(n.) The feeling excited by that which is unworthy, base, or disgraceful; anger mingled with contempt, disgust, or abhorrence.
(n.) The effect of anger; punishment.
Example Sentences:
(1) If the villagers fail to respect the social code, by not using her new name or by reminding her of her indignity, they have to perform a reparative ritual, at which a goat is sacrificed.
(2) "This unfair and unequal treatment means that children with disabilities – already so disadvantaged – suffer further indignities.
(3) Asked by the BBC whether he would apologise or comply with a demand from Miliband for him to resign, he said: "Well, if someone can explain anything that I said as factually incorrect of course I would consider it...People are slightly spinning and loading into what I said in a way to get false indignation."
(4) The ALA collects information on which books are objected to and reports on prominent recurring themes that tend to generate moral or ideological indignation.
(5) We accept on behalf of our client that public interest demands nothing but total indignation and condemnation from all media reporting but such reporting ought not to persist at the expense of undermining Mr Barklie’s right to a fair trial.” His lawyers said the Metropolitan police had confirmed ”that arrangements were in hand to take the investigation to the next stage”.
(6) Not since Novak Djokovic beat him 6-1, 6-0 in the semi-final of the 2007 Miami Masters – when Murray was injured – has the Scot had to suffer such indignity.
(7) However indignant Hollande may have been about a glossy celebrity magazine revealing the details of his affair with a French actress – and he said his indignation was "total" – whatever reflections and considerations were going through the presidential grey matter on Tuesday morning, the idea of sitting down and drafting his resignation was almost certainly not among them.
(8) The Duchess of Cambridge, due to give birth in the next couple of weeks, will not suffer the indignities of, say, Mary of Modena in 1688, forced to give birth in front of an audience of 200 and still accused of a bit of business with bedpan and changeling.
(9) Last year, in a continuing campaign to improve policing , he produced a book brimming with indignation.
(10) Imagine the dizzy swoon of indignation deprivation: what's upsetting is there's nothing to get upset about.
(11) And we are increasing the number of single rooms in the NHS to ensure no patient suffers this indignity when it is unjustified."
(12) But the State Department's indignation over the leaks of allegedly valuable secrets was, and remains, preposterous.
(13) 2.42am BST 6 mins Jamaica indignant as a corner is awarded when they thought they were getting a foul.
(14) The human pressure cooker could not contain his indignation at having to watch Channel 4 news reporter, Fatima Manji , cover the tragic attack in Nice.
(15) Righteous indignation was tweeted and retweeted, celebrities piled on the pressure, pundits sharpened their quills.
(16) I cried at the time, tears of sadness for her, guilt for me (I should be able to do more), and indignation and anger about the unfairness of it all.
(17) It was classic Loach territory: exploitation, the indignity of unemployment, the resilience and humour of working-class people.
(18) When Elinor and Marianne debate the importance of money in the company of Edward, Marianne reacts indignantly to Elinor's declaration that happiness has much to do with "wealth": "'Elinor, for shame!'
(19) It was found that in a somewhat cyclical succession, patient deviance was followed by the staff's spontaneous moral indignation.
(20) For the next five years at least that is an indignity he will not have to worry about.
(n.) Alt. of Offence
Example Sentences:
(1) The strike, which Central Command said destroyed the Isis fighting position, follows Barack Obama's vow in his televised speech on Wednesday to go on the offensive against Isis more broadly in Iraq and, soon, Syria.
(2) New offensive coach Tony Sparano was also a fan of Wildcat packages when he was head coach in Miami.
(3) We all do different things.” She was front and centre at Ashley’s side in footage shot last week by Sky News cameramen, who were also part of the “selected media” entourage invited to Shirebrook to launch the group’s charm offensive.
(4) Such extravagant claims will be familiar to the scheme's architect, Richard Rogers, whose designs for the office development beside St Paul's Cathedral in the 1980s were torpedoed when Charles implied in a public speech that the plans were more offensive than the rubble left by the Luftwaffe during the blitz.
(5) The central hypothesis of our study, then, was that psychotic men, charged with misdemeanor offenses, would be incarcerated for significantly longer periods of time, prior to trial, than their nonpsychotic fellows.
(6) It's not that Thompson isn't a a very good player – he and Steph Curry have been running one of the most potent offensives in the NBA over the last two years or so and he's obviously a much better defensive player than Love.
(7) It’s no good me swearing on a Bible; I don’t share your faith.” Morrison said: “I will do it, Ray, but I think it’s a very offensive thing for you to ask me to do but I’ll do it if that’s what you require...if you insist I will.” Hadley did not persist with the demand.
(8) The mean number of different types of drugs "ever used" was 5.87, and the mean number of drug sale offenses was 4.4.
(9) 18) Dallas Cowboys Last season: 8-8 Needs: Offensive line, safety, defensive tackle, running back Pick: Kenny Vaccaro, safety, Texas Tony Romo often carries the can for the Cowboys' offensive calamities, but the truth is that not many quarterbacks look great when they are running for their lives.
(10) 3.46am BST Here's the instant response from Ewen MacAskill , at the scene of the debate-crime: Barack Obama staged a strong comeback in his second showdown with Mitt Romney, with the president describing his Republican opponent as "offensive" in suggesting he was playing politics over Benghazi and portraying him as more extreme than George W Bush on social issues such as women's rights.
(11) Speaking in Washington on Thursday, the Iraqi prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, said the offensive underscored the growing threat posed by Isis militants – whom he referred to using the group’s Arabic acronym “Daesh”.
(12) Kurdish peshmerga forces backed by the US-led coalition have launched attacks on Islamic State east of Mosul as the campaign to oust the militants stepped up with three offensives across Iraq and Syria.
(13) Partners to the drug-treated mice showed a decrease in the occurrence of offensive ambivalence and of the element "rattle".
(14) UN envoy Staffan De Mistura halted the latest Syria talks on 3 February, because of major differences between the two sides, exacerbated by increased aerial bombings and a wide military offensive by Syrian troops and their allies under the cover of Russian airstrikes.
(15) Top Gear presenter Clarkson, who has been repeatedly criticised for making offensive comments, had condemned Sky for the decision, describing it as "heresy by thought".
(16) The unremitting assault on Aleppo by Russian and Syrian forces over recent days is certainly testament to that.” In a week of what residents have described as the worst airstrike campaign since the start of the civil war in Syria , forces loyal to Assad have begun the early stages of a ground offensive aimed at reclaiming eastern Aleppo, which has been under opposition control since 2012.
(17) However, the growing offensive against the left by the pro-capitalist wing of the Labour party inevitably had a damaging impact on the LPYS.
(18) In April 2009, he launched the first concerted offensive against the extremists, routing them in the Swat valley in the north-west, before starting the continuing operations in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal area, which runs along the Afghan border.
(19) The so-called “709 crackdown” has alarmed activists and foreign observers who view the offensive as part of a broader bid to consolidate political control by an increasingly authoritarian leadership.
(20) Since the beginning of December, MNLA leaders have been broadcasting their plans to start an offensive, led by the head of the movement's military wing, Colonel Mohamed Ag Najim.