What's the difference between ingratitude and ungrateful?



  • (n.) Want of gratitude; insensibility to, forgetfulness of, or ill return for, kindness or favors received; unthankfulness; ungratefulness.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Osborne expressed the same sort of sentiments on Thursday, although it appears he used a private breakfast with 30 business leaders to deliver a bit of a pep talk rather than a Heath-style tirade at business ingratitude.
  • (2) I’d get some satisfaction from mitigating the ingratitude of people who don’t give a damn about keeping the farm clean for each other and the wildlife.
  • (3) That is not churlishness or ingratitude, but a mark of the country’s real progress.
  • (4) Criticising something that has been given to you is seen as evidence of ingratitude – and ingratitude is culturally looked down upon.
  • (5) Having slept on this ingratitude for her efforts on Thursday night, Peaches has now offered a quarter-arsed apology for having been a quarter-wit.
  • (6) (Plath Snr contended that the descriptions of real people in the novel represented "the basest ingratitude" towards the people caricatured in the book, herself included).
  • (7) In a memorandum, Lord Milner, the colonial secretary, warned that many under attack had served in the war, done their bit and "bitterly resented the ingratitude".
  • (8) Supporters are disenchanted – some used Kroenke as a proxy for Wenger and one banner proclaimed “Time for change, Arsenal FC not Arsène FC” – and the club’s establishment feel their arguments betray an ingratitude.
  • (9) The patient was the loser, the lawyer the winner, and the physician often devastated by the patient's ingratitude.
  • (10) Netanyahu invariably repaid Obama’s generosity with ingratitude and abuse.
  • (11) Like King Lear, the president feels the fangs of ingratitude, the marble-hearted fiend, more keenly than anything else.



  • (a.) Not grateful; not thankful for favors; making no returns, or making ill return for kindness, attention, etc.; ingrateful.
  • (a.) Unpleasing; unacceptable; disagreeable; as, harsh sounds are ungrateful to the ear.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) "Don't be such an ungrateful bastard," God snapped.
  • (2) Chelsea may have been ungrateful towards Ranieri, and Juventus welcoming, but La Vecchia Signora is not a humanitarian charity.
  • (3) My youngest texts me to tell me that I am "an ungrateful poo" and I can see why.
  • (4) Karzai sounded very ungrateful, and that damaged the goodwill within the United States.” Ghani’s visit may also bring to the surface the first points of serious tension between him and the US government.
  • (5) Immediately a hullabaloo followed, with critics accused of being ungrateful by those in favour of what the government offered.
  • (6) "Gates argued to the president directly that Netanyahu is not only ungrateful, but also endangering his country by refusing to grapple with Israel's growing isolation and with the demographic challenges it faces if it keeps control of the West Bank."
  • (7) He is a great athlete, I’m sure he worked hard, I also heard his grades were great.” The underlying assumption – that Kaepernick was being ungrateful to white America by protesting against racism – is as troubling as it is offensive.
  • (8) Peter Wright QC, prosecuting, described him as the ultimate "ungrateful son" who had an "insatiable thirst for cash".
  • (9) Ralph Miliband's status as a refugee Levy refers to this in a way that suggests Miliband was ungrateful despite being afforded shelter from the Nazis.
  • (10) It would be very ungrateful to have that facility and not use it.” He has, of course, no intention of retiring.
  • (11) Very sick and dying patients and ungrateful, demanding patients can arouse anger and despair.
  • (12) Who besides Rays and Red Sox fans didn't want to see Terry Francona in the visitors dugout at Fenway Park, primed to stick it to his old bosses, ready to crush the dreams of ungrateful souls in dark offices .
  • (13) Adding to the insult in some German eyes is a perceived ungratefulness in Athens.
  • (14) Mugabe described Mujuru as “ungrateful, power-hungry, daft, corrupt, foolish, divisive and a disgrace”, and accused her of collaborating with opposition forces and white people to undermine the country’s post-independence gains.
  • (15) The country is ungrateful and now parliament is ungrateful.
  • (16) Their motivations are pure, they say, they want to paint the best and most beautiful art they can and they appear baffled that the public is so ungrateful.
  • (17) I sort of think the guy deserves a break …" My fellow Game of Thrones (GoT) fan merely sighs and says, with a shake of the head: "He's still an idiot, and a pretty ungrateful one at that."
  • (18) American rightwingers – in between calling me a "bitch" and "cunt" countless times – would have you know I'm an "Islamo-Nazi anti-speech ungrateful immigrant" incapable of appreciating the wonders of the first amendment.
  • (19) Protests such as these have drawn loud criticism on social media from Swedes annoyed at “ungrateful” refugees.
  • (20) Just as Erdoğan became all-powerful he also became personally vulnerable, battling cancer and grieving the loss of his mother who had shielded him from his frustrated and over-religious father – whose worst traits his son is now displaying as he tours Turkey to chastise his ungrateful children at a series of monster rallies: "Look what I have done for them!

Words possibly related to "ingratitude"