(n.) The act or quality of being instant or pressing; urgency; solicitation; application; suggestion; motion.
(n.) That which is instant or urgent; motive.
(n.) Occasion; order of occurrence.
(n.) That which offers itself or is offered as an illustrative case; something cited in proof or exemplification; a case occurring; an example.
(n.) A token; a sign; a symptom or indication.
(v. t.) To mention as a case or example; to refer to; to cite; as, to instance a fact.
(v. i.) To give an example.
Example Sentences:
(1) Would people feel differently about it if, for instance, it happened on Boxing Day or Christmas Eve?
(2) In both instances the permeation rates of proteins can be better correlated to hydrodynamic radii than to molecular weights.
(3) In three instances SAA levels increased during hospitalization while CRP levels did not.
(4) A 6.4 kilobase C4B-5'-specific Taq I fragment usually provided a reliable guide to the presence of a C4A deletion but unusually in one instance this fragment was found to be a marker of a functioning C4A gene.
(5) "Runners, for instance, need a high level of running economy, which comes from skill acquisition and putting in the miles," says Scrivener, "But they could effectively ease off the long runs and reduce the overall mileage by introducing Tabata training.
(6) Both hypodontia and hyperdontia are found in a number of well-defined genetic syndromes and in most instances are common characteristics of the disease.
(7) The opportunities for infection are often strong in areas of high population within a city – schools, for instance.
(8) Of these, 12 had radiation-induced neurologic complications which, in 5 instances, consisted of persisting, wholly or partially disabling paresis in the lower limbs.
(9) The decision of the editors to solicit a review for the Medical Progress series of this journal devoted to current concepts of the renal handling of salt and water is sound in that this important topic in kidney physiology has recently been the object of a number of new, exciting and, in some instances, quite unexpected insights into the mechanisms governing sodium excretion.
(10) We firmly believe that a systematic approach to the 12-lead ECG can provide information that can diagnose the difference between ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia, and in many instances diagnose the mechanism and site of origin of the supraventricular tachycardia.
(11) Other less common indications are some instances of aspiration pneumonia, septicemias due to B. fragilis, and actinomycoses.
(12) Tension in flexor tendons during wrist flexion may play a role in otherwise unexplained instances of the carpal tunnel syndrome.
(13) But most instances are more mundane: the majority of fraud cases in recent years have emerged from scientists either falsifying images – deliberately mislabelling scans and micrographs – or fabricating or altering their recorded data.
(14) The right side of the ventricular septum was affected in five instances.
(15) Women on the beat: how to get more female police officers around the world Read more Mortars were, for instance, used on 5 June when Afghan national army soldiers accidentally hit a wedding party on the outskirts of Ghazni, killing eight children.
(16) Our own experiences have shown that patients involved in studies with well designed protocols are better controlled and in most instances also better treated than patients treated outside such protocols.
(17) No instances of osteoradionecrosis occurred as a result of dental extraction with this conservative method.
(18) Therefore these suggested methods of choice may not in every instance be the most accurate of all indicators of nutritional status for a particular nutrient.
(19) The advantage of this in vivo method is the possibility to determine the thyroidal activity at various times after 131I-application (2 phase test) and by repeated 131I-applications under different conditions (diet, age, for instance).
(20) In each instance, dexamethasone was given at midnight and the plasma ACTH concentration was determined at 9:00 a.m. on the day before and after administration of the dexamethasone.
(n.) Something done or said that may serve as an example to authorize a subsequent act of the same kind; an authoritative example.
(n.) A preceding circumstance or condition; an antecedent; hence, a prognostic; a token; a sign.
(n.) A rough draught of a writing which precedes a finished copy.
(n.) A judicial decision which serves as a rule for future determinations in similar or analogous cases; an authority to be followed in courts of justice; forms of proceeding to be followed in similar cases.
Example Sentences:
(1) However, this deficit was observed only when the sample-place preceded but not when it followed the interpolated visits (second experiment).
(2) Surprisingly, the clonal elimination of V beta 6+ cells is preceded by marked expansion of these cells.
(3) Peaks in the sperm index were preceded by 6 days with peaks in the serum testosterone concentration.
(4) Local application of 8-OH-DPAT (0-5 micrograms) into the median raphe nucleus, facilitated male rat sexual behavior, as evidenced by a decrease in number of intromissions preceding ejaculation and in time to ejaculation.
(5) Comparison of developmental series of D. merriami and T. bottae revealed that the decline of the artery in the latter species is preceded by a greater degree of arterial coarctation, or narrowing, as it passes though the developing stapes.
(6) In addition to the 89 cases of sudden and unexpected death before the age of 50 (preceded by some modification of the patient's life style in 29 cases), 11 cases were symptomatic and 5 were transplanted with a good result.
(7) There is precedent in Islamic law for saving the life of the mother where there is a clear choice of allowing either the fetus or the mother to survive.
(8) In some animals, the response was marked vasodilation, whereas in others transient vasoconstriction preceded the vasodilation.
(9) When Zn injection was preceded by a Cd injection, induction as measured by MT-1 mRNA and MT concentrations were approximately additive in liver.
(10) The results indicated that 48% of the sample either regularly checked their own skin or had it checked by another person (such as a spouse), and 17% had been screened by a general practitioner in the preceding 12 months.
(11) TIA preceded intracerebral hemorrhage in 11% and brain infarction in 15-20%.
(12) In all cases foetal administration of glucocorticoid led to the onset of labour, and lambing, and in all animals the hormonal changes preceding parturition were indistinguishable (either qualitatively or quantitatively) from the changes observed in animals carrying intact lambs.
(13) In the improved group, the families reported that the gait abnormality preceded the dementia in 11 patients and occurred at the same time in five.
(14) This effect could be intensified by a preceding treatment of the animal with androgens.
(15) These neurons can be identified uniquely by 3H-thymidine exposure during the week preceding the neurogenesis of cortical layer 6.
(16) They were preceded by the publication of The Success and Failure of Picasso (1965) and Art and Revolution: Ernst Neizvestny and the Role of the Artist in the USSR (1969); in one, he made a hopeless mess of Picasso’s later career, though he was not alone in this; in the other, he elevated a brave dissident artist beyond his talents.
(17) A manual search, derived from the references of these papers, was performed to obtain relevant citations for the years preceding 1970.
(18) A traumatic factor in the aetiology of the AVM was also discussed, since the patient had had two preceding episodes of traffic accidents with cranial and lumbar injury.
(19) Neither was the intra-VMH infusion of MA effective if: (i) the rats were not primed with estrogen; (ii) the tips of the cannulae were outside the VMH; or (iii) it was preceded by an intra-VMH infusion of the alpha 1b-antagonist, chloroethylclonidine (CEC).
(20) The first is that the supposed exaggerated winter birthrate among process schizophrenics actually represents a reduction in spring-fall births caused by prenatal exposure to infectious diseases during the preceding winter--i.e., a high prenatal death rate in process preschizophrenic fetuses.