What's the difference between interpret and show?



  • (v. t.) To explain or tell the meaning of; to expound; to translate orally into intelligible or familiar language or terms; to decipher; to define; -- applied esp. to language, but also to dreams, signs, conduct, mysteries, etc.; as, to interpret the Hebrew language to an Englishman; to interpret an Indian speech.
  • (v. t.) To apprehend and represent by means of art; to show by illustrative representation; as, an actor interprets the character of Hamlet; a musician interprets a sonata; an artist interprets a landscape.
  • (v. i.) To act as an interpreter.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Some S-100 reactive cells previously interpreted as tumour cells were refound in a few tumours.
  • (2) In the past, the interpretation of the medical findings was hampered by a lack of knowledge of normal anatomy and genital flora in the nonabused prepubertal child.
  • (3) Several interpretations of the results are examined including the possibility that the effects of Valium use were short-lived rather than long-term and that Valium may have been taken in anticipation of anxiety rather than after its occurrence.
  • (4) In 1935, Einstein challenged the prevailing interpretation of quantum theory.
  • (5) One would expect banks to interpret this in a common sense and straightforward way without trying to circumvent it."
  • (6) We present a mathematical model that is suitable to reconcile this apparent contradiction in the interpretation of the epidemiological data: the observed parallel time series for the spread of AIDS in groups with different risk of infection can be realized by computer simulation, if one assumes that the outbreak of full-blown AIDS only occurs if HIV and a certain infectious coagent (cofactor) CO are present.
  • (7) This is interpreted to mean that the release of fructose from the central complex is faster than the isomerization of the E-NADH complex.
  • (8) One of the most interesting aspects of the shadow cabinet elections, not always readily interpreted because of the bizarre process of alliances of convenience, is whether his colleagues are ready to forgive and forget his long years as Brown's representative on earth.
  • (9) These results are interpreted in terms of the accessory binding site theory of Ariëns, and suggest the existence of different accessory binding sites on the Ascaris GABA receptor.
  • (10) Spontaneous reports of suspected adverse reactions may be the only way of revealing very rare events but they present great difficulties of rational interpretation.
  • (11) This is interpreted to be a consequence of the adsorption of Ca2+ on the vesicle bilayers.
  • (12) The presence of an inverse correlation between certain tryptophan metabolites, shown previously to be bladder carcinogens, and the N-nitrosamine content, especially after loading, was interpreted in view of the possible conversion of some tryptophan metabolites into N-nitrosamines either under endovesical conditions or during the execution of the colorimetric determination of these compounds.
  • (13) There are questions with regard to the interpretation of some of the newer content scales of the MMPI-2, whereas most clinicians feel comfortably familiar, even if not entirely satisfied, with the Wiggins Content Scales of the MMPI.
  • (14) The interpretation of the data is supported by studies on 15N- and 13C-enriched ferredoxin (Fd) from Anabaena 7120, where the 15N signals can be clearly correlated with the corresponding 14N signals and where the 13C signals are strongly enhanced.
  • (15) Technically speaking, this modality of brief psychotherapy is based on the nonuse of transferential interpretations, on impeding the regression od the patient, on facilitating a cognitice-affective development of his conflicts and thus obtain an internal object mutation which allows the transformation of the "past" into true history, and the "present" into vital perspectives.
  • (16) The pattern of results in simpler tasks is more difficult to interpret.
  • (17) In his notorious 1835 Minute on Education , Lord Macaulay articulated the classic reason for teaching English, but only to a small minority of Indians: “We must do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indians in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals and in intellect.” The language was taught to a few to serve as intermediaries between the rulers and the ruled.
  • (18) These findings suggest that development of standard ECG tables in which SMR and sex have been taken into account might enhance interpretation during adolescence.
  • (19) In this way complex interpretations can be made objective, so that they may be adequately tested.
  • (20) The results are relevant to the interpretation of biopsies from patients with chronic demyelinating neuropathy of possible inflammatory or autoimmune origin.



  • (v. t.) To exhibit or present to view; to place in sight; to display; -- the thing exhibited being the object, and often with an indirect object denoting the person or thing seeing or beholding; as, to show a house; show your colors; shopkeepers show customers goods (show goods to customers).
  • (v. t.) To exhibit to the mental view; to tell; to disclose; to reveal; to make known; as, to show one's designs.
  • (v. t.) Specifically, to make known the way to (a person); hence, to direct; to guide; to asher; to conduct; as, to show a person into a parlor; to show one to the door.
  • (v. t.) To make apparent or clear, as by evidence, testimony, or reasoning; to prove; to explain; also, to manifest; to evince; as, to show the truth of a statement; to show the causes of an event.
  • (v. t.) To bestow; to confer; to afford; as, to show favor.
  • (v. i.) To exhibit or manifest one's self or itself; to appear; to look; to be in appearance; to seem.
  • (v. i.) To have a certain appearance, as well or ill, fit or unfit; to become or suit; to appear.
  • (n.) The act of showing, or bringing to view; exposure to sight; exhibition.
  • (n.) That which os shown, or brought to view; that which is arranged to be seen; a spectacle; an exhibition; as, a traveling show; a cattle show.
  • (n.) Proud or ostentatious display; parade; pomp.
  • (n.) Semblance; likeness; appearance.
  • (n.) False semblance; deceitful appearance; pretense.
  • (n.) A discharge, from the vagina, of mucus streaked with blood, occuring a short time before labor.
  • (n.) A pale blue flame, at the top of a candle flame, indicating the presence of fire damp.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Forty-nine patients (with 83 eyes showing signs of the disease) were followed up for between six months and 12 years.
  • (2) Cancer patients showed abnormally high plasma free tryptophan levels.
  • (3) In contrast, arteries which were exposed to CO showed a higher uptake of cholesterol as compared to their corresponding control.
  • (4) After stimulation with lipopolysaccharide and calcium ionophore A23187, culture supernatants of clones c18A and c29A showed cytotoxic activity against human melanoma A375 Met-Mix and other cell lines which were resistant to the tumor necrosis factor, lymphotoxin and interleukin 1.
  • (5) We also show that proliferation of primary amnion cells is not dependent on a high c-fos expression, suggesting that the function of c-fos is more likely to be associated with other cellular functions in the differentiated amnion cell.
  • (6) These results show that the pathogenic phenotypes of MCF viruses are dissociable from the thymotropic phenotype and depend, at least in part, upon the enhancer sequences.
  • (7) In addition, intravenous injection of complexes into rabbits showed optimal myocardial images with agents of intermediate lipophilicity.
  • (8) These surveys show that campers exposed to mountain stream water are at risk of acquiring giardiasis.
  • (9) In the surface epithelial cells, the basolateral cell surface showed moderate enzymatic activity.
  • (10) These studies show that metabolic activation is necessary for the expression of the mutagenic activity of aflatoxins B1 and G1 in N. crassa.
  • (11) In contrast to previous reports, these tumours were more malignant than osteosarcomas and showed a five-year survival rate of only 4-2 per cent.
  • (12) During and after the infusion of 5HTP, none of the patients showed an increase in anxiety or depressive symptoms, despite the presence of severe side effects.
  • (13) Snooker, which became and remains a fixture in the BBC2 schedules, was chosen for showing because it is the sport in which different shades are most significant.
  • (14) Tests showed the cells survive and function normally in animals and reverse movement problems caused by Parkinson's in monkeys.
  • (15) In this paper, we show representative experiments illustrating some characteristics of the procedure which may have wide application in clinical microbiology.
  • (16) Histological studies showed that the resulting pancreatitis was usually mild to moderate, being severe only in association with sepsis.
  • (17) The PSB dioxygenase system displayed a narrow substrate range: none of 18 sulphonated or non-sulphonated analogues of PSB showed significant substrate-dependent O2 uptake.
  • (18) His son, Karim Makarius, opened the gallery to display some of the legacy bequeathed to him by his father in 2009, as well as the work of other Argentine photographers and artists – currently images by contemporary photographer Facundo de Zuviria are also on show.
  • (19) Furthermore, all of the sera from seven other patients with shock reactions following the topical application of chlorhexidine preparation also showed high RAST counts.
  • (20) They spend about 4.3 minutes of each working hour on a smoking break, the study shows.