

  • (n.) One of the Insecta; esp., one of the Hexapoda. See Insecta.
  • (n.) Any air-breathing arthropod, as a spider or scorpion.
  • (n.) Any small crustacean. In a wider sense, the word is often loosely applied to various small invertebrates.
  • (n.) Fig.: Any small, trivial, or contemptible person or thing.
  • (a.) Of or pertaining to an insect or insects.
  • (a.) Like an insect; small; mean; ephemeral.

Compare insect with other words:

insect vs. invect

inject vs. insect

infect vs. insect

insect vs. insert

insect vs. inset

insect vs. scorpion

insect vs. inspect

insect vs. worn

insect vs. neuration

homopterous vs. insect

insect vs. larviparous

insect vs. thysanurous

insect vs. vitelligenous

insect vs. leptiform

insect vs. urosternite

insect vs. tingid

insect vs. subimago

entomotomy vs. insect

heteropter vs. insect

insect vs. natatorious

insect vs. prosternum

insect vs. promuscis

insect vs. trophi

insect vs. insectologer

insect vs. insectology

insect vs. pulvillus

insect vs. lacinia

insect vs. thysanuran

alkermes vs. insect

insect vs. orthoptera

insect vs. terebra

insect vs. mesothorax

haustellum vs. insect

insect vs. trichopteran

entomoid vs. insect

homopteran vs. insect

insect vs. prothorax

girdler vs. insect

gallinipper vs. insect

insect vs. truncus

flysheet vs. insect

insect vs. muscid

eruca vs. insect

homopter vs. insect

insect vs. scutellum

insect vs. mantispid

insect vs. orthopteran

hypostome vs. insect

insect vs. underwing

insect vs. metathorax

coleopteran vs. insect

gaster vs. insect

insect vs. lepidopteran

hymenopteran vs. insect

insect vs. piercer

hemipteran vs. insect

insect vs. sphere

insect vs. mite

insect vs. speech

insect vs. mobile

insect vs. table

book vs. insect

danger vs. insect

atomy vs. insect

insect vs. unguis

insect vs. phasmid

insect vs. labrum

insect vs. metabolian

insect vs. insectary

insect vs. scape

insect vs. springtail

fritinancy vs. insect

insect vs. remiped

ampliate vs. insect

incrassate vs. insect

flycatcher vs. insect

insect vs. pupal

entomophagous vs. insect

insect vs. proleg

hexapod vs. insect

gallnut vs. insect

insect vs. kermes

insect vs. tunicate

glossa vs. insect

insect vs. insectile

hymenopteral vs. insect

inocular vs. insect

balancer vs. insect

insect vs. marsupium

ecdysis vs. insect

insect vs. shellac

cardo vs. insect

insect vs. rostrum

insect vs. polymeniscous

insect vs. tegula

insect vs. metamorphism

insect vs. kell

clypeus vs. insect

insect vs. mala

insect vs. pollicate

antlia vs. insect

exterminator vs. insect

buzzer vs. insect

insect vs. tympanum

insect vs. pest

insect vs. rocket

insect vs. spermatheca

cochineal vs. insect

insect vs. sandalwood

insect vs. stonechat

insect vs. whinchat

insect vs. wheatear

insect vs. nectar

imago vs. insect

insect vs. sawfly

ictus vs. insect

insect vs. mantis

bristletail vs. insect

insect vs. stinger

insect vs. pronotum

insect vs. lacewing

chorion vs. insect

insect vs. petiole

animalcule vs. insect

insect vs. proboscis

borer vs. insect

entomologist vs. insect

cocoon vs. insect

insect vs. nervure

insect vs. veinlet

exuvia vs. insect

cercus vs. insect

debug vs. insect

insect vs. wheal

insect vs. thorax

carnivorous vs. insect

bedbug vs. insect

insect vs. wog

insect vs. stipes

insect vs. smudge

gula vs. insect

gadfly vs. insect

insect vs. repellent

insect vs. swarm

insect vs. termite

chirp vs. insect

insect vs. thrips

insect vs. poiser

gall vs. insect

botfly vs. insect

aphid vs. insect

insect vs. trachea

insect vs. layer

corselet vs. insect

insect vs. virgin

insect vs. section

beak vs. insect

insect vs. nest

bookworm vs. insect

earwig vs. insect

insect vs. martin

gnat vs. insect

insect vs. silverfish

insect vs. vermin

insect vs. nymph

insect vs. lingua

grub vs. insect

grasshopper vs. insect

antenna vs. insect

insect vs. skater

brood vs. insect

insect vs. waist

insect vs. worm

entomology vs. insect

coleopter vs. insect

chafer vs. insect

arachnid vs. insect

insect vs. insectivore

insect vs. insectivorous

insect vs. insecticide

insect vs. powerless

contemptible vs. insect

centipede vs. insect

insect vs. spider

chitin vs. insect

exoskeleton vs. insect

insect vs. wing

insect vs. leg

insect vs. insecta

arthropod vs. insect

insect vs. louse

buggy vs. insect

insect vs. moth

feeler vs. insect

dragonfly vs. insect

insect vs. vein

butterfly vs. insect

insect vs. swallow

insect vs. sting

ephemeral vs. insect

fly vs. insect

facet vs. insect

insect vs. larva

beetle vs. insect

bite vs. insect

insect vs. mosquito

insect vs. pupa

flower vs. insect

bee vs. insect

ant vs. insect

cockroach vs. insect

animal vs. insect

insect vs. reptile

bug vs. insect

chat vs. insect