(v. t.) To write or engrave; to mark down as something to be read; to imprint.
(v. t.) To mark with letters, charakters, or words.
(v. t.) To assign or address to; to commend to by a shot address; to dedicate informally; as, to inscribe an ode to a friend.
(v. t.) To imprint deeply; to impress; to stamp; as, to inscribe a sentence on the memory.
(v. t.) To draw within so as to meet yet not cut the boundaries.
Example Sentences:
(1) In the absence of motion, this point source inscribes a straight line on planar summation of the 32 projections over 180 degrees.
(2) As the silt cleared, we found ourselves on a flat plain of yellow-tinged mud, inscribed with pits, burrows and tracks by species that eke out their existence on the detritus that settles from above.
(3) Propagated PVB's were inscribed by the model when criteria for excitation, dispersion, and conduction were met based on known electrophysiological characteristics of heart muscle.
(4) Henry, the victor of Bosworth Field in 1485, when he took the crown from the dead head of the last Plantagenet, Richard III, will be represented by a book of hours that he inscribed as a gift to his daughter.
(5) The anisotropic period, 7 days long, is inscribed within the ferning period.
(6) The Tower’s steps are covered in golden slime, and on its walls crawls a “rich greenlike moss” that inscribes letters and words on the masonry – before entering and authoring the bodies of the explorers themselves.
(7) Finally, the theory of the madness of the masses (Massenwahntheorie) stated by Broch--a double madness, of fragmentation, on the one hand, and of aberration and paranoia of power, on the other--shows a universally valid analysis in which the particular, recurrent tragic model of our culture inscribes itself.
(8) Concerned about the busy three-lane road we were standing next to, we quickly picked her up, checked her collar and rang the phone number inscribed on it.
(9) Today there is only the headstone, inscribed with an Islamic star and crescent, standing among dozens of Christian crosses of other veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan in the cemetery’s section 60, the plot called “the saddest acre in America”.
(10) The violent images from that period 10 years ago – of Israeli security forces expelling Jews from their houses – remain indelibly inscribed in the settler community’s consciousness, and are viewed like kryptonite by Israel’s most rightwing government ever.
(11) The tablet, inscribed with an exhortation to honor King Tukulti-Ninurta I, was excavated a century ago by German archaeologists from the Ishtar Temple in what's now northern Iraq.
(12) The difficult question now is how to sort out these remaining issues without the crushing time pressure that leads to botched drafting which, in a royal charter world, become inscribed on vellum and extremely difficult to modify.
(13) The mid-temporal vectors were located in the left postero-superior octant, and the late portion of the loop was inscribed anteriorly to the right with conspicuous conduction delay.
(14) The impact reaches far beyond the figures inscribed on a Test-match scorebook and debases the credibility of the entire sport.
(15) Cementum was removed from the exposed root surfaces, and reference notches were inscribed into the roots at the alveolar bone margin.
(16) In the two C-141 transport planes that carried them, they had packed: 23 wooden crates; 12 suitcases and bags, and various boxes, whose contents included enough clothes to fill 67 racks; 413 pieces of jewellery, including 70 pairs of jewel-studded cufflinks; an ivory statue of the infant Jesus with a silver mantle and a diamond necklace; 24 gold bricks, inscribed “To my husband on our 24th anniversary”; and more than 27m Philippine pesos in freshly-printed notes.
(17) Chisel in hand, he walked slowly around the base of his giant sculpture, carefully inspecting the detail on the eagle crest in front, and the name inscribed on the back – John Garang de Mabior.
(18) Categories of unipolar electrograms were defined with reference to the QRS complex during sinus rhythm as follows: Class A included electrograms with an intrinsic deflection inscribed within the QRS complex, class B included those which did not exhibit any intrinsic rs deflection, and class C included those with an intrinsic deflection inscribed later than QRS.
(19) The A-wave reappeared clearly in 30% of the operated patients, and the outline of the posterior leaflet was no longer inscribed in the anterior leaflet diastolic curve in all cases; the amplitude CE was unchanged.
(20) At any equivalent diastolic filling time, the percent of the integrated area beneath the curve inscribed by the diastolic anterior mirtal leaflet echoes closely approximated the percent of stroke volume which had entered the left ventricle.
(n.) A soft white metallic element, sonorous, ductile, very malleable, and capable of a high degree of polish. It is found native, and also combined with sulphur, arsenic, antimony, chlorine, etc., in the minerals argentite, proustite, pyrargyrite, ceragyrite, etc. Silver is one of the "noble" metals, so-called, not being easily oxidized, and is used for coin, jewelry, plate, and a great variety of articles. Symbol Ag (Argentum). Atomic weight 107.7. Specific gravity 10.5.
(n.) Coin made of silver; silver money.
(n.) Anything having the luster or appearance of silver.
(n.) The color of silver.
(a.) Of or pertaining to silver; made of silver; as, silver leaf; a silver cup.
(a.) Resembling silver.
(a.) Bright; resplendent; white.
(a.) Precious; costly.
(a.) Giving a clear, ringing sound soft and clear.
(a.) Sweet; gentle; peaceful.
(v. t.) To cover with silver; to give a silvery appearance to by applying a metal of a silvery color; as, to silver a pin; to silver a glass mirror plate with an amalgam of tin and mercury.
(v. t.) To polish like silver; to impart a brightness to, like that of silver.
(v. t.) To make hoary, or white, like silver.
(v. i.) To acquire a silvery color.
Example Sentences:
(1) Another Guardian podcast, Days in the Life, won silver in the same category.
(2) Sulphides, which possibly form on silver alloys, showed cytotoxicity.
(3) We repeat our call for them to do so at the earliest opportunity, and to share those findings so that we can take any appropriate actions.” In the BBC programme the 29-year-old Rupp, who won 10,000m silver at the London 2012 Olympics behind Farah, was accused of having taken testosterone and being a regular user of the asthma drug prednisone, which is banned in competition.
(4) Using a silver staining technique (AgNOR technique), we have investigated the nucleolar organizer-associated proteins (NORs) in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded conjunctival specimens of 15 intraepithelial squamous carcinomas, 10 hyperplastic-dysplastic samples and 10 control epithelial fragments; the mean number of intranuclear black dots was determined for each case.
(5) By contrast, SAP-35, the major surfactant-associated glycoprotein of molecular weight = 35,000, and other higher molecular weight proteins were not detected in significant quantities in the CLSE or surfactant-TA replacement surfactants, either by highly sensitive silver stain analysis or by immunoblot using monospecific antisera generated against bovine SAP-35.
(6) Average number of metaphase Ag-NOR chromosomes (calculated per diploid chromosome set) in haploid parthenogenones exceeded that in the control; in some cases all NORs were stained by silver.
(7) They continuously produced heteropolymeric G6PD and showed strictly additive patterns of silver staining of both parental sets of nucleolar organizing chromosomes.
(8) The nerve endings in the heart of fishes were studied using silver impregnation techniques.
(9) The silver impregnated axons of these cells converge to a paired centrosuperficial tract forming terminal enlargements at the ventrolateral surface of the spinal cord.
(10) On the upside, this year's monsoon will lead to bumper agricultural production, and the cheaper rupee also comes with a thick silver lining.
(11) Some proteins stained with silver can be directly transfer, almost all proteins can be transferred comparably to non-stained controls.
(12) Treatment of the nucleoli with 80 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) -- 0.15 M NaCl did, however, eliminate silver binding.
(13) Light microscope autoradiography revealed the development of specific silver grains in the medial layer of epineurial and perineurial arteries in sections of sciatic nerve exposed either to [3H]DHA or [3H]QNB.
(14) The ammoniacal silver method, which identifies basic proteins, gives a positive reaction in cytoplasmic granules of rat peritoneal mast cells.
(15) In this study we confirmed this finding in two cases of PSP by using Bodian silver staining and immunohistochemistry with antibody to human tau protein.
(16) The problem, said Dr Kinsey, was that Shakespeare's "sceptred isle ... set in a silver sea" is now set in a sea of rubbish.
(17) Several hundred polypeptides were resolved as seen by silver staining.
(18) The Bielschowski silver stain revealed intracellular, argentophilic deposits, which were birefringent when stained with Congo red and viewed in polarized light.
(19) Since no evaluation of the relative merits of electro and chemical cautery has been reported, a prospective randomized study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of electro-cautery and cautery with silver nitrate.
(20) The labelling intensity (as estimated by the number of silver grains per unit of cytoplasmic area) was maximum in cells having dense-cored vesicles whose mean diameter was between 130 and 170 nm, but decreased for cells with mean diameter of dense cores smaller than 130 nm, or larger than 170 nm.