(n.) The act of inspiring or breathing in; breath; specif. (Physiol.), the drawing of air into the lungs, accomplished in mammals by elevation of the chest walls and flattening of the diaphragm; -- the opposite of expiration.
(n.) The act or power of exercising an elevating or stimulating influence upon the intellect or emotions; the result of such influence which quickens or stimulates; as, the inspiration of occasion, of art, etc.
(n.) A supernatural divine influence on the prophets, apostles, or sacred writers, by which they were qualified to communicate moral or religious truth with authority; a supernatural influence which qualifies men to receive and communicate divine truth; also, the truth communicated.
Example Sentences:
(1) Airway closure (CV), functional residual capacity (FRC) and the distribution of inspired gas (nitrogen washout delay percentage, NWOD %) and arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) was measured by standard electrodes in eight extremely obese patients before and after weight loss (mean weights 142 and 94 kg, respectively) following intestinal shunt operation.
(2) We have much more fighting to do!” Now Cherwell is preparing to publish letters or articles from other students who have been inspired to open up about their own ordeals.
(3) Increase in activity of pulmonary stretch receptors causes inhibition of inspiration and bronchodilation.
(4) The duration of the individual crackles became shorter and the timing of the crackles shifted toward the end of inspiration.
(5) "I wanted it to have a romantic feel," says Wilson, "recalling Donald Campbell and his Bluebird machines and that spirit of awe-inspiring adventure."
(6) Transcutaneous oxygen measurements (TcpO2) have been shown to be an index of tissue perfusion and it has been suggested that the main haemodynamic variable influencing tissue perfusion is cardiac output, assuming that inspired oxygen remains constant.
(7) There was also an OBE for Daily Mirror advice columnist and broadcaster, Dr Miriam Stoppard , while Dr Claire Bertschinger , whose appearance in Michael Buerk's 1984 reports from Ethiopia inspired Bob Geldof to organise Live Aid, was made a dame for services to nursing and international humanitarian aid.
(8) I was inspired by and, in this article, refer to videotapes of consultations and therapy sessions shown at an international conference on constructivism and family therapy in Sulitjelma, Norway, June 1988, and to written material from the Tromsø group (Tom Andersen and Anna M. Flåm), the Milan team (Luigi Boscolo and Gianfranco Cecchin), and the Galveston team (Harlene Anderson and Harold Goolishian).
(9) Under cyclic uptake conditions alveolar gases follow an oscillating time course, because gas concentrations tend to increase during inspiration and to decrease during expiration.
(10) We used two experimental paradigms inspired by developmental biology to study how bees obtain information on changing colony needs that results in precocious foraging.
(11) But it is as a winner of "best dressed" and "most inspiring" awards that she remains well-known.
(12) During inspiration, the velocity was greater and the shape of the flow profile throughout diastole tended to be flat.
(13) "It's inspiring for young sportspeople everywhere to have something like this happening in our backyard.
(14) Increased ventilatory excursions with constant inspired CO2 levels did not cause any elevation of IOT, but a minimal compensatory drop in IOT below resting values occurred when increased ventilatory excursions were discontinued.
(15) As an index of inhomogeneous distribution of inspired air, the mean dilution number (the ratio of the first to zero moments) was calculated from each multibreath nitrogen washout during spontaneous breathing.
(16) The sounds were loudest along the left sternal border, exhibited an increase in intensity during inspiration and were associated with right atrial gallop sounds and with murmurs of tricuspid regurgitation.
(17) The effects of the level of oxygenation on the respiratory response to heat exposure have been studied in conscious cats during normoxia, severe or mild hypocapnic hypoxia [inspired O2 fraction (FIO2) = 0.11 or 0.13], or hyperoxia.
(18) We therefore measured HCVR, HVR, and ventilation for three breaths preceding and eight breaths following three totally obstructed inspirations in eight normal subjects during NREM sleep.
(19) As well as a portrait of Austen, the new note will include images of her writing desk and quills at Chawton Cottage, in Hampshire, where she lived; her brother's home, Godmersham Park, which she visited often, and is thought to have inspired some of her novels, and a quote from Miss Bingley, in Pride and Prejudice: "I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!"
(20) The Butcher’s Arms Herne Facebook Twitter Pinterest Martyn Hillier at the Butcher’s Arms Now a place of pilgrimage and inspiration, the Butcher’s Arms was established by Martyn Hillier in 2005 when he opened for business in the three-metre by four-metre front room of a former butcher’s shop.
(v. i.) To inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it; to make a deep single audible respiration, especially as the result or involuntary expression of fatigue, exhaustion, grief, sorrow, or the like.
(v. i.) Hence, to lament; to grieve.
(v. i.) To make a sound like sighing.
(v. t.) To exhale (the breath) in sighs.
(v. t.) To utter sighs over; to lament or mourn over.
(v. t.) To express by sighs; to utter in or with sighs.
(v. i.) A deep and prolonged audible inspiration or respiration of air, as when fatigued or grieved; the act of sighing.
(v. i.) Figuratively, a manifestation of grief; a lan/ent.
Example Sentences:
(1) "But this is not all Bulgarians and gives a totally wrong picture of what the country is about," she sighed.
(2) Whoever is Tory leader then may breathe a sigh of relief.
(3) Sighs provide an opportunity to study the interaction and the maturation of the autonomic nervous system.
(4) An adviser to the Sultan of Aïr, the town’s ceremonial leader , sighs.
(5) To all the college grads out there, sighing over their student loan payments, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has a message: it was all worth it.
(6) | Hugh Muir Read more Wherever Labour people gather to discuss how to break out of the vice tightening around the party, answers fail amid sighs of utter despair.
(7) However, the over-riding view is that with Global's plan to buy GMG Radio outright all but thwarted, senior executives at German-owned Bauer will be breathing a sigh of relief.
(8) "I wanna rearrange that bit," he sighs, "because I feel I'm just doing what's expected of an R&B artist to take your shirt off.
(9) I think it should be a huge sigh of relief for EADS shareholders."
(10) "It's hard," sighed Royal, asked how she was faring.
(11) As for Botha, he breathed a sigh of relief that his ordeal was over.
(12) "Some even call me her pet," he sighs, raising his eyebrows in exasperation.
(13) He sighs, though whether this is out of weariness and regret, or impatience at my line of questioning, is difficult to tell.
(14) "Oh Lynn," she sighs, "you can't seriously expect me to answer that."
(15) Thus, promoter switching during the early stationary phase resulted not only in expression from SigH promoters but also in differential expression of the genes in the sigA operon.
(16) Jason Conibear, market analyst at forex specialists, Cambridge Mercantile, argues that Obama will be breathing a sigh of relief, even though US economic growth is slowing: American consumers are getting skittish again, but with the giant economy's output still creeping upwards, politicians and policymakers will find the perfect excuse to do nothing.
(17) Because this is due in part to variability in the way the information is obtained to make the various rating distinctions, the Structured Interview Guide for the HDRS (SIGH-D) was developed to standardize the manner of administration of the scale.
(18) Rumours,” Baddour sighed once more, as he returned from the platform.
(19) Clash of the sofas: BBC v ITV An age-old rivalry with plenty of previous, gone are the days where you'd sigh when you found out a match was on ITV not BBC.
(20) – but Russell happily slips in and out of voices and lines from the movie, his recollections punctuated by wistful sighs.