(a.) Wanting in ability or qualification for the purpose or end in view; not large enough to contain or hold; deficient in physical strength, mental or moral power, etc.; not capable; as, incapable of holding a certain quantity of liquid; incapable of endurance, of comprehension, of perseverance, of reform, etc.
(a.) Not capable of being brought to do or perform, because morally strong or well disposed; -- used with reference to some evil; as, incapable of wrong, dishonesty, or falsehood.
(a.) Not in a state to receive; not receptive; not susceptible; not able to admit; as, incapable of pain, or pleasure; incapable of stain or injury.
(a.) Unqualified or disqualified, in a legal sense; as, a man under thirty-five years of age is incapable of holding the office of president of the United States; a person convicted on impeachment is thereby made incapable of holding an office of profit or honor under the government.
(a.) As a term of disgrace, sometimes annexed to a sentence when an officer has been cashiered and rendered incapable of serving his country.
(n.) One who is morally or mentally weak or inefficient; an imbecile; a simpleton.
Example Sentences:
(1) Absorption of this serum with embryo cells eliminated cytotoxicity against MCA-2 and MCA-12 cells, but was incapable of lowering the titer against MCA-3 cells below 1:40.
(2) CP analogues that lacked the NH group at N3 or were otherwise incapable of alkyl isocyanate release were inactive.
(3) An analysis of 22 non-invasive EPEC TnphoA mutants revealed that seven have insertions in the EAF plasmid and are incapable of localized adherence.
(4) Exact comparisons of recovery of ocular tone (Maddox Wing test) between the anaesthetics were not possible as both Althesin and methohexitone rendered some patients incapable of taking the tests in the early post-operative period.
(5) Similarly, the fetus is an ideal recipient of allogeneic fetal cells as it is incapable of rejecting them early in gestation.
(6) Myocardial perfusion is best evaluated at rest and during exercise, however, alternative methods have been sought to increase coronary blood flow in patients incapable of performing adequate exercise.
(7) Cocaine was considered incapable of producing dependence in 1980 but was recently proclaimed the drug of greatest national health concern.
(8) We have documented that the profoundly depressed postcardiotomy left ventricle, initially incapable of ejection, can recover during total left ventricular unloading with the abdominal left ventricular assist device support over a seven-day period.
(9) Results are presented which show that the D-xylose isomerases present in Streptomyces olivaceus and Streptomyces phaeochromogenes NRRL B-3559 are incapable of utilizing D-lyxose as a substrate.
(10) In contrast, all three molecules were incapable of inducing IFN-alpha when added into either purified monocyte or lymphocyte cultures.
(11) Extracts of liver and lung were incapable of catabolizing any of the analogues.
(12) In fact the then president, Amadou Toumani Touré, known as "ATT" more out of derision than any sense of affection, was viewed as deeply corrupt and incapable of delivering the changes that Mali – still one of the five least-developed countries in the world – needed.
(13) On Thursday, conservative analyst Ross Douthat wrote: “A party whose leading factions often seemed incapable of budging from 1980s-era dogma suddenly caved completely.” On Friday, former top Barack Obama strategist David Axelrod tweeted : “The Day After: seems as if @GOP establishment is measuring @realDonaldTrump as a moldable vessel.
(14) I seem incapable of capturing the stories of those I meet.
(15) It can bring about specialized transduction of proAB and phoE mutants of E. coli, but it is incapable of general transduction.
(16) It said Damascus had proved itself "incapable of using its weapons systems proportionately or discriminately" and had fired lethal Scud missiles against its own cities, such as Aleppo.
(17) In the 1990s he was almost incapable of not writing a masterpiece – The Human Stain, The Plot Against America, I Married a Communist.
(18) Methaemoglobin is incapable of transporting oxygen.
(19) Sheep infection trials indicate that the PLD-negative C. pseudotuberculosis strain (Toxminus) is incapable of inducing caseous lymphadentis (cheesy gland) even at doses two logs higher than that at which the wild-type strain produces the disease.
(20) Cotransformants of yeast cells by two partially homologous plasmids, one of which is incapable of autonomous replication, has been used to construct multiply marked recombinant plasmids.
(n.) A person of weak intellect; a silly person.
Example Sentences:
(1) Reading your post I couldn't help but think tonight's simpletons had undergone a similar experience."
(2) But these simpletons are absolutely determined to find their seat.
(3) There’s a really big willingness to help here in Germany and a mind-boggling number of people that are doing lots for refugees, who are not racist, and I think it’s their voice that should be dominant rather than a handful of simpletons who think they should stir up hatred.” This article was amended on 7 August 2015 to correct the name of the news programme on which Reschke made her comments
(4) Maybe because I am a simpleton and sometimes can only process what I can see – the actual sky, rather than invisible cyberspace in which data blips through fibre-optic cables.
(5) George W. Bush was a Texan simpleton who took more time playing golf on his computer than deciding on executions while governor.
(6) Responses to Doyle’s tweet included one from another Twitter user who asked : “What has a Muslim woman in Croydon, got to do with the horrific events in Belgium, you simpleton?” Another, referring to the far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik, asked : “Did anyone accost you on the streets of Croydon after the Brevik shooting in Norway?
(7) Which is also to say, for younger visitors, that the exhibition could even be seen to reduce Diana to the big-spending simpleton who was castigated in Anthony O’Hear’s revisionist essay of 1998, as shallow and self-obsessed.
(8) He is by no means the simpleton played by Peter Sellers in Being There, but, like Gardiner, every utterance, however gnomic, is now thought to contain a greater truth.
(9) And Navracsics’ hastily put together statement from yesterday seems to only repeat the same category error, a simpleton bureaucrat mantra trying to dodge the absurdity of the EU apparently having no responsibility to give any support to the EU’s own youth orchestra.
(10) These use the character of Lennie, the gentle simpleton who doesn't know his own strength from Steinbeck's 1937 novel Of Mice and Men, as a benchmark, with the court writing: "Texas citizens might agree that Steinbeck's Lennie should, by virtue of his lack of reasoning ability and adaptive skills, be exempt" .
(11) "I was a simpleton last Saturday evening at Melbourne Park."
(12) My husband is pointing out, veeerrryy slowly, as if to a simpleton, that this would involve us trebling our current mortgage.
(13) A dverts for insurance comparison websites have long treated the British public like a shower of infantilised simpletons.
(14) Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson rapped over "special needs" joke This time it's media regulator Ofcom tut-tutting after Clarkson describes the Ferrari F430 Speciale as "a bit wrong ... that smiling front end ... it looked like a simpleton ... [it] should have been called the 430 Speciale Needs".
(15) I liked the idea of an island with a vocation – all islands should have one, surely – and Tico took great pleasure in instructing me in the difference between primary and secondary Atlantic rainforest (simpleton that I am, I thought all forest was good, but Tico tut-tutted every time we passed a coconut palm), and even more pleasure in skipping up the 990m Pico do Papagaio while I lumbered behind.