(1) Some common eye movement deficits, and concepts such as 'the neural integrator' and the 'velocity storage mechanism', for which anatomical substrates are still sought, are introduced.
(2) Then the esophagogastric variceal network was thrombosed by means of a catheter introduced during laparotomy, which created a portoazygos disconnection.
(3) If tracer is introduced into the carotid artery after osmotic treatment, brain uptake is increased by a net factor of 50 (a factor of 70 due to elevation of PA, multiplied by 7 due to infusion by the carotid route) as compared to uptake by normal, untreated brain with infusion into a peripheral vein.
(4) The antiproliferative activity of IFN was studied using the parental L cell line, a tk- derivative, and a tk- (tk+) subline into which the tk gene of herpes simplex virus was introduced.
(5) MI6 introduced him to the Spanish intelligence service and in 2006 he travelled to Madrid.
(6) Moments later, Strauss introduces the bold human character with an energetic, upwards melody which he titles "the climb" in the score.
(7) Blood gas variables produced from a computed in vivo oxygen dissociation curve, PaeO2, P95 and C(a-x)O2, were introduced in the University Hospital of Wales in 1986.
(8) These lizards were introduced into Bermuda from Jamaica in 1905.
(9) It is felt that otologic surgery should be done before the pinna reconstruction as it is very important to try and introduce sound into these children at an early age.
(10) Control measures were introduced rapidly, effectively stopping the epidemic.
(11) In all patients a Tenckoff's catheter for peritoneal dialysis was introduced and peritoneal effusion extracted and measured.
(12) The findings reported here suggest that if women nurse exclusively for the 1st half year, maintaining night nursing after introducing supplements is important.
(13) Special conditions apply for the scoring of a first and a last bone stage in a sequence, which will introduce less bias in the estimation of individual skeletal maturity with the MAT-method than with the TW-method.
(14) In Experiment II, identification training, consisting of instructions, praise, feedback, and practice was introduced after baseline.
(15) After using the OK method to obtain a distance curve for height, we introduce a new method (VADK) to derive velocity and acceleration curves from the fitted distance curve.
(16) "Runners, for instance, need a high level of running economy, which comes from skill acquisition and putting in the miles," says Scrivener, "But they could effectively ease off the long runs and reduce the overall mileage by introducing Tabata training.
(17) He's called out for his lack of imagination in a stinging review by a leading food critic (Oliver Platt) and - after being introduced to Twitter by his tech-savvy son (Emjay Anthony) - accidentally starts a flame war that will lead to him losing his job.
(18) In addition, a new dosage concepts has been introduced on the basis of the effective dose on the lines of the recommendations by the IRCP; as a result, the definitions of radiation protection areas and of dosage limit values had to be revised and reworded.
(19) The prime minister’s spokeswoman said: “We think this can be done in line with EU and international law and it is important it is introduced and set up in the right way.
(20) Among the epileptic patients investigated by the stereotactic E. E. G. (Talairach) whose electrodes were introduced at or around the auditory cortex (Area 41, 42), the topography of the auditory responses by the electrical bipolar stimulation and that of the auditory evoked potential by the bilateral click sound stimulation were studied in relation to the ac--pc line (Talairach).
(v. t.) To join, or come in contact with; esp., to come in contact with by approach from an opposite direction; to come upon or against, front to front, as distinguished from contact by following and overtaking.
(v. t.) To come in collision with; to confront in conflict; to encounter hostilely; as, they met the enemy and defeated them; the ship met opposing winds and currents.
(v. t.) To come into the presence of without contact; to come close to; to intercept; to come within the perception, influence, or recognition of; as, to meet a train at a junction; to meet carriages or persons in the street; to meet friends at a party; sweet sounds met the ear.
(v. t.) To perceive; to come to a knowledge of; to have personal acquaintance with; to experience; to suffer; as, the eye met a horrid sight; he met his fate.
(v. t.) To come up to; to be even with; to equal; to match; to satisfy; to ansver; as, to meet one's expectations; the supply meets the demand.
(v. t.) To come together by mutual approach; esp., to come in contact, or into proximity, by approach from opposite directions; to join; to come face to face; to come in close relationship; as, we met in the street; two lines meet so as to form an angle.
(v. t.) To come together with hostile purpose; to have an encounter or conflict.
(v. t.) To assemble together; to congregate; as, Congress meets on the first Monday of December.
(v. t.) To come together by mutual concessions; hence, to agree; to harmonize; to unite.
(n.) An assembling together; esp., the assembling of huntsmen for the hunt; also, the persons who so assemble, and the place of meeting.
(1) King also described how representatives of every country at this month's G7 meeting in Canada seemed to be relying on an export-led recovery to revive their economies.
(2) Biden will meet with representatives from six gun groups on Thursday, including the NRA and the Independent Firearms Owners Association, which are both publicly opposed to stricter gun-control laws.
(3) "Britain needs to be in the room when the euro countries meet," he said, "so that it can influence the argument and ensure that what the 17 do will not damage the market or British interests.
(4) I said: ‘Apologies for doing this publicly, but I did try to get a meeting with you, and I couldn’t even get a reply.’ And then I had a massive go at him – about everything really, from poverty to uni fees to NHS waiting times.” She giggles again.
(5) Proving that not all teens are content with being part of a purely digital community, Adele Mayr attended a YouTube meet-up in London’s Hyde Park.
(6) David Cameron last night hit out at his fellow world leaders after the G8 dropped the promise to meet the historic aid commitments made at Gleneagles in 2005 from this year's summit communique.
(7) Amid the passionate discussion at the NDA meeting, the two women began to develop a plan.
(8) He was very touched that President Nicolas Sarkozy came out to the airport to meet us, even after Madiba retired.
(9) The committee reviewed the history, original intent, current purpose, and effectiveness of meetings held on the unit; when problems were identified, suggestions for change were formulated.
(10) Whereas the growth and division of normal cells is carefully regulated to meet the needs of the body, tumor cells proliferate autonomously and continually, eventually interfering with and destroying the functions of normal tissue.
(11) A Palestinian delegation was to hold truce talks on Sunday in Cairo with senior US and Egyptian officials, but Israel has said it sees no point in sending its negotiators to the meeting, citing what it says are Hamas breaches of previous agreed truces.
(12) The company said it was on track to meet forecasts for annual profit of about £110m.
(13) Johnson said the move would save businesses £350m from not having to meet the more exacting standards, which will now only have to be met by buses.
(14) But on June 29, 2011, Lois G Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt organizations, learned at a meeting that groups were being targeted, according to the watchdog's report.
(15) In April 1986, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the thorax and shoulder girdle was presented to the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists.
(16) Analysis of official registers reveals the 38 companies in the first wave of the initiative – more than two-thirds of which are based overseas – have collectively had 698 face-to-face meetings with ministers under the current government, prompting accusations of an over-cosy relationship between corporations and ministers.
(17) In Study 1, the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (LNNB) was administered to samples of patients meeting Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) for schizodepressive disorder, major depressive disorder or schizophrenia, and to a normal control group.
(18) Children and adopters are encouraged to meet with foster carers after placement to show the child they are well.
(19) He said he was appalled by the player's accusations and plans to meet with Martin on Wednesday at an undisclosed location.
(20) The UN should "be able to meet a much higher standard in fulfilling its protection and humanitarian responsibilities", it says.