What's the difference between introduce and introduct?
(v. t.) To lead or bring in; to conduct or usher in; as, to introduce a person into a drawing-room.
(v. t.) To put (something into a place); to insert; as, to introduce the finger, or a probe.
(v. t.) To lead to and make known by formal announcement or recommendation; hence, to cause to be acquainted; as, to introduce strangers; to introduce one person to another.
(v. t.) To bring into notice, practice, cultivation, or use; as, to introduce a new fashion, method, or plant.
(v. t.) To produce; to cause to exist; to induce.
(v. t.) To open to notice; to begin; to present; as, he introduced the subject with a long preface.
Example Sentences:
(1) Some common eye movement deficits, and concepts such as 'the neural integrator' and the 'velocity storage mechanism', for which anatomical substrates are still sought, are introduced.
(2) Then the esophagogastric variceal network was thrombosed by means of a catheter introduced during laparotomy, which created a portoazygos disconnection.
(3) If tracer is introduced into the carotid artery after osmotic treatment, brain uptake is increased by a net factor of 50 (a factor of 70 due to elevation of PA, multiplied by 7 due to infusion by the carotid route) as compared to uptake by normal, untreated brain with infusion into a peripheral vein.
(4) The antiproliferative activity of IFN was studied using the parental L cell line, a tk- derivative, and a tk- (tk+) subline into which the tk gene of herpes simplex virus was introduced.
(5) MI6 introduced him to the Spanish intelligence service and in 2006 he travelled to Madrid.
(6) Moments later, Strauss introduces the bold human character with an energetic, upwards melody which he titles "the climb" in the score.
(7) Blood gas variables produced from a computed in vivo oxygen dissociation curve, PaeO2, P95 and C(a-x)O2, were introduced in the University Hospital of Wales in 1986.
(8) These lizards were introduced into Bermuda from Jamaica in 1905.
(9) It is felt that otologic surgery should be done before the pinna reconstruction as it is very important to try and introduce sound into these children at an early age.
(10) Control measures were introduced rapidly, effectively stopping the epidemic.
(11) In all patients a Tenckoff's catheter for peritoneal dialysis was introduced and peritoneal effusion extracted and measured.
(12) The findings reported here suggest that if women nurse exclusively for the 1st half year, maintaining night nursing after introducing supplements is important.
(13) Special conditions apply for the scoring of a first and a last bone stage in a sequence, which will introduce less bias in the estimation of individual skeletal maturity with the MAT-method than with the TW-method.
(14) In Experiment II, identification training, consisting of instructions, praise, feedback, and practice was introduced after baseline.
(15) After using the OK method to obtain a distance curve for height, we introduce a new method (VADK) to derive velocity and acceleration curves from the fitted distance curve.
(16) "Runners, for instance, need a high level of running economy, which comes from skill acquisition and putting in the miles," says Scrivener, "But they could effectively ease off the long runs and reduce the overall mileage by introducing Tabata training.
(17) He's called out for his lack of imagination in a stinging review by a leading food critic (Oliver Platt) and - after being introduced to Twitter by his tech-savvy son (Emjay Anthony) - accidentally starts a flame war that will lead to him losing his job.
(18) In addition, a new dosage concepts has been introduced on the basis of the effective dose on the lines of the recommendations by the IRCP; as a result, the definitions of radiation protection areas and of dosage limit values had to be revised and reworded.
(19) The prime minister’s spokeswoman said: “We think this can be done in line with EU and international law and it is important it is introduced and set up in the right way.
(20) Among the epileptic patients investigated by the stereotactic E. E. G. (Talairach) whose electrodes were introduced at or around the auditory cortex (Area 41, 42), the topography of the auditory responses by the electrical bipolar stimulation and that of the auditory evoked potential by the bilateral click sound stimulation were studied in relation to the ac--pc line (Talairach).
(v. t.) To introduce.
Example Sentences:
(1) The rise of malaria despite of control measures involves several factors: the house spraying is no more accepted by a large percentage of house holders and the alternative larviciding has only a limited efficacy; the houses of American Indians have no walls to be sprayed; there is a continuous introduction of parasites by migrants.
(2) The introduction of intravenous, high-dose thrombolytic therapy during a brief period has markedly reduced mortality of patients with acute myocardial infarction.
(3) This promotion of repetitive activity by the introduction of additional potassium channels occurred up to an "optimal" value beyond which a further increase in paranodal potassium permeability narrowed the range of currents with a repetitive response.
(4) After a review of the technical development and application of staplers from their introduction to the present day, the indications to the use of this instrument in all gastroenterological areas from the oesophagus to the rectum as well as in chest, gynaecological and urological surgery specified.
(5) Benzyloxycarbonylarginine p-nitrophenyl ester and other activated esters of N-a-sustituted arginine salts may be useful reagents for introduction of trypsin-labile protecting groups into peptide fragments for purpose of polypeptide semi-synthesis.
(6) Thus, introduction of arginine in position 5 with a hydrophobic amino acid in position 6 is compatible with high potency in several biological systems and results in compounds with lowered potency to release histamine compared to homologous peptides with tyrosine in position 5 and D-arginine in position 6.
(7) The patient, a 12 year-old boy, showed a soft white yellowish mycotic excrescence with clear borders which had followed the introduction of a small piece of straw into the cornea.
(8) These included: 1) association of infectious processes with other laboratory results; 2) a feeling of integration with the patient and health care team; and 3) the introduction of medical terminology.
(9) The effect of this curriculum is measured by statistical analysis of resident-generated aesthetic surgery cases in one year following the introduction of this curriculum into the teaching program.
(10) An experience in working out and introduction of a system of failure-free performance work as one of the most important steps in creating a complex system for the production quality control at the Leningrad combine "Krasnogvardeets" is described.
(11) In contrast, introduction of p21(Val-12) resulted in a prolonged delay (6 hours) of the effect which lasted for more than 24 hours.
(12) The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a temporal association between the introduction of a Fetal Diagnostic and Treatment Center and changes in fetal mortality.
(13) Transtracheal oxygen (TTO) delivery for patients with chronic hypoxemia has been used increasingly since its introduction in 1982.
(14) A method for the introduction of side chains containing isonitrile (isocyanide, functional group) on the backbone of polysaccharides and other hydroxylic polymers was developed.
(15) Since its introduction by Wide, Bennich, and Johansson in 1967, the radioallergosorbent test (RAST) has been increasingly used for measurement of specific IgE antibodies.
(16) Presumable this medium was modified repeatedly after its introduction in bacteriology in 1918 by Gassner.
(17) Conjugates of the synthetic peptide with phycoerythrin (Mr about 150 kD) and with secretory IgA (Mr about 380 kD) were both found in the nucleus very shortly after their introduction into the cytoplasm.
(18) While mindful of the potential difficulties which attend its introduction into the treatment situation there is an attempt to balance this position through a consideration of the appropriate conditions and modes of operation under which a humor-enriched approach may be efficacious.
(19) An arrest of a depressive syndrome in manic-depressive psychosis in old age can be attained by an introduction of 150-200 mg of azafen daily.
(20) The introduction of non-sedating H1-selective antihistamine drugs and local corticosteroids has been an important therapeutic advance.