What's the difference between incidency and incidental?
(n.) Incidence.
Example Sentences:
(1) By 1978, the reduction in incidence of measles will exceed 90%.
(2) The cumulative incidence of grade II and III acute GVHD in the 'low dose' cyclosporin group was 42% compared to 51% in the 'standard dose' group (P = 0.60).
(3) Children of smoking mothers had an 18.0 per cent cumulative incidence of post-infancy wheezing through 10 years of age, compared with 16.2 per cent among children of nonsmoking mothers (risk ratio 1.11, 95% CI: 1.02, 1.21).
(4) In X-irradiated litters, almost invariably, the incidence of anophthalmia was higher in exencephalic than in nonexencephalic embryos and the ratio of these incidences (relative risk) decreased toward 1 with increasing dose.
(5) A commensurate rise in both smoking and adenocarcinoma has occurred in the Far East where the incidence rate (40%) is twice that of North America or Europe.
(6) Side effect incidence in patients treated with the paracetamol-sobrerol combination (3.7%) was significantly lower than that observed in subjects treated with paracetamol (6.1% - P less than 0.01), salicylics (25.1% - P less than 0.001), pyrazolics (12.6% - P less than 0.001), propionics (20.3%, P less than 0.001) or other antipyretics (17.9% - P less than 0.001).
(7) Time-series analysis and multiple-regression modeling procedures were used to characterize changes in the overall incidence rate over the study period and to describe the contribution of additional measures to the dynamics of the incidence rates.
(8) Factors associated with higher incidence of rejection included loose sutures, traumatic wound dehiscence, and grafts larger than 8.5 mm.
(9) In a random sample of 1,000 neonates from a Delhi Hospital the incidence of jaundice was 53% and of hyperbilirubinaemia (HB) 6%.
(10) Peak incidence is found among 40 to 49-year-old and 60 to 64-year-old women.
(11) The high incidence of infant astigmatism has implications for critical periods in human visual development and for infant acuity.
(12) In all, 207 cases of liver cancer were seen during this period, giving an incidence of rupture of 14.5%.
(13) Serial observations of blood pressure after unilateral adrenalectomy for aldosterone-producing adenoma revealed an incidence of hypotension (systolic BP less than fifth percentile for age- and sex-matched normal population) of 27% at 2 years, more than 5 times that predicted.
(14) He also deals with the incidence, conservative and surgical treatment of osteo-arthrosis in old age and with the possibilities of its prevention.
(15) We have not had another incidence of fetal scalp infection associated with intrapartum monitoring.
(16) The most important conclusion of both conferences was that oestrogen substitution can significantly reduce the incidence of fractures in postmenopausal women.
(17) We investigated the incidence of skin cancer among patients who received high doses of PUVA to see whether such incidence increased.
(18) In addition, recent increase of the annual incidence of the above both groups was clarified.
(19) We found that, although controlled release delivery of ddC inhibited de novo FeLV-FAIDS replication and delayed onset of viremia when therapy was discontinued (after 3 weeks), an equivalent incidence and level of viremia were established rapidly in both ddC-treated and control cats.
(20) We studied the effect of low-dose intrathecal morphine (0.00-0.20 mg) on pain relief and the incidence of side effects after cholecystectomy in 139 patients divided into eight groups according to intrathecal morphine dose: groups 1 (0.00 mg), 2 (0.04 mg), 3 (0.06 mg), 4 (0.08 mg), 5 (0.10 mg), 6 (0.12 mg), 7 (0.15 mg), and 8 (0.20 mg).
Example Sentences:
(1) Weddellite calcification was associated with benign lesions in 16 cases, but incidental atypical lobular hyperplasia and lobular carcinoma in situ were present, each in one case.
(2) The remaining case had a calibre persistent submucosal artery within the caecum that was found incidentally in a resection specimen.
(3) No increased incidence of pancreas divisum was found in any of four groups: an incidental group, a group with alcoholic pancreatitis, a group with unexplained upper abdominal pain, and an idiopathic pancreatitis group.
(4) (Incidentally, Australia had just revoked Blanc’s visa).
(5) We concluded that this case was incidentally successful with good regeneration of urethral mucosa of the anterior urethra by grafting a polytetrafluoroethylene tube.
(6) Whether the incidentally reported increase in multiword responses in some normal elderly forecasts an approaching dementia needs further research.
(7) As predicted, the blocking effect was found to be smaller in subjects who displayed a high degree of incidental learning in either of two tasks in which intentional vs. incidental learning corresponded to (1) words vs. word position, or (2) a target initial word letter vs. non-target initial letters.
(8) Unresolved etiological issues requiring clarification in the near future include the following: (1) Are stressful events important in the development of panic, or are they more incidentally related?
(9) We report on a 47-year-old man with a granular cell tumour of the appendix, discovered incidentally during surgery for a rectal adenocarcinoma that had been irradiated preoperatively.
(10) Incidental teaching and traditional discrete-trial procedures were used to teach two children with autism the expressive use of two color adjectives to describe preferred toys and food items.
(11) Ninety patients with a visually normal opposite ovary had no identifiable tumor in that ovary by investigative incision or incidental excision.
(12) It was intended, however, as a response to more radical reforms proposed by congressman Justin Amash, a Republican from Michigan, and is likely to have relatively limited impact on the NSA's ability to collect data on US citizens through incidental means, the so-called backdoor provisions , which was seen as a bigger threat as Snowden's revelations continued.
(13) The markedly dilated main pancreatic duct was noticed at the time of an incidental ultrasonogram during hospitalization for diabetes mellitus.
(14) Our data suggest that the risk for development of a wound infection after a staging laparotomy for Hodgkin's disease is increased by performing an incidental appendectomy as part of the procedure.
(15) 10.21am GMT Incidentally, we've just learned that September was a less cheery month for the eurozone.
(16) Ductal carcinoma in situ as an incidental finding may be treated by excision alone; papillary and micropapillary DCIS are best treated by therapy aimed at the entire breast, although axillary dissection may not be required.
(17) Nonfatal complications specifically related to splenectomy occurred in 15 per cent of patients with multi-organ injury and in 18 per cent of patients with incidental-accidental splenic removal.
(18) The use of other techniques, such as a gated blood pool scanning or computerized tomography, affects primarily the incidental discovery of a "silent" tumor.
(19) We report two patients receiving maintenance valproate, one with resolving acute hepatitis C and the other with chronic persistent hepatitis C, with incidental microvesicular steatosis demonstrated on oil-red O stains.
(20) It is recommended that incidental teaching procedures be included in future language development programs for children with autism.