(n.) The quality or state of being ingenious; ingenuity.
Example Sentences:
(1) Committees too often rubber stamp these ingenious schemes with little real scrutiny.
(2) The 700-strong trade mission to Emperor Qianlong sailed in a man-of-war equipped with 66 guns, compromising diplomats, businessmen and soldiers, but it ended in an impasse with the emperor refusing to meet them, saying: "We the celestial empire have never valued ingenious articles, nor do we have the slightest need of your country's manufactures."
(3) Few measures have elicited more anger – or ingenious forms of revolt – than the property tax announced by Greek ministers to plug a budget black hole that might have gone unnoticed had Greece's plight not threatened the entire eurozone.
(4) Gardner has plentiful contacts, a 22-strong network of local churches and ingenious ways of attracting food donations from all parts of the local community.
(5) The future is defined by the same old atavistic carnage as ever – which is, as Rosenbaum says, “an ingenious form of doublethink echoed in the very premise of a fantasy of the future beginning with “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away ...” Star Wars cast feel the Force after watching new trailer Read more I don’t hate Star Wars – I love the puppetry, just for starters, and all those beautifully dirty, scum-caked robots.
(6) But arguably neither is scrapping them, since – even if you could somehow get a political mandate to scrap every private and grammar school in Britain tomorrow – parents would always find a way to game the system; we’d still have selection by house price, or by willingness to feign religious conviction, or some other ingenious new wheeze.
(7) The film was backed by an ingenious advertising campaign in which each Python recruited either a relative or friend (Gilliam's mum, Michael Palin's dentist) to present their own radio spot.
(8) To deal with this, she adopted an ingenious strategy.
(9) Bung enough money at a sufficiently ingenious lawyer and you’re in the club.
(10) Then he ingeniously got his bank to give him a loan to open up a fitness club (he advertised in the local paper saying he was opening a club, and membership was free, he got a huge response, then told the bank manager he already had 500 members).
(11) The predilection of such lesions to rupture, with resultant hemorrhage, thrombosis, and distal ischemia, has led to constant attempts at surgical management, including ligation and incision, wrapping, wiring, plasticizing, packing, obliterative and reconstructive endoaneurysmorrhaphy, and a wide variety of procedures both ingenious and ingenuous.
(12) His style plays to Peter Mandelson's ingenious line (which I don't think Lord Mandelson believes in for a moment) that Cameron is plastic to Gordon Brown's granite .
(13) The bombs were so ingenious that they would have evaded airport security.
(14) The rich find ingenious ways to avoid paying taxes.
(15) That might be the case in the Premier League, though the theory was made to look as shaky as some of the United defending by the superbly mobile and bewitchingly ingenious Barcelona attack.
(16) By this shape of holidays the partical sphere of the process of training and education, namely the qualification of those oligophren ones in spending an ingenious leisure, should be noticed and contributed to educating those imbecile boys and girls, who are participating their holidays in a camp for their "relative independence*.
(17) What this means is that a truly fascinating picture by Rubens – his fantastical, ingenious portrait of Marchesa aria Grimaldi, and her Dwarf (c 1606) in which a ruff collar takes on the proportions and complexity of the Milky Way and the beautiful Grimaldi is closely accompanied by her jowly retainer – is shown among a host of lesser works.
(18) The bladderwort ( utricularia ), incognito like a snapdragon, has an ingenious underground lair, vacuum-sucking insects to chambers where they are acidified; pitchers are outwardly passive, but inside their cavernous depths float a mass of drowned flies.
(19) The description of the dependences of consumption coefficients by thermodynamics of irreversible processes allows an ingenious statement of calorimetric measurements of the fermentation process to confirm and to make precise the knowledge deduced from thermodynamics.
(20) Regardless of cause, the treatment of an edentulous patient with microstomia is difficult and often ingenious.
(n.) The quality or power of ready invention; quickness or acuteness in forming new combinations; ingeniousness; skill in devising or combining.
(n.) Curiousness, or cleverness in design or contrivance; as, the ingenuity of a plan, or of mechanism.
(n.) Openness of heart; ingenuousness.
Example Sentences:
(1) Their tempo was better in the second, although there remained the general lack of ingenuity.
(2) Haki's naivety about English detective fiction is more than matched by Latimer's ingenuous excitement as Haki describes to him Dimitrios's sordid career, and he decides it would be fun to write the gangster's biography.
(3) Britain's success is built on the ideas and ingenuity of those who have come here from abroad.
(4) The economy minister, Arnaud Montebourg, said the government was concerned about Alstom's future, calling it "the symbol of our industrial power and French ingenuity".
(5) He does not have the ingenuity of Diego Maradona or the lawless wit of Luis Suárez, so does not cast spells over opponents, but he has shown that he can certainly help subdue them and uplift his team.
(6) Clean, regenerative energy could provide a way past peak oil and our detrimental fossil fuel addiction – if we collectively had the will to employ renewables, and addressed the change as urgently as the US did during the second world war when we unleashed our scientific creativity and industrial ingenuity to support the war effort.
(7) The UN has criticised these policies , which display none of the ingenuity or flair of the street papers or Housing First advocates, whose methods, while not perfect, have at least been shown to reduce urban homelessness.
(8) Beaumont, wide of eyes and clutching her handbag, has a lovely ingenuous manner, and a reliably crowd-pleasing set, but her brand of comedy is as cosy as a Hovis ad .
(9) It’s when we have untrusted heads of these old institutions that everything seems ripe for revolution – if someone has the guts and ingenuity to really go for it.
(10) "Kodak thanks these industry leaders for their support and ingenuity in finding a way to extend the life of film."
(11) The ingenuity and imagination of health care providers trying to find ways to continue providing high-quality and safe care to patients are being tested daily.
(12) The predilection of such lesions to rupture, with resultant hemorrhage, thrombosis, and distal ischemia, has led to constant attempts at surgical management, including ligation and incision, wrapping, wiring, plasticizing, packing, obliterative and reconstructive endoaneurysmorrhaphy, and a wide variety of procedures both ingenious and ingenuous.
(13) He called his pressure group founded to rid society of the evil of cake 'FUCKD and BOMBD' he described the effects of cake in lurid, pantomime terms that wouldn't have convinced a 14-year-old ingenue.
(14) Steven Gaydos, executive editor of Variety magazine, suggests that, “like Aniston, part of her appeal is her girl-next-door quality, and both … have transitioned from ingenues to mature actresses known for bold artistic choices and broad popular appeal”.
(15) Imaginary United-supporting-me silently approved Sir Alex's ingenuity.
(16) It can take all of a parent's ingenuity to get though a shopping trip without unwillingly picking up a tin of Barbie spaghetti shapes, a box of cereal with Lightning McQueen smirking from the front, or a bag of fruit chews with a catchy jingle.
(17) The common thread running through all of them is that they depend on the ingenuity and time of the local people, and require nothing external.
(18) There is no substitute for the use of intelligence and common sense both in the drawing up and interpretation of a disaster plan; for compromise in dealing with other rescue services; for ingenuity in filling the gaps in the equipment with which you find yourself provided; and, finally, perhaps most important, for self-discipline.
(19) In the next century we will see a serious test of whether or not mankind has lost its ability to foresee and forestall the side effects of scientific and technological ingenuity.
(20) In view of the significance placed upon facial beauty in today's society, it becomes incumbent upon us to recognize the ingenuity and skill of those in the past to gain appreciation for the present state of the art and to provide incentive for improving facial and ocular prosthetic restorations in the future.