What's the difference between incandescent and scintillant?



  • (a.) White, glowing, or luminous, with intense heat; as, incandescent carbon or platinum; hence, clear; shining; brilliant.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The fact that it is still used is regrettable yet unavoidable at present, but the average quantity is three times less than the mercury released into the atmosphere by burning the extra coal need to power equivalent incandescent bulbs.
  • (2) The lighting regimen was 14 h light: 10 h dark, supplied by natural diffused sunlight and incandescent bulbs.
  • (3) All plasma porphyrins could be protected for several days from similar photodegradation by performing all blood drawing, processing, and assay procedures under ordinary red-incandescent illumination, and by storage in the dark.
  • (4) There is a normal version of David, but I've seen him before he goes on stage and he somehow has the ability to will himself into something magnetic and incandescent.
  • (5) Daniel Levy, the chairman, was, according to sources, incandescent and there is the firm belief at Tottenham that Chelsea did not truly want Willian.
  • (6) From Bantry Bay to Bucharest, European ceilings today bear witness to a mass hanging signifying the end of the incandescent bulb.
  • (7) When battery operated CDC miniature incandescent and black light traps (with and without light bulbs) were operated with and without CO2, the rank of trap effectiveness for total numbers of female Culicoides variipennis caught was: black light plus CO2; CO2-baited trap without light bulb; black light without CO2; incandescent light plus CO2 and incandescent light without CO2.
  • (8) However, the more recent studies reported here examined acetophenone-UV-B photosensitization, UV-B photoisomerization, and photoreactivation using cloned E. coli photolyase and filtered incandescent light.
  • (9) Standard 75W, 100W and 150W incandescent bulbs will disappear from sale in January under a government plan to switch to environmentally friendly, but often more expensive, eco-bulbs.
  • (10) It is unclear whether China will totally phase out production of incandescents.
  • (11) In the presence of incandescent light, each aggregate develops into a structurally complex fruiting body, possessing a stalk and several sporangia.
  • (12) Campaigners hope China's plan will nonetheless encourage producers – who make 3.85 billion incandescent bulbs a year, an estimated 70% of the world's supply – to shift towards other products, in particular CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) and LEDs.
  • (13) Major observations were as follows: both Kodak and DuPont films produced clinically acceptable duplicates; Kodak film was faster; DuPont film responded better in incandescent photoflood light than Kodak film; clear glass with appropriate light-film distance was the best exposure surface.
  • (14) In the bask of the incandescent, you are prone to believe that human beings are essentially good, that tomorrow will be a better day, that love will triumph.
  • (15) Experts predict that the shift in demand will also cut the cost of CFLs and increase the cost of incandescents globally.
  • (16) The control group was maintained indoors under conditions that do not induce hibernation, including fluctuating temperature of 6-12 degrees C, ad libitum feed, and exposure to natural and incandescent light.
  • (17) A catheter tip oximeter is described consisting of a cardiac catheter containing optical fibers, and incandescent light source, a light detection unit and a processing unit.
  • (18) Lighting and fridges – traditionally the most energy-consuming products in the home – are becoming more efficient, while the phasing out of incandescent light bulbs has brought down the overall contribution of lighting, and is expected to lead to further reductions by 2020.
  • (19) One of the three types of lighting was incandescent.
  • (20) Stability studies indicate that rotenone reacts with animal chow with a half-life of 7--8 days and is photodegraded in incandescent light with a half-life of 0.65 day.



  • (a.) Emitting sparks, or fine igneous particles; sparkling.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Radioactivity attained in different tissues at different times after a single intraperitoneal injection of 3H-gentamicin into male rats was determined using scintillation counting.
  • (2) An accurate and reproducible method is described for generating a map of the cobalt sheet source from images of it made in multiple positions with the scintillation camera.
  • (3) (The scintillation medium is preheated with ethanolamine to eliminate chemiluminescence.)
  • (4) [8(-14)C]Inosine monophosphate formed was separated by high-voltage electrophoresis and radioactivity was measured by liquid-scintillation counting.
  • (5) With liquid scintillation counting after two-dimensional gel electrophoresis it is possible to estimate the proportion of species-specific ribosomal protein in a mouse-hamster somatic cell hybrid.
  • (6) Plasma data and scintillation camera images obtained from patients receiving either 1, 50, or 100 mg of monoclonal antibody indicated dose-dependent (i.e., saturable) kinetics.
  • (7) Features of this spectrometer which make it more suitable than the previously employed scintillation spectrometers for the observation of granulocyte and other chemiluminescent systems include; (1) the ability to measure CL immediately upon reaction initiation; (2) simplicity of photomultiplier tube exchange; and (3) built-in optical filter holders for spectral analysis.
  • (8) A simple scanning apparatus, similar to that used in a hand-held scintillation probe, was compared with simultaneous measurements made by a gamma camera in 16 healthy males.
  • (9) We conclude that analog motion correction should be provided in all scintillation cameras used for liver scintigraphy.
  • (10) To investigate the potential application of radionuclide computed tomography (RCT) to nuclear medicine imaging using 99mTc, a tomographic system using a lightweight scintillation camera for brain imaging was constructed, and lesion contrast with RCT and conventional scintigraphy were compared.
  • (11) Larger detectors with converging collimation result in much higher photon input rates to the scintillation crystal in routine clinical studies than has occurred in the past.
  • (12) Samples were assayed using liquid scintillation counting and the iodoantipyrine results were regressed against the butanol results.
  • (13) A device based on an 8080 microprocessor was assembled for the generation of image data in a manner similar to that of the scintillation camera.
  • (14) Graft segments, effluents, and seeding suspension were assayed in a beta scintillation counter.
  • (15) Metabolism of 2-aminofluorene was measured both colorimetrically (formation of a reduced iron chelate from the N-hydroxyfluorene metabolite) and radiochemically (separation of 3H-metabolites by high performance liquid chromatography and quantitation by scintillation counting).
  • (16) The bioluminescence marker was expressed in the presence of n-decanal, and was monitored as chemiluminescence in a liquid scintillation counter.
  • (17) The migration of the donor lymphocytes was followed by labeling them in vitro with either [3H] or [14C]uridine and measuring radioactivity by scintillation counting of the spleen and lymph nodes of the recipients removed 24 h after injection and in TDL collected throughout this period.
  • (18) By utilizing the gamma-emitting isotope of selenium, Se-(8-azidoadenosyl)[75Se]selenomethionine eliminates the need for the impregnation of acrylamide gels with fluorographic enhancers and dilution of liquid samples into scintillation cocktails, as is required with the commonly used methyl-3H-labeled and 35S-labeled S-(8-azidoadenosyl)methionine.
  • (19) Of 116 patients who had undergone combined liver-lung scintillation imaging, 23 with negative studies had abnormal subphrenic spaces at operation, and 5 with positive studies had abnormal subphrenic spaces at laparotomy (hematomas, bile spillage, serous fluid or abscess); 4 of 6 nonexplored positive studdies showed resolution of defects on serial imaging.
  • (20) Elution with 2 X 5 ml of 0.1 M sodium chloride in 5 mM ammonium acetate removes all of the orotate and leaves all of the product orotidine monophosphate (OMP) bound so that it may be measured in a scintillation counter.

Words possibly related to "scintillant"