What's the difference between indecorousness and indecorum?



  • (n.) The quality of being indecorous; want of decorum.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But now the precocious five-year-old has met his match in the form of Indonesian regulators, who have declared his antics as “borderline pornography” and warned broadcasters to censor images of his bare buttocks, scantily clad women and other indecorous scenes.
  • (2) The BBC's economics editor hadn't done anything nearly so indecorous, you understand.



  • (n.) Want of decorum; impropriety of behavior; that in behavior or manners which violates the established rules of civility, custom, or etiquette; indecorousness.
  • (n.) An indecorous or becoming action.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The medical researcher who goes beyond these limits is liable to be attacked for legal indecorum.
  • (2) Amis told us he had re-read Time's Arrow shortly before the Book Club event, with some "wincing" at the "indecorum" of its comic early pages.

Words possibly related to "indecorousness"

Words possibly related to "indecorum"