(a.) Not compatible; so differing as to be incapable of harmonious combination or coexistence; inconsistent in thought or being; irreconcilably disagreeing; as, persons of incompatible tempers; incompatible colors, desires, ambition.
(a.) Incapable of being together without mutual reaction or decomposition, as certain medicines.
(n.) An incompatible substance; esp., in pl., things which can not be placed or used together because of a change of chemical composition or of opposing medicinal qualities; as, the incompatibles of iron.
Example Sentences:
(1) It should be noted that about a half of the plasmids (11 out of 21) belonged to the incompatibility group P-7 which up to the present time was conditional, since was represented by a single plasmid Rms 148.
(2) The influence of blood and blood-product therapy was studied in two groups of children: 1) 90 children who had exchange transfusion after birth because of serologic incompatibility (aged 5 months to 5 years).
(3) The application of further purified albumin solutions might reduce the frequency of incompatibility reactions.
(4) Skin grafts from Xenopus isogeneic to the donors of the MHC-incompatible larval and adult thymus implants are always tolerated by Tx hosts.
(5) Some derivatives of pIJ101, a 8.9 kb Streptomyces multi-copy plasmid, can co-exist with each other at similar copy numbers but others are strongly incompatible.
(6) It was recently noted, however, that certain commonly used assays of antibody to PRP produced incompatible results.
(7) A mathematical model that abstracts the major features of the vegetative life cycle of Neurosopra crassa has been developed, and the action of selection in this model and various extensions of it is such as to maintain polymorphisms of vegetative incompatibility factors.
(8) If these recordings are repeated before or at the same time as other signs of fetal distress have been found we must think of pathological features such as intrauterine growth retardation, post-maturity, infections, rhesus incompatibility and diabetes.
(9) The results indicate connection between plasmid incompatibility and their replication.
(10) The plasmid has a copy number of about 25 per cell, and belongs to the inc5 incompatibility group.
(11) It appears that at least two clones of T lymphocytes are involved, the first in the non-self recognition through HLA-D differences, and the second in immunization against the HLA-A and B incompatibilities.
(12) Removing an acoustic schwannoma using the translabyrinthine approach has previously been considered incompatible with hearing preservation.
(13) We infer from these results that sequences in addition to the two flanking copies of IS1, in particular the upstream region including REPI, have been instrumental in the preservation and possible spread of aerobactin genes among ColV plasmids and other members of the FI incompatibility group.
(14) In other combinations, however, single region incompatibilities may be sufficient.
(15) cynodontis, with several plasmids in the IncP incompatibility group from gram-negative bacteria.
(16) This situation has contributed to exposure of sandblasters to hazardous levels of respirable free silica, and is reviewed here to prevent a continuation of the incompatibility of these and other standards for respiratory protection with the actual exposures to various noxious inhalants in the workplace.
(17) Unresponsiveness to Hh incompatible bone marrow grafts was induced in mice by single or multiple injections of various tissues from a prospective donor before irradiation and bone marrow grafting.
(18) The discovered plasmid was not shown to belong to IncP1 incompatibility group.
(19) This finding was incompatible with our case having a neurologically based global memory disorder during the fugue state.
(20) These results are incompatible with the clockface model of positional information and demand a modification of other current models.
(a.) Pertaining to liberty, or to the doctrine of free will, as opposed to the doctrine of necessity.
(n.) One who holds to the doctrine of free will.
Example Sentences:
(1) One-nation prime ministers like Cameron found the libertarians useful for voting against taxation; inconvenient when they got too loud about heavy-handed government.
(2) A debate exists within civil libertarian circles about the value of holding out for an outright expiration of Section 215.
(3) Civil libertarians have long expressed alarm that the only judicial body charged with protecting Americans from undue, intrusive federal surveillance so frequently endorses the government's requests.
(4) But the tech companies' libertarian embrace of deregulation is not rooted in the desire for freedom of expression, as they often claim, but in the desire to be unrestricted from making as much money as possible.
(5) The long-awaited package has been the subject of an intense Whitehall battle between the coalition partners, security and police chiefs and civil libertarians.
(6) But after more than two hours he was still going strong, striking the themes of citizens' constitutional rights over government power that have made him a Tea Party favourite and hero of libertarian-leaning followers of his father.
(7) Bulk collection Similarly, the review group stops shorter than civil libertarian groups want on the most domestically controversial aspect of the NSA’s bulk surveillance: the bulk collection of all US phone data for five years.
(8) Senator Paul’s father, Ron, may not have made it as far in his presidential campaigns as the two Bushes and Bill Clinton, but he bequeathed to his son a powerful legacy of goodwill among libertarian-leaning voters, without which it is hard to imagine him getting as far as he has done.
(9) Up until then, no one would have called me a libertarian, but I was defending what I thought was the judicial tradition of Britain.
(10) As it stands now, under Trump’s plan, more people would not be paying taxes than actually paying taxes, according to Chris Edwards , director of tax policy studies at the libertarian Cato Institute.
(11) Civil libertarians contend that legal restrictions preventing the government from intentionally targeting an American using surveillance tools for uncovering foreign intelligence information are nullified if the government can collect vast swaths of data and maintain unrestricted leeway to search through it.
(12) The libertarian right of the Republican party, in Klein’s words, became “a movement that prays for crisis the way drought-struck farmers pray for rain”.
(13) Corbyn’s virtual pacifism and ambivalence about Europe would rule out foreign affairs and defence, and his libertarianism would preclude home affairs and justice, areas in which Burnham has more populist instincts.
(14) This is a party on its way to becoming a multinational libertarian sect, whose preoccupations are no longer those either of much of its electorate or of the business community – wrestling with how genuinely to innovate, invest and motivate workforces in a world of increasingly amoral, ownerless companies so beloved and promoted by the sect.
(15) Libertarianism in the hands of these people is a racket.
(16) Wilson, a self-declared classic libertarian, directed climate change policy at the IPA as well as the Intellectual Property and Free Trade Unit.
(17) The differences between companies makes it pretty complex.” Asked about privacy concerns, Abbott told ABC radio he had “no doubt that the civil libertarian brigade will do their best to stop this, but my responsibility as prime minister is to keep our country safe.
(18) Libertarian-minded Republicans in the House, who are allies of Paul’s , said on Tuesday they will attempt to use a must-pass defense appropriations bill as a vehicle to advance more surveillance reforms.
(19) Right now we have a moment to do a lot.” But whether the unusual alliance of libertarian-leaning Republicans and the Democratic black caucus can overcome congressional inertia is far from certain.
(20) While Paul has collapsed in polls, Texas senator Ted Cruz has surged, successfully appealing to many of the socially conservative libertarians who backed Ron Paul, Rand’s father, in his two presidential bids.