(a.) Involving the act or results of conscious knowledge of physical phenomena; -- contrasted with associational.
Example Sentences:
(1) But at least one customer signalled that America's gun lobby might be on the cusp of a moment of introspection.
(2) To a generation of young Germans, raised under the crushing, introspective guilt of postwar Germany , the sight of such facile antics was simply incomprehensible.
(3) The alleged killer could not imagine how the city of Charleston, under the good and wise leadership of Mayor Riley – how the state of South Carolina, how the United States of America would respond – not merely with revulsion at his evil act, but with big-hearted generosity and, more importantly, with a thoughtful introspection and self-examination that we so rarely see in public life.
(4) Man of Steel gets three stars from him, thanks largely to an opening section that "creates a plausible context for the introspection and self-doubt that dogs the adult version of [this] costumed warrior".
(5) There is a striking amount of national introspection in a hearteningly vibrant press.
(6) The people of Australia are sick to death of this introspection when there are very important, significant issues in constituencies like mine.
(7) While O'Dwyer's defence portrayed him as the vulnerable, introspective young man whose promising career would be derailed by extradition, prosecutors contend he is a skilled businessman who made large sums of money from a website he knew was profiting from pirated material.
(8) Academic medicine is entering a period of introspection created by changing patterns of health and disease and changing patterns in reimbursement and health policy.
(9) The first Labour MP I spoke to today put it well: “As our standing and his standing has got worse, Labour MPs talk of little else.” Party introspection, angst and fear were always on the cards for this period – it just wasn’t meant to be Labour that would suffer.
(10) South Africans have undergone sombre introspection of late with the economy slowing, unemployment sky highand, worst of all, violent unrest that included the killing of workers at the Lonmin platinum mine in August.
(11) Pharmacists can grow in a current or second career by using introspection and self-assessment and by adapting to changes that occur in the profession.
(12) Ex-HSBC banker denies fraud charges brought in US Snowden endorses phone case warning system Whistleblower Edward Snowden has endorsed a mobile phone case called the “introspection engine” that, he claims, will show when data is being monitored.
(13) Ishiguro's flawed but introspective narrators are always fascinating portraits of unusual characters: in A Pale View from the Hills, the narrator is a Japanese widow living in England, The Remains of the Day is narrated by the butler of an Nazi-sympathising English aristocrat, and a callow English private detective is the central character in When We Were Orphans.
(14) Michael Cavanagh, the JP Morgan executive who conducted the bank's internal investigation, opened his testimony by proudly noting that the bank had engaged in "introspection" and was "determined to be a better company because of this experience".
(15) This approach focuses on the "only or never" phenomenon, the parallel process, and introspective curiosity as modes of identifying the existence of countertransference responses.
(16) He stressed three essentials to meeting the future: an effective and introspective organization; ample participation by the membership of the specialty; and a plan.
(17) The results are interpreted through the theory of memory introspection proposed by Herrmann.
(18) This superposition of introspection and austere secrecy, of simplicity and opacity, is not new.
(19) It includes introspective consciousness of introspective consciousness itself.
(20) Steeped in introspection, ambiguity and a total lack of plausible strategic sense, the Corbynistas aren’t going anywhere.
(a.) Given to much talking.
Example Sentences:
(1) In a tent for those recovering, a talkative man wearing a heavy gold chain played up to amused doctors during the lunch break.
(2) When talkativeness is not resisted by the group it is tentative evidence that the talker is perceived as an appropriate, qualified, and legitimate leader.
(3) Mostly Nick was uncommunicative and occasionally he’d become talkative and you hung on his every word even though, very often, one didn’t know what they meant because he’d talk in riddles.
(4) It's the first interview he's done since his marriage and divorce and the split-up of the Ordinary Boys, and it all comes rushing out in a spate, a tangle of chronological confusions and jokes, and groans when I quote some of his old interviews back at him, and statements of contrition, and digressions about Dawkins or whatever, and here's the confounding thing - he's really nothing like I was expecting, not indie-boy sulky, or attempting to play it cool, he's just talkative and engaging, and he has a sense of humour about himself that, from reading his previous interviews, I wouldn't have even guessed at.
(5) Findings were that hyperactive children were more spontaneously talkative than their classmates during transitions and nonverbal tasks (nonelicited conditions) but were less talkative when they were asked to tell stories (elicited conditions).
(6) Role-playing by selected drama students and community theatre actors involves common problems encountered in the optometrist's office and management of problem patients (angry, aggressive, shy, withdrawn, talkative, flirt, hypocondriac, etc.
(7) The mental state was characterized by an expressed mental retardation with some special traits: relatively well developed speech, talkativeness, good-naturedness, an euphoric mood, inactivity and poor motor functioning.
(8) Lorna Wing, author of the first classic papers on full-spectrum autism, was herself the mother of an autistic daughter, Susie: “Parents … tend to overlook or reject the idea of autism for their socially gauche, naive, talkative, clumsy child,” she wrote.
(9) What was astonishing about Day-Lewis's Bafta acceptance speech was how calm and talkative he seemed.
(10) But a minor Waitrose-related spat broke out in Westminster on Thursday, with David Cameron accused of elitism as he expressed the personal view that its shoppers tended to be more talkative and "engaged" than customers of other supermarkets.
(11) Mosshart is far more sunny and talkative than her onstage image as the love child of Patti Smith and Johnny Thunders suggests.
(12) Multiple measures of family adaptability, cohesion, and talkativeness were administered to two family members (insiders) and two significant others (outsiders).
(13) Visual analogue scales showed subjective drug effects: pentazocine made the volunteers talkative, contented, interested and energetic, whilst codeine rendered them mentally slow.
(14) We assess the hierarchical relations between traits differing in breadth, using a task in which subjects select the most meaningful of two statements, such as "To be talkative is a way of being extroverted" versus "To be extroverted is a way of being talkative."
(15) Two longitudinal studies of 2-year-old children who were extreme in the display of either behavioral restraint or spontaneity in unfamiliar contexts revealed that by 7 years of age a majority of the restrained group were quiet and socially avoidant with unfamiliar children and adults whereas a majority of the more spontaneous children were talkative and interactive.
(16) Although Crace describes himself as a "landscape writer", he has always dismissed the British landscape as being "too spoken for, too talkative, too small".
(17) Two groups of Type A individuals were found--one that was repressed, tense, and illness-prone, but another that was healthy, talkative, in control, and charismatic.
(18) I love its friendly, multiracial, talkative people.
(19) Telephone companies sent out warning letters to customers they thought were too talkative.
(20) It may look a silly, over-talkative film now – and there are Taylor pictures where the sheer visual glory has dated comically – until you let the story melt away and just gaze at her: in Ivanhoe, say, or Beau Brummell, or The Sandpiper or The Last Time I Saw Paris.