What's the difference between inequality and unequalness?
(n.) The quality of being unequal; difference, or want of equality, in any respect; lack of uniformity; disproportion; unevenness; disparity; diversity; as, an inequality in size, stature, numbers, power, distances, motions, rank, property, etc.
(n.) Unevenness; want of levelness; the alternate rising and falling of a surface; as, the inequalities of the surface of the earth, or of a marble slab, etc.
(n.) Variableness; changeableness; inconstancy; lack of smoothness or equability; deviation; unsteadiness, as of the weather, feelings, etc.
(n.) Disproportion to any office or purpose; inadequacy; competency; as, the inequality of terrestrial things to the wants of a rational soul.
(n.) An expression consisting of two unequal quantities, with the sign of inequality (< or >) between them; as, the inequality 2 < 3, or 4 > 1.
(n.) An irregularity, or a deviation, in the motion of a planet or satellite from its uniform mean motion; the amount of such deviation.
Example Sentences:
(1) Several studies have found that pollution and climate change disproportionately affect the poor , which means boosting clean energy generation and cutting pollution could also simultaneously reduce global inequality .
(2) As Clegg suggests, issues such as inequality are sidelined.
(3) It’s not like there’s a simple answer.” Vassilopoulos said: “The media is all about entertainment.” “I don’t think they sell too many papers or get too many advertisements because of their coverage of income inequality,” said Calvert.
(4) From the well-known Chebyshev's inequality, it has been shown that the possible error which could be derived from the Tsou plot will be much smaller than the usual experimental error obtainable.
(5) Simply lengthening the working age bracket is a potential disaster, unless the inequalities at the heart of the policy are addressed in a detailed and sensible way and we achieve full employment.
(6) Their actions suggested that while Brown was busy unilaterally absolving the inequities of our colonial past, the Iraqis are still dealing with the iniquities of our colonial present.
(7) Entitled Jobs, Justice and Equity, the report warned that growing inequality, marginalisation and disenfranchisement are threatening Africa's prospects and undermining the foundations of its recent success.
(8) Our latest Global development podcast explores the lessons the Ebola outbreak can teach us about global health inequality, looking at the weaknesses in the current response, the shortfall in global health spending, and the actions required to prevent further outbreaks.
(9) The detection of health inequalities in the urban environment and their magnitude depends to a great extent on the internal social coherence of the geographical division used.
(10) Their unique point of view comes from diverse social and cultural experiences punctuated by a lifetime of inequities.
(11) A long spell of ultra-low interest rates has not driven a rise in inequality in the UK, the deputy governor of the Bank of England has said, rebuffing criticism that central bank policy had hurt some households.
(12) They then spoke about working together to address major threats to world security such as climate change, persistent economic inequality and international terrorism, as well as opportunities to upgrade cultural and people-to-people exchanges between China and the UK.
(13) When the Occupy movement suggested a distinction between the 1% and the 99% in society, this was based on the distribution of wealth, going right to the root of social inequalities: the 1% are the multimillionaires.
(14) If Davos is a closed shop for the wealthy and powerful elites who caused today’s global inequality, it won’t come up with the answers needed for a more fair and prosperous future for all the world’s workers and their families.
(15) A belated acknowledgement of the damage inflicted by decades of stagnated earnings and inequality have meant pay levels have rightly climbed to prominence, in part spurred by Vermont senator Bernie Sanders who put fair pay at the heart of his campaign attempts to secure the Democratic nomination for president.
(16) The diagnosis related group (DRG) prospective hospital payment system contains inequities in hospital payment for certain groups of patients.
(17) It is totally unclear to them how they can get the skills needed for a successful career.” The report, Overlooked and Left Behind, argues that “a culture of inequality between vocational and academic routes to work” pervades the education system.
(18) In a globalised world, poor educational attainment traps people in low pay and increases inequality.
(19) Critics have warned that the boom is benefiting only a narrow elite while leaving the poor and jobless behind, exacerbating inequality and potentially sowing seeds of unrest.
(20) High among the range of issues was the media dominance of the Globo group (whose journalists were chased away from demonstrations by an irate mob), inefficient use of public funds, forced relocations linked to Olympic real estate developments, the treatment of indigenous groups, dire inequality and excessive use of force by police in favela communities.
(n.) The quality or state of being unequal; inequality; unevenness.
Example Sentences:
(1) The data were analysed using statistical methods that yield continuous piecewise linear regression equations and allow subjects to have repeated measures which are unequally spaced and at different times for different subjects.
(2) When initial joint angles were unequal, joints moving from smaller initial angles reached their functional limits earlier and stopped first.
(3) A large proportion of allergen escaped rapidly from the ear, about 50% within 3 hr in the case of PCl, within 15 min for DNCB, the difference probably reflecting their unequal reaction constants.
(4) Even in Mondrian-like patterns resembling those used by Land and McCann (1971), equiluminant objects may appear to be of unequal brightness.
(5) Approximately 15% are multilobed but, unlike (-Mg) cells, contain lobes of unequal size with either zero, one, or several nuclei present in each.
(6) We propose that the deletion of the rRNA operon occurred in the ilv-leu gene cluster of the B. subtilis genome as a result of unequal recombination between redundant sequences.
(7) In the pediatric age group, this malformation is notable because of the marked sex predilection in males (70%) and an unequal topographic incidence in the circle of Willis, where carotid artery (39.3%) and anterior communicating artery lesions (30%) predominate.
(8) We deduce that in ubiquitin genes, concerted evolution involves both unequal crossover and gene conversion, and that the average time since two repeated units within the polyubiquitin locus most recently shared a common ancestor is approximately 38 million years (Myr) in mammals, but perhaps only 11 Myr in Drosophila.
(9) "This unfair and unequal treatment means that children with disabilities – already so disadvantaged – suffer further indignities.
(10) The fact that property is unequally distributed so many people don't have blessed "property rights" gets airbrushed from the theory.
(11) These results show that there is an unequal expression of the two non-allelic genes controlling insulin biosynthesis in foetal and adult rat pancreas.
(12) Nonheterogeneity of histamine effect can be presumably explained by a strong representation of various types of receptors to which this biogenic amine is bound (H1, H2, H3) in the organs and tissues, their unequal location on the pre- and postsynaptic membrane, the differences in their physiological functions.
(13) The finding indicates that supplier induced demand is a factor to consider in addition to supplier induced utilization when one tries to explain how supplier inducement may affect the unequal distribution of dentists.
(14) Although the role of each form is unknown, it is possible that variable or joining-gene segment selection events or functional differences account for their unequal usage.
(15) For maximum responses less than about 5 mV in cones, the length constant of exponential decay, lambda, varied from less than 10 mum to greater than 35 mum, and the values obtained in opposite directions were often unequal.
(16) Possible explanations for the failure to obtain 100% concordance are methodologic shortcomings, intercell variations in chromosome contraction, and unequal mitotic crossing over.
(17) The reason black people could not get out of New Orleans was not because they were separate but because they were unequal - the wealthier ones left.
(18) Unequal or absent pulses were found in three patients.
(19) In addition, these genes form highly complicated gene families that have evolved through gene conversion and unequal crossing-over.
(20) In Rec+ haploids, as in diploids, intrachromosomal recombination in the ribosomal DNA was detected in 2 to 6% of meiotic divisions, and most events were unequal reciprocal sister chromatid exchange (SCE).