(a.) Not applicable; incapable of being applied; not adapted; not suitable; as, the argument is inapplicable to the case.
Example Sentences:
(1) A mere glance at the time courses shows what reaction schemes are inapplicable.
(2) I am convinced that the reasons are due to present-day attempts to guide the profession in a characteristically multiprofessional world by inapplicable, restrictive and inhibitive uni-professional concepts and principles.
(3) However, MDT is most unfortunately quite expensive and therefore inapplicable in most countries with high prevalence, since they are poor and underdeveloped.
(4) In six cases of the PME group, back-averaging was inapplicable because of rare occurrence of myoclonus, but they showed a typical giant SEP accompanied by an enhanced C reflex.
(5) In consequence, the usual conservation condition, Lk = Tw + Wr, is often inapplicable as formulated in terms of the winding of either strand of the DNA about the duplex axis.
(6) The strong mode preferences shown by curvature-controlled flagellar models, in contrast to the weak or absent mode preferences shown by real flagella, therefore do not demonstrate the inapplicability of the moment-balance approach to real flagella.
(7) The low levels of circulating N-terminal immunoreactivity in peripheral blood make this assay inapplicable for routine diagnostic purposes.
(8) It then appeared that such technology was in general inapplicable to the real-life situation of more primitive communities.
(9) This report presents a critique of the conclusion by Strauss et al, that MMPI diagnostic decision-making rules derived from whites are inapplicable to blacks.
(10) When divalent counterions are added, strong ion-ion correlations make the Poisson-Boltzmann approximation inapplicable.
(11) Although the law generally does not permit an individual to profit by his own wrongdoing, that equitable principle may be inapplicable in the case of an individual who has been adjudicated insane (and therefore has not committed a wrong in the eyes of the law).
(12) The results obtained from the continuity equation were reliable; however, this method is slow, unreliable in a context of atrial fibrillation and inapplicable in a context of mitral valve incompetence.
(13) For many teletherapy units, the source of these discrepancies lies in the inapplicability of the tabulated percent depth dose and tissue-air ratio values employed.
(14) The ethical consideration that seems to underlie this situation is, on the one hand, the inapplicability of ethical standards already set up, and, on the other hand, the possibility of a justifiable and very real improvement of the race by genetic control through technical progress.
(15) Changes in psychiatric treatment have rendered the "therapeutic community" concept inapplicable to the present day inpatient milieu.
(16) The reasons for the inapplicability of the crossover theorem previously used to analyze this preparation are described.
(17) The conclusion was made that BPB is inapplicable as a structural probe on account of low structural dependence of delta A630 and pH-limitation of lambda max used.
(18) On the other hand, although a good correlation (n = 22, r = 0.62, P less than 0.01) between SA and ESR was revealed in SLE patients, SA was inapplicable as a marker of disease activity in SLE because of a poor correlation between SA and anti-DNA antibody or serum complement which is mainly used as a marker of disease activity and a guide to treatment.
(19) In addition to the inapplicability of the concept to current social problems, and the difficulties of applying current psychiatric knowledge to effect a rational delineation between the two legal entities encompassed under the rubric of responsibility and nonresponsibility, the potential problems and the potential opportunities which may result from the abolition of the plea are presented.
(20) I propose somewhat different explanations for such conflicts and draw attention to the inapplicability of some of the old organizational theories that are being overtaken by the dynamics of modern health care organizations and their dependence on total quality management and resource allocation methods driven by diagnosis related groups.
Example Sentences:
(1) But it will be a subtle difference, because it's already abundantly clear there's no danger of the war being suddenly forgotten, or made to seem irrelevant to our sense of what Europe and the world has to avoid repeating.
(2) At this point that is largely an irrelevance,” he said.
(3) That idea may seem irrelevant to those of us who live a broadband lifestyle, but Justin Smith – who tracks the company's movements on the Inside Facebook blog – says that it makes perfect sense.
(4) Mammary tumors in dogs related to oral contraceptives are now widely considered to be irrelevant as a model or predictor for human tumors.
(5) We conclude that transformation by transfection with human tumor DNA does not require persistence of the BKV viral genome, suggesting that either BKV virus was irrelevant to original oncogenesis, in analogy with models proposed by others for herpesvirus oncogenesis.
(6) The search for the Na-K-ATPase inhibitor has been hampered by the lack of specificity of most assays which demonstrate the presence of many irrelevant Na-K-ATPase inhibitors.
(7) Ratios of MoAb 273-34A to a nonspecific, irrelevant MoAb 135-14 are 250 to 285 times higher in the lung than in the serum.
(8) But what has really been lost is a sense of the density and interdependence of human life, which can neither be reduced to a formula nor brushed aside as irrelevant.
(9) It isn't, of course; but to make the primary complaint that he is using his view of the first world war to make political points is asking us to make history irrelevant to all but academics.
(10) As arousal level increases, so does selectivity, and attention is diverted away from irrelevant task components.
(11) New analysis by the climate think tank Sandbag predicts that by 2020 the ETS could be so over-supplied with tradable permits that it will be almost completely irrelevant.
(12) The actual rights and wrongs of it are almost irrelevant.
(13) When the three-tone patterns were embedded in longer sequences of seven or eight tones, the identification performance was best when the pattern occurred at the beginning or the end of the sequence, and when the range of frequencies from which the irrelevant background tones were chosen lay outside the range of pattern frequencies.
(14) The “right to be forgotten” ruling allows EU residents to request the removal of search results that they feel link to outdated or irrelevant information about themselves on a country-by-country basis.
(15) Using this methodology, no non-allogeneic reactive T cells remain in the responding cells: after restimulation by autologous LCL, no IL-2-SC could be seen and no cytotoxic activity could be observed against autologous, irrelevant or LAK sensitive targets.
(16) Blocking is an established animal learning procedure, thought by some researchers to reflect selective attention; decreased blocking indicates increased processing of irrelevant stimuli.
(17) There was a significant but clinically irrelevant increase in mean pulse rate before and 1 min after early bronchoscopy.
(18) In both experiments, videotapes of model monkeys behaving fearfully were spliced so that it appeared that the models were reacting fearfully either to fear-relevant stimuli (toy snakes or a toy crocodile), or to fear-irrelevant stimuli (flowers or a toy rabbit).
(19) The precise identities of the alleles are irrelevant to the linkage analysis so long as identity-by-descent and linkage-phase information are preserved.
(20) And the fact that the disclosures have led to the highest journalism rewards, have led to historic reforms in the US and around the world – all of that would be irrelevant in a prosecution under the espionage laws in the United States.” Snowden also could face an untold number of additional charges if he returned to the United States.