled through radiotherapy, instead of resorting to the most commonly used oophorectomy, since the patient's severe respiratory dysfunction made surgery inadvisable.



  • (a.) Not wise; defective in wisdom; injudicious; indiscreet; foolish; as, an unwise man; unwise kings; unwise measures.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Jeremain Lens, signed from Dynamo Kyiv, was fortunate to escape dismissal for a second yellow card, while Yann M’Vila, on loan from Rubin Kazan, followed his headbutt in the reserves by raising arms to Graham Dorrans during an unpunished, but unwise, bout of push ’n’ shove.
  • (2) It was considered unwise to treat amenorrhea with combined estrogens and progestagens because metrorrhagia ensued.
  • (3) Some of the ones they've sent to the European parliament, one of them got sent to prison , others had to send back a lot of money because they all believed what they were saying about the Brussels gravy train and rather unwisely tried to take advantage of it.
  • (4) Mentioning those values may have been deemed unwise, given the hyper-secularised culture of the new Länder .
  • (5) There is serious concern that some physicians may be unwisely abandoning well tested treatment methods because of the premature dissemination of early results of some trials.
  • (6) For the purpose of developmental evaluation of growing children and the nutritional assessment of individuals or populations, reliance on current North American standards for size, maturational timing, body fatness or osseous development may be unwise not only with respect to various African, Asiatic and Pacific populations but often with respect to adults and children in North America.
  • (7) The ACF’s chief executive, Kelly O’Shanassy, said: “The last federal budget was widely seen as unfair and unwise, cutting funding for science and environment.
  • (8) Since approximately half of the persons with contact allergy to neomycin will also react to gentamicin, it seems unwise to treat such patients with other intravenous aminoglycosides that are closely related chemically.
  • (9) Stephen King, the chief global economist at HSBC, the former Goldman Sachs economist Gavyn Davies and Roger Farmer, a professor of economics at the University of California, told MPs on the Treasury select committee that it would be unwise to embark on a large-scale spending spree to boost growth while government debt remained high.
  • (10) However, because of the biases associated with screening it would be unwise to advocate a nationwide programme until the results of the controlled trials now in progress are available.
  • (11) We believe it is unwise to discharge asthmatics from hospital until the diurnal variation in their peak flow is below 20%.
  • (12) David Davis, the leading Conservative rightwing MP, said it was unwise to build a policy on a single case, but claimed that as many as one or two in 100 parents were having an extra child due to the prospect of child benefit.
  • (13) We live in an age of confident political predictions that are repeatedly proven to be unwise, but this was an outcome that was never in serious doubt.
  • (14) However, it appears unwise to categorically refute the repetition of congenital toxoplasmosis in siblings.
  • (15) This may never happen, but it would be unwise to bet that way.
  • (16) He did a good job of helping Manchester City and Sheffield United out of the doldrums, but perhaps unwisely left the former when a return to Everton became possible, explaining at the time that City felt like an affair whereas Everton was a marriage.
  • (17) Resolution is needed of the non-health-related problems--including confidentiality and the possible loss of job, insurance, and friends--that make it difficult or unwise to advocate widespread screening for antibody to the AIDS virus at this point.
  • (18) Banks said May was unwise to reject the help offered by Farage, especially given his close relationship with Bannon, who ran the rightwing Breitbart news website before going to work for Trump.
  • (19) But it would be unwise for Labour's stance on the government's proposals to suggest we are conceding rather than contesting the reform territory.
  • (20) Drawing a link with DPT was especially unwise because Osborne had previously promised the new measure would force technology companies to unwind their complex tax structures which “ abuse the trust of the British people ”.