What's the difference between incandescent and zirconia?



  • (a.) White, glowing, or luminous, with intense heat; as, incandescent carbon or platinum; hence, clear; shining; brilliant.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The fact that it is still used is regrettable yet unavoidable at present, but the average quantity is three times less than the mercury released into the atmosphere by burning the extra coal need to power equivalent incandescent bulbs.
  • (2) The lighting regimen was 14 h light: 10 h dark, supplied by natural diffused sunlight and incandescent bulbs.
  • (3) All plasma porphyrins could be protected for several days from similar photodegradation by performing all blood drawing, processing, and assay procedures under ordinary red-incandescent illumination, and by storage in the dark.
  • (4) There is a normal version of David, but I've seen him before he goes on stage and he somehow has the ability to will himself into something magnetic and incandescent.
  • (5) Daniel Levy, the chairman, was, according to sources, incandescent and there is the firm belief at Tottenham that Chelsea did not truly want Willian.
  • (6) From Bantry Bay to Bucharest, European ceilings today bear witness to a mass hanging signifying the end of the incandescent bulb.
  • (7) When battery operated CDC miniature incandescent and black light traps (with and without light bulbs) were operated with and without CO2, the rank of trap effectiveness for total numbers of female Culicoides variipennis caught was: black light plus CO2; CO2-baited trap without light bulb; black light without CO2; incandescent light plus CO2 and incandescent light without CO2.
  • (8) However, the more recent studies reported here examined acetophenone-UV-B photosensitization, UV-B photoisomerization, and photoreactivation using cloned E. coli photolyase and filtered incandescent light.
  • (9) Standard 75W, 100W and 150W incandescent bulbs will disappear from sale in January under a government plan to switch to environmentally friendly, but often more expensive, eco-bulbs.
  • (10) It is unclear whether China will totally phase out production of incandescents.
  • (11) In the presence of incandescent light, each aggregate develops into a structurally complex fruiting body, possessing a stalk and several sporangia.
  • (12) Campaigners hope China's plan will nonetheless encourage producers – who make 3.85 billion incandescent bulbs a year, an estimated 70% of the world's supply – to shift towards other products, in particular CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) and LEDs.
  • (13) Major observations were as follows: both Kodak and DuPont films produced clinically acceptable duplicates; Kodak film was faster; DuPont film responded better in incandescent photoflood light than Kodak film; clear glass with appropriate light-film distance was the best exposure surface.
  • (14) In the bask of the incandescent, you are prone to believe that human beings are essentially good, that tomorrow will be a better day, that love will triumph.
  • (15) Experts predict that the shift in demand will also cut the cost of CFLs and increase the cost of incandescents globally.
  • (16) The control group was maintained indoors under conditions that do not induce hibernation, including fluctuating temperature of 6-12 degrees C, ad libitum feed, and exposure to natural and incandescent light.
  • (17) A catheter tip oximeter is described consisting of a cardiac catheter containing optical fibers, and incandescent light source, a light detection unit and a processing unit.
  • (18) Lighting and fridges – traditionally the most energy-consuming products in the home – are becoming more efficient, while the phasing out of incandescent light bulbs has brought down the overall contribution of lighting, and is expected to lead to further reductions by 2020.
  • (19) One of the three types of lighting was incandescent.
  • (20) Stability studies indicate that rotenone reacts with animal chow with a half-life of 7--8 days and is photodegraded in incandescent light with a half-life of 0.65 day.



  • (n.) The oxide of zirconium, obtained as a white powder, and possessing both acid and basic properties. On account of its infusibility, and brilliant luminosity when incandescent, it is used as an ingredient of sticks for the Drummomd light.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Purified boveine growth hormone labeled enzymatically with iodine-125 was covalently coupled to cyanogen bromide activated Sepharose 4B gel and to diazotized zirconia-clad glass beads.
  • (2) Hydroxyapatite ceramics with zirconia dispersion from fine powders synthesized hydrothermally were post-sintered at 1000-1300 degrees C under 200 MPa of argon for 1 h without capsules, after normal sintering in air at 1200 degrees C for 3 h. Densification was most significant with post-sintering at 1200 degrees C. Fracture toughness, Vickers hardness and elastic properties of these materials were investigated.
  • (3) These studies have shown that phosphate-modified zirconia is a useful high-performance ion-exchange support for the separation of cationic proteins and for blocking the sites responsible for the high affinity of zirconia towards certain anions.
  • (4) Two commercial investment materials, Ohara and Castmatic, and an experimental zirconia material were analyzed.
  • (5) A method for preparing cross-section transmission electron microscopy specimens from alumina and partially stabilized zirconia braze joints is described.
  • (6) Zirconia was used in this study for implant dental roots because of its superior properties over other materials used as dental roots in mechanical strength, toughness, workability, and biocompatibility.
  • (7) The fibres were examined in the 'as-manufactured' state and after heating at 1200 and 1400 degrees C. Devitrification of the fibres at 1200 degrees C probably gave mullite crystals on the surface and caused the formation of the high-temperature form of cristobalite and, in zirconia grade fibres, the high-temperature, tetragonal form of zirconia as well.
  • (8) To obtain inlay, crown and bridge types of titanium castings with sufficient size accuracy, zirconia investments with 10 mol % calcia were studied for their setting expansion, thermal expansion, total expansion, casting shrinkage compensation deficiency on fabrication method, particle size of zirconia, calcia and mixing liquid.
  • (9) Zirconia at 50 micrograms ml-1 adsorbed 99.95% of added E. coli O128 LPS.
  • (10) In addition, alumina and zirconia ceramic balls are now in routine clinical use in Europe.
  • (11) Ceramic fibres are manufactured largely from the aluminosilicate group of minerals but some contain only alumina, zirconia or silica.
  • (12) However, ageing for long periods in Ringer's solution promoted a surface layer of monoclinic zirconia.
  • (13) Detection of calcium and chlorine also suggested bonding of experimental zirconia via calcium chloride.
  • (14) Detection of aluminum, silicon, magnesium, zirconium and oxygen provided a basis to reason the presence of alumina (Al2O3), silica (SiO2), magnesia (MgO), and zirconia (ZrO2).
  • (15) Preliminary evaluation of bare or polymer-coated colloidal monoclinic zirconia of nominal particle size 100 nm indicated that it is an effective adsorbent for pyrogenic lipopolysaccharides (LPS) as measured by chemical and Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) assays.
  • (16) Results suggest the zirconia used is a superior ceramic coating to the alumina.
  • (17) Further heating changed surface structure and led to zircon production in the zirconia fibres.
  • (18) Extensive microcracking occurred around refractory particles and through matrix in experimental zirconia which is likely to have resulted from the firing of kyanite to 1400 degrees C, to the monoclinic to tetragonal transformation of any unstabilized ZrO2, or to the thermal expansion mismatch between kyanite and matrix.
  • (19) We implanted cylinders of alumina ceramics (Al2O3), zirconia ceramics (ZrO2) and SUS-316 L stainless steel into the distal femoral epiphyses of dogs and then made observations from 4 to 96 wk post-operatively.
  • (20) Some LPS contaminating BSA lacked affinity for zirconia.

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