(adv.) In reality; in truth; in fact; verily; truly; -- used in a variety of sense. Esp.: (a) Denoting emphasis; as, indeed it is so. (b) Denoting concession or admission; as, indeed, you are right. (c) Denoting surprise; as, indeed, is it you? Its meaning is not intrinsic or fixed, but depends largely on the form of expression which it accompanies.
Example Sentences:
(1) In spite of important differences in size, chemical composition, polymer density, and configuration, biological macromolecules indeed manifest some of the essential physical-chemical properties of gels.
(2) If, indeed, there is an immunologic basis for pre-eclampsia, it is more subtle than the methodology used in this study is capable of detecting.
(3) "Indeed, there was a marked drop in sentiment in Germany , indicating that it is increasingly being affected by the problems elsewhere in the eurozone."
(4) In clinical situations on donor sites and grafted full-thickness burn wounds, the PEU film indeed prevented fluid accumulation and induced the formation of a "red" coagulum underneath.
(5) Indeed, the nationalist and religious right bloc merely held steady , gaining just one seat.
(6) Passive avoidance performance of HO-DIs was, indeed, influenced by the age of the subject at the time of testing; HO-DIs reentered the shock compartment sooner than HE at 35 days, but later than HE at 120 days.
(7) To confirm this, ALA-S activity was then directly measured in intact reticulocytes, and it was shown that ethanol indeed inhibited its activity.
(8) However, MPA did not enhance survival when given concurrently with radiotherapy; indeed, at the higher of these two doses, median survival of tumor-bearers was slightly less than with radiotherapy alone.
(9) Indeed, several lines of evidence suggest that intravenous anaesthetics are thought to induce loss of consciousness by blocking the excitatory synaptic transmission.
(10) The ability to demonstrate selective augmentation of the functional matrix-associated receptor population, and our recent results showing that gonadotropes are indeed the responsive cells (Singh P, Muldoon TG, unpublished observations) speak to the specificity and relevance of these findings.
(11) A significant correlation with blocking activity was seen only for antibodies of the IgG4 subclass, and, indeed, the correlation was especially strong in the group of totally asymptomatic patients (but with microfilariae circulating in the blood) in whom blocking antibody levels were highest.
(12) However, it should be stressed that none of these mechanisms is mutually exclusive; indeed, the enormous complexity of tumor promotion suggests that several of the mechanisms discussed above may very well be interrelated.
(13) These can lead to communications blackouts around the Earth and produce aurorae; indeed, there have been several nice displays over recent weeks.
(14) If arene oxide intermediate metabolites are indeed involved in the toxicity of MHT and nirvanol, R-PEH may represent a safer alternative.
(15) While the mechanism of TGF beta action is not clear, A-II probably is acting through protein kinase C. Indeed the protein kinase C activating phorbol ester, TPA, mimicked the inhibitory effects of A-II on 3 beta HSD and P450(17 alpha).
(16) Indeed, with the pageantry already knocked off the top of the news by reports from Old Trafford, the very idea of a cohesive coalition programme about anything other than cuts looks that bit harder to sustain.
(17) Indeed, the BBC’s own recent Digital Media Initiative was closed by Tony Hall, having lost £100m.” The document is entitled “BBC3: An Alternative Strategy – Realising Value for the Licence Payer”.
(18) Indeed, high synthesis of IL-2 was more frequent in patients with long-standing disease than in recent onset diabetics: 44% and 7%, respectively.
(19) A bit like the old Lib Dems, perhaps: and indeed the Greens owe a big chunk of their surge to the exodus of voters from Clegg’s discredited rump.
(20) The budget red book contained a chart which suggested that the rich were indeed facing a bigger hit than anyone else, and Liberal Democrats were today pointing to this to justify the austerity package.
(v. t.) To unite in wedlock or matrimony; to perform the ceremony of joining, as a man and a woman, for life; to constitute (a man and a woman) husband and wife according to the laws or customs of the place.
(v. t.) To join according to law, (a man) to a woman as his wife, or (a woman) to a man as her husband. See the Note to def. 4.
(v. t.) To dispose of in wedlock; to give away as wife.
(v. t.) To take for husband or wife. See the Note below.
(v. t.) Figuratively, to unite in the closest and most endearing relation.
(v. i.) To enter into the conjugal or connubial state; to take a husband or a wife.
(interj.) Indeed ! in truth ! -- a term of asseveration said to have been derived from the practice of swearing by the Virgin Mary.
Example Sentences:
(1) I'm married to an Irish woman, and she remembers in the atmosphere stirred up in the 1970s people spitting on her.
(2) But when they decided to get married, "finding the clothes became my project," says Melanie.
(3) Considerate touches includes the free use of cruiser bicycles (the best method of tackling the Palm Springs main drag), home-baked cookies … and if you'd like to get married, ask the manager: he's a minister.
(4) This paper presents findings from a survey on knowledge of and attitudes and practices towards AIDS among currently married Zimbabwean men conducted between April and June 1988.
(5) However the imagery is more complex, because scholars believe it also relates to another cherished pre-Raphaelite Arthurian legend, Sir Degrevaunt who married his mortal enemy's daughter.
(6) Bereaved individuals were significantly more likely to report heightened dysphoria, dissatisfaction, and somatic disturbances typical of depression, even when variations in age, sex, number of years married, and educational and occupational status were taken into account.
(7) Unmarried women had a higher risk of death than married women.
(8) He has also been a vocal opponent of gay marriage, appearing on the Today programme in the run-up to the same-sex marriage bill to warn that it would "cause confusion" – and asking in a Spectator column, after it was passed, "if the law will eventually be changed to allow one to marry one's dog".
(9) The two of them broke up with their partners and in 1974 they married.
(10) Of the 275 women with Crohn's disease 224 had been married at some time compared with 208 controls.
(11) The unmarried men won 8-1, showing that being married doesn't mean you can score whenever you like.
(12) In the multivariate logistic analysis the most informative clinical, social, and psychosocial predictors were, in rank order: many admissions to mental hospitals, death or divorce of parent in childhood, heavy smoking, short duration of the mental disorder diagnosed as affective, not married, never economically active, and early onset of the affective disorder.
(13) Participants were younger, more likely to be male, less likely to be currently married, and more likely to have had a white-collar job and some postsecondary education than were nonparticipants.
(14) The author presents in this article just a small part of the results obtained in national survey of 1.902 married women, carried out in 1972, on "fertility and family planning in Spain".
(15) Best friends since school, they sound like an old married couple, finishing each other's sentences, constantly referring to the other by name and making each other laugh; deep sonorous, belly laughs.
(16) The energey expenditure during coitus for long-married couples is equivalent to that of climbing stairs, and consequently the risk of heart attack is low.
(17) According to Swedish law, couples who are planning to marry are obliged to publish their address.
(18) To elucidate the relationship between the presence of anti-Tax antibody and the transmission of the viral infection, annual consecutive serum samples from married couples serologically discordant or concordant for HTLV-I were examined.
(19) Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) obtained from married, adult males classified either as "copers" or as "non-copers" were tested for their natural killer (NK) activity and for the expression of the Leu 7 and Leu 11 NK-associated antigens.
(20) And if you think simply living together rather than marrying will help to keep you healthy, it is worth bearing in mind that research has found that cohabiting couples who separate are likely to be similarly affected .