(n.) A South American freshwater dolphin (Inia Boliviensis). It is ten or twelve feet long, and has a hairy snout.
Example Sentences:
(1) The irradiated spikes were pollinated with 'Inia 66' pollen and the F2 and F3 generations screened for translocation mutants, using the genes for leaf rust resistance and yellow endosperm pigmentation as markers.
(2) Sotalia fluviatilis (family Delphinidae) and Inia geoffrensis (family Platanistidae) share the same freshwater habitat in the upper Amazon River, and both utilize echolocation to navigate and to find food.
(3) This protein differs from that of the sperm whale, Physeter catodon, at 12 positions, from that of the common porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, and the Black Sea dolphin, Delphinus delphis, at 14 positions, and from that of the Amazon River dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, at 7 positions.
(4) The underwater sound emissions of this species, although similar to those of the Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), appear to be produced constantly.
(5) This myoglobin differs from that of the sperm whale, Physter catodon, at 15 positions, from that of the California gray whale, Eschrichtius gibbosus, at 14 positions, from that of the common porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, at 6 positions, and from the myoglobin of the Black Sea dolphin, Delphinus delphis and the Amazon River dolphin, Inia goeffrensis, at 5 and 7 positions, respecitvely.
(6) The samples studied were provided by the Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), where in its chemical composition, dietary fiber, biological protein quality (PER) and apparent and true protein digestibility, were determined.
(7) In 1953 Dr. Vogel supplied some F2 seeds of Norin-10 Brevor to the CIMMYT program in Mexico, where this source was employed extensively in the breeding rogram; a large number of varieties were developed, some of which worth mentioning are Pitic, Penjamo, Lerma, Sonora, Inia, Tobari, and Siete Cerros.
(8) An electroencephalographic study of sleep in Amazonian dolphins, Inia geoffrensis, revealed that unihemispheric slow-wave sleep is the dominant sleep type in this species, as in the other two dolphin species that were studied earlier.
(9) Comparison of their respective bioacoustical lipid compositions show distinctive types of head fats, Sotalia being rich in iso-5:0 and Inia lacking iso-5:0.
(10) The species analyzed were beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), Tórtola and Coscorrón varieties; lentils (Lens esculenta), Laird variety; and chick peas (Cicer arietinum), California-INIA variety.
(11) This myoglobin differs from that of the dwarf sperm whale, Kogia simus, at 16 positions, and the common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, at 14 positions, from that of the common porpoise, Phocaena phocaena, and the bottlenosed dolphin, Tursiops truncatus at 13 positions, from that of the Amazon River dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, at 10 positions, and from that of California gray whale, Eschrichtius gibbosus, at 3 positions- All of the substitutions observed in this sequence fit easily into the three-dimensional structure of the sperm whale myoglobin.
(12) A wave observed in the auditory brainstem responses (ABR), sensitive to the side of sound presentation, is described in a dolphin (Inia geoffrensis).
(13) Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) to sound clicks from sources in different positions were recorded in dolphins Inia geoffrensis.
(14) When the Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1972 did not bring about the hoped for decline in the birthrate in Inia, the gevernment began to consider alternative family planning measures including raising the legal age at marriage to 18 for girls and 21 for boys.
(15) The patterns of F1 seeds of the crosses Cheyenne X Justin and INIA 66R X Justin evidenced all the bands present in the patterns of the parents; band intensities reflected gene dosage levels dependent on whether the contributing parent was maternal or paternal in accordance with the triploid nature of endosperm tissue.
(16) Binaural hearing mechanisms were measured in dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) by recording the auditory nerve evoked response from the body surface.
(17) The complete amino acid sequence of the major component myoglobin from Amazon River dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, was determined by specific cleavage of the protein to obtain large peptides which are readily degraded by the automatic sequencer.
(n.) The long, projecting nose of a beast, as of swine.
(n.) The nose of a man; -- in contempt.
(n.) The nozzle of a pipe, hose, etc.
(n.) The anterior prolongation of the head of a gastropod; -- called also rostrum.
(n.) The anterior prolongation of the head of weevils and allied beetles.
(v. t.) To furnish with a nozzle or point.
Example Sentences:
(1) The results show that proteins whose size, charge, and biochemical behavior are very similar to those of desmoplakin I and band 5 protein of cow snout epidermis are present in all desmosomes examined.
(2) The broadcasting regulator received 122 complaints from viewers concerned that it appeared that Wendy had a mechanical device covering her snout to make her “talk”, and that caused the animal distress.
(3) Receptor threshold was best measured not in air but with the snout immersed in tap water.
(4) A polypeptide of identical molecular mass (Mr 83,000) and charge to desmosomal plakoglobin from bovine snout epidermis was identified in soluble and pelletable fractions from diverse tissues and cells of different mammalian species, including cells and tissues devoid of desmosomes (e.g.
(5) Thus, the pattern of sensory innervation in the glabrous rat snout skin is similar to that found in other furred species described to date, but in addition, the sensory innervation of ridged skin in the rat also resembles that of epidermis organized into rete pegs.
(6) While all three were considered effective for symptom relief, there was a clear preference for both of the new longer, snout-like nozzle adapters over the currently available delivery system.
(7) In other words, it can be said that the minor reflexive movements of the jaw might have been controlled by the sensory inputs coming from the snout sensory receptor organs.
(8) Behavioral arousal evoked by lightly touching the fish on the snout or over the eye resembled spontaneous arousal observed in the field and consisted of eye withdrawal, fin erection, and attempted swimming.
(9) When the snout was uncovered a lamb in good condition drew its first breath and the spreading of the contrast material into the peripheral parts of the lungs was almost explosive.
(10) The difference in the two established outlines of the snout represented the changes in size and shape in two dimensions that had occurred during the 10 weeks period.
(11) Epidermal explants from the snout region of 12.5- to 13-day embryos were grown in culture for periods of up to 2 weeks.
(12) When euthanized 15 days after the last DNT administration no snout lesions were found in passively immunized piglets, whereas control animals showed severe turbinate atrophy and other changes typical for atrophic rhinitis.
(13) Many showed the following aberrant neurological signs: Pallaesthesia and dermolexia were extinct in the lower extremities; the ankle jerks could not be elicited; the palmomental, orbicularis oris reflex, grasping and the snout reflexes were positive; there was a hypokinetic-hypertonic motor syndrome.
(14) Quantitative DNA cytophotometric investigations were performed to clarify some aspects of the differentiation and fate of nuclei in bovine snout and human epidermis representing various sites and different degrees of keratinization.
(15) The behavior categories included grooming, yawning, turning, nodding and gnawing, as well as snout contact and nonsnout contact variants of locomoting, rearing and sitting.
(16) Among five efts of the smallest size (26.54 plus or minus 2.20 mm snout-to-vent length), and displaying bright orange dorsal skin coloration, all carpal rudiments were cartilaginous.
(17) After movements along these two dimensions increase in amplitude and involve the whole body, vertical (dorsal-ventral) head scans with snout contact (along vertical surfaces) typically appear, and increase gradually in amplitude.
(18) Separate dorsal, lateral and ventral cartilages and fenestrations in the septal cartilage permit snout flexibility.
(19) Absence of snout contact was induced by placement of the rat on a square elevated platform.
(20) At slaughter, individual pig lungs and snout were examined for lesions of pneumonia and atrophic rhinitis, respectively.