What's the difference between inhabitant and mongolian?



  • (n.) One who dwells or resides permanently in a place, as distinguished from a transient lodger or visitor; as, an inhabitant of a house, a town, a city, county, or state.
  • (n.) One who has a legal settlement in a town, city, or parish; a permanent resident.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Plasmid profiling was used to distinguish strains of lactobacilli inhabiting the digestive tract of piglets and the feces of sows.
  • (2) The highest rates were observed where the inhabitants' activities were related to the sea.
  • (3) Staphylococci were the predominant inhabitants of normal skin, whereas micrococci were found only occasionally in this environment.
  • (4) When matched on number of inhabitants per birthplace, no significant differences were found.
  • (5) Specimens of human bone from the site exhibited lower strontium levels and strontium-to-calcium ratios than deer specimens from the same site, reinforcing paleodemographic evidence that the human populations that inhabited this site included substantial amounts of meat in their diets.
  • (6) We can inhabit only one version of being human – the only version that survives today – but what is fascinating is that palaeoanthropology shows us those other paths to becoming human, their successes and their eventual demise, whether through failure or just sheer bad luck.
  • (7) Statistical analysis has shown the following: a) the growth inhibition, which is especially distinct in autumn-spring generation, takes place in the Ist instar larvae 1.76-2.20 mm long inhabiting the walls of the nasal cavity and concha (their average body length at hatching is 1.08 plus or minus 0.004 mm); the inhibition is associated with interpopulation relations and apparently does not depend on the date of its beginning and can last from 6 to 7 months; c) after the growth resumption the development continues uninterruptedly up to the moulting; the inhibition is also possible at the beginning of the 2nd instar and then the development proceeds without any intervals up to the complete maturation of larvae.
  • (8) All organisms inherit parents' genes, but many also inherit parents, peers, and the places they inhabit as well.
  • (9) The material comprised liver and kidney samples collected from inhabitants of the city of Białystok and of its vicinity during anatomopathological examination at the Department of Pathological Anatomy, Medical Academy in Białystok.
  • (10) Today no one can doubt that Ukraine is inhabited by European citizens, just like those in England, Germany or Poland.
  • (11) The public are growing angrier by the day by the antics of those who inhabit this gold plated, red-upholstered Narnia.
  • (12) During the MONICA project, the survey of cardiovascular risk factor prevalence enabled us to measure the thickness of four skinfolds (biceps, triceps, subscapular, suprailiac) in 263 inhabitants of Lausanne (125 men, 138 women).
  • (13) The POL-MONICA Project screened in 1984 1309 men and 1337 women aged 35 to 64 years, inhabitants of Warsaw (the Warsaw centre) and 1250 men and 1472 women aged 35 to 64 years, inhabitants of the Tarnobrzeg province (the Cracow centre).
  • (14) Inhabitants are excluded from other social housing despite many having lived in Italy for generations; a fact the tribunal in Rome cited as evidence of discrimination on ethnic grounds.
  • (15) During the last 3 years the number of prisoners in Finland, has risen, being for the moment 105 per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the highest rates in Europe.
  • (16) A tenacious Anabaena epiphyte was also discovered inhabiting the surfaces of root nodules.
  • (17) There are presently five doctors for a 130,000 inhabitants population, collaborating in the setting up of basic health services.
  • (18) It would leave us facing a world nobody would want to inhabit.
  • (19) In this period, the incidence was highest in the age group 70-79 years for both women and men, with 485 and 410 arthroplasties per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively; the overall incidence was 82 per 100,000 inhabitants.
  • (20) However, the inhabitants of Babaji showed little interest in meeting the British, with compound after mud-walled compound abandoned.



  • (a.) Of or pertaining to Mongolia or the Mongols.
  • (n.) One of the Mongols.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Confluent monolayers of capillary endothelial cells derived from Mongolian gerbil brain were irradiated with a single exposure of x-rays, and their radiosensitivity and sequential changes in morphology, staining intensity for factor VIII-related antigen (F VIII RAg), and capacity to produce prostacyclin (PGI2) were examined.
  • (2) Seizures elicited by posture change and intraperitoneal administration of convulsants were studied ontogenetically in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus).
  • (3) Thus, hippocampal pyramidal and cortical neurons in both rat and Mongolian gerbil (M. unguiculatus) show abundant lysosomal dense bodies and disorganisation of the protein-synthesising apparatus.
  • (4) Radioimmunochemistry (RIA) and immunocytochemistry (ICC) were used to measure proenkephalin and prodynorphin peptides in the brain of a genetic model of epilepsy, the seizure-sensitive (SS) Mongolian gerbil.
  • (5) on the losses of membrane fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and arachidonic), the plasma membrane enzyme Na+, K+-ATPase, and the mitochondrial membrane enzyme Mg2+-ATPase, associated with global ischemia 24 hr after permanent unilateral occlusion of the carotid artery in Mongolian gerbils.
  • (6) This factor was found to be lethal not only to mice but also to other species of animals, Mongolian gerbils being most susceptible and New Zealand rabbits next.
  • (7) Mongolian gerbils received lesions of either the visual cortex, pretectal nuclei, superior colliculus or a sham operation.
  • (8) Mongolian gerbils were inoculated intracecally with E. histolytica trophozoites cultured monoxenically.
  • (9) Dopamine release into the extracellular space was measured with in vivo electrochemical detection in the ipsilateral and contralateral striata in Mongolian gerbils that suffered a stroke after acute unilateral carotid artery ligations.
  • (10) From these results, it is evident that the male Mongolian gerbil is almost sexually matured by 10 to 12 weeks of age.
  • (11) Optical fluorescence and reflectance measurements have been used to map the distribution of metabolic states in three dimensions in the gerbil brain with a spatial resolution of 200 microns an a time resolution of 4-6 s. In Mongolian gerbils anesthetized with pentobarbital, the redox states of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and flavoprotein components of the electron transport chain exhibit two distinct phases during the wave of spreading depression: (1) a transient period of oxidation and (2) a prolonged period of reduction, during which the cytochromes are reduced, and the hemoglobin is predominantly in the deoxy form.
  • (12) We describe our findings in an ultrastructural study of the endolymphatic sac of the mongolian gerbil.
  • (13) Seizure tendencies of three separate lines of Mongolian gerbils Meriones unguiculatus carrying three different coat color alleles were investigated.
  • (14) A phylogenetic factor (imprinting) is proposed to explain peaks seen in December and January for Caucasian, Mongolian, Finnish and Chilean samples living in the northern and southern hemispheres.
  • (15) The effects of short- and long-term early monocular deprivation were investigated in 4 Mongolian gerbils using interocular differences in grating acuity as a measure of deprivation-induced impairment.
  • (16) Therefore PAF appears to play an important role in the post-ischemic phase after bilateral carotid ligation in Mongolian gerbils.
  • (17) Diabetes-like processes found in the pancreas of mongolian gerbils were roughly grouped into two main types: (1) the histopathological process in which the fibrosis, initially prominent at perivascular space, spread to the islets, finally producing the islet's cell degeneration, and (2) the process of diffuse islet's hyperplasia.
  • (18) The effects of cerebral ischemia, induced for 10 min by bilateral common carotid ligation in the Mongolian gerbil, on the brain and synaptosomal content of phospholipids and free fatty acids were measured.
  • (19) The present experiment demonstrates that the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) uses time-to-collision information to control deceleration as it runs towards a target.
  • (20) Fluorine-18-labeled ortho or para isomers of L-fluorophenylalanine were used in double-label experiments together with L-[3H]phenylalanine for amino acid incorporation into cerebral proteins of Mongolian gerbil brain.