(a.) Without regular form; shapeless; ugly; deformed.
(v. t.) To give form or share to; to give vital ororganizing power to; to give life to; to imbue and actuate with vitality; to animate; to mold; to figure; to fashion.
(v. t.) To communicate knowledge to; to make known to; to acquaint; to advise; to instruct; to tell; to notify; to enlighten; -- usually followed by of.
(v. t.) To communicate a knowledge of facts to,by way of accusation; to warn against anybody.
(v. t.) To take form; to become visible or manifest; to appear.
(v. t.) To give intelligence or information; to tell.
Example Sentences:
(1) A former Labour minister, Nicholas Brown, said the public were frightened they "were going to be spied on" and that "illegally obtained" information would find its way to the public domain.
(2) The pattern of the stressor that causes a change in the pitch can be often identified only tentatively, if there is no additional information.
(3) Parents of subjects at the experimental school were visited at home by a community health worker who provided individualized information on dental services and preventive strategies.
(4) Past imaging techniques shown in the courtroom have made the conventional rules of evidence more difficult because of the different informational content and format required for presentation of these data.
(5) Suggested is a carefully prepared system of cycling videocassettes, to effect the dissemination of current medical information from leading medical centers to medical and paramedical people in the "bush".
(6) As the requirements to store and display these images increase, the following questions become important: (a) What methods can be used to ensure that information given to the physician represents the originally acquired data?
(7) As important providers of health care education, nurses need to be fully informed of the research findings relevant to effective interventions designed to motivate health-related behavior change.
(8) The purpose of this paper is to discuss the potential for integrating surveillance techniques in reproductive epidemiology with geographic information system technology in order to identify populations at risk around hazardous waste sites.
(9) They suggest that an endogenous retinoid could contribute to positional information in the early Xenopus embryo.
(10) The control group received the same information in lecture form.
(11) Ofcom will conduct research, such as mystery shopping, to assess the transparency of contractual information given to customers by providers at the point of sale".
(12) Much of the current information concerning this issue is from short-term studies.
(13) In addition, despite the fact that the differences constitutes an information bias, the bias occurs in the same direction and magnitude in all the various subgroups and thus is nondifferential.
(14) Current information suggests that arachidonic acid metabolites are involved in the development of cholecystitis.
(15) The presence of CR-related activity suggests that SpoV may participate in the CR motor output pathway, and may also provide CR-related information to cerebellum.
(16) Employed method of observation gave quantitative information about the influence of odours on ratios of basic predeterminate activities, insect distribution pattern and their tendency to choose zones with an odour.
(17) Much information has accumulated on the isolation and characterization of a heterogeneous group of molecules that inhibit one or more of the bioactivities of interleukin 1.
(18) This can be achieved by sincere, periodic information through the mass media.
(19) Then, the informed permission of parents should be obtained.
(20) This technology will provide better information to the surgeon for preoperative diagnosis and planning and for the design of customized implants.
(n.) One who, or that which, sets; -- used mostly in composition with a noun, as typesetter; or in combination with an adverb, as a setter on (or inciter), a setter up, a setter forth.
(n.) A hunting dog of a special breed originally derived from a cross between the spaniel and the pointer. Modern setters are usually trained to indicate the position of game birds by standing in a fixed position, but originally they indicated it by sitting or crouching.
(n.) One who hunts victims for sharpers.
(n.) One who adapts words to music in composition.
(n.) An adornment; a decoration; -- with off.
(n.) A shallow seggar for porcelain.
(v. t.) To cut the dewlap (of a cow or an ox), and to insert a seton, so as to cause an issue.
Example Sentences:
(1) Coactivation of the serotonin-containing cells and command fibers, or inhibition of the serotonin-containing cells while activating command fibers, however, shows that the cells act as "gain-setters," modulating the interaction between command inputs and motoneuron outputs.
(2) In the Red setter an ovarian cortex had developed in mosaic gonads with 8 and 10% of Y-bearing cells.
(3) Mark Carney is a jet-setter who worked for the global Goldman Sachs.
(4) Using brains of English setter dogs afflicted with a form of this disorder, the autofluorescent storage granules have been isolated and subjected to extraction with chloroform-methanol.
(5) We had studied cerebrospinal fluid monoamine metabolite concentrations and glucose metabolism in 58 violent offenders and impulsive fire setters in the early 1980s.
(6) These included an investigation of egg handling techniques from nest box to hatcher; the adoption by the hatchery of plastic setter trays; an improvement to incubator environment; an improvement in the overall hatchery hygiene programme and the introduction of a regular monitoring programme based on the examination of hatchery fluff.
(7) The purpose of this special communication is to emphasize the importance of balancing the physical therapy director's dual roles as fiscal manager and professional value setter.
(8) Ozone and formaldehyde were evaluated as disinfectants in a prototype laboratory setter against microorganisms that are naturally present on fertile, freshly laid, broiler hatching eggs.
(9) Two male English Setters were noticed to be breathing rapidly, hyperexcitable, and atactic after roaming a rural area for 2 hours.
(10) a) synovial bursa ( schleimbeutel ) b) sneeze guard ( Spukschutz ) c) snotty-nosed brat – literally snot spoon ( rotzloeffel ) d) grumpy bastard – literally lump of vomit ( kotzbrocken ) 4,000 Jet-setters complain of a) Jetleg b) Jetleck c) Jetlag d) Jetlack 8,000 Who, if a contestant on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, would definitely not call the Joker?
(11) Using light microscopic immunocytochemistry, the localization of S-antigen was studied in the retinas of normal dogs and Irish setters affected with rod-cone dysplasia, a hereditary retinal degeneration characterized by abnormal cGMP metabolism and arrested outer segment differentiation.
(12) Test setters retain influence over what counts, and there is no adjusting for test-takers' inclination to apply themselves – or not.
(13) A 5-month-old female Gordon Setter was examined because of a soft, fluctuant, subcutaneous swelling in the right submandibular region.
(14) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Andrew Sentance ANDREW SENTANCE Former Bank of England interest-rate setter Is Brexit now more likely?
(15) The etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of the Irish setter leucocyte adhesion deficiency were similar to that of the leucocyte adhesion deficiency in humans.
(16) The FTSE fell after the Bank decision was announced and it closed down 55 points, or 0.7%, at 7419.36. Business Today: sign up for a morning shot of financial news Read more Since the Brexit vote the Bank’s committee of rate-setters has been forced into a balancing act between keeping import-fuelled inflation in check and providing support to the economy as uncertainty and a squeeze on incomes bites.
(17) Seemingly, the seborrheic skin observed in these Cocker Spaniels and Irish Setters was associated with an altered rate of epidermal keratinization.
(18) Today's budget is being seen as a scene-setter for the election, with the electorate being presented with a choice between the Labour party and Liberal Democrats making massive cuts to public sector spending in a year, or the Conservative party making even bigger cuts to the public sector, but starting with a special George Osborne budget 50 days after they are elected to government.
(19) These findings document a wheat-sensitive enteropathy in Irish setter dogs and suggest that brush-border alkaline phosphatase is specifically susceptible to damage by wheat.
(20) Irish setters affected with rod-cone dysplasia type 1 (rcd1) were bred to Norwegian elkhounds affected with early retinal degeneration (erd).