What's the difference between introversion and introverting?



  • (n.) The act of introverting, or the state of being introverted; the act of turning the mind inward.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The most striking differences were observed on the factors: Psychopathic deviation, Mania, Schizophrenia greater than controls and social introversion lower than controls.
  • (2) The personality profiles of all three groups emerged as significantly different from each other on all scales with the exception of social introversion and psychopathic deviance.
  • (3) From the statistical analysis of the results one could deduce that there are significant specific relationships from the computerised EEG, with those secondary polar values of 16 PF: high and low anxiety, extroversion-introversion.
  • (4) Two groups of 10 subjects selected to represent extremes on the extraversion-introversion scale participated in the experiment.
  • (5) The whole proves his introversion, ambivalence, hypersensitivity, obstinancy, anxieties, behavioral anomalies, a life rich in fantasies and his underestimation of his own literary work.
  • (6) Personality traits among both sub-groups of parents were similar, showing slight introversion and neuroticism, and these traits remained stable over time.
  • (7) The hypothesized identity of the dimensions of extraversion-introversion and strength of the nervous system was tested on four groups of nine subjects (neurotic extraverts, stable extraverts, neurotic introverts, stable introverts).
  • (8) The six personality dimensions isolated were interpreted as Social Introversion-Extraversion, Dependency on Others, Verbal Hostility, Need to Please Others, Self-Dramatization, and Orderliness.
  • (9) It celebrates smoking's conviviality and the splendid isolation of the smoker, the smoker's exhibitionism and her pensive introversion.
  • (10) Particular patterns of personality (e.g., introversion, neuroticism, obsessionality) have been found to be associated with unipolar depression by a large number of investigators; recent prospective studies have stressed neuroticism as a premorbid risk factor for depression.
  • (11) Examination of a number of major studies of personality questionnaires reveals the existence of a shyness factor which is related to but separable from both introversion and neuroticism, and which loads on items referring to feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious, and keeping in the background in certain kinds of social situations.
  • (12) Six factors were identified-a "schizophrenic" factor; general well-being; a mental outlook factor; a neurotic factor; a bipolar extroversion-introversion factor; a bipolar excitation versus euphoria-depression factor.
  • (13) Following this, due to the patients' awareness of their own chronic state, the level of neuroticism decreases, their high level of introversion and the absence of lie as a possible defense mechanism of denial facing their hard reality being more significant.
  • (14) Higher order personality dimensions of extraversion-introversion and neuroticism were studied as functions of birth order in two-sib families, using 141 female subjects, with control over sex of sibling and sib age separation.
  • (15) Components of Eysenck's Extraversion scale were examined to account for previous findings indicating that field independence, as measured by individual and group forms of the embedded-figures test, is associated with Introversion.
  • (16) 1) The introversion type of persons showed higher susceptibility to mental stress, less regularity in meal time, lower intake frequency of animal protein foods (meat, fish and eggs), green & yellow vegetables, fruits, and cruciferous vegetables with statistical significance of p less than 0.05, as compared to the extraversion type.
  • (17) Examined the relationship between certain handwriting characteristics and Eysenck's Extraversion-Introversion and Kagan's Impulsivity-Reflectivity personality dimensions.
  • (18) However, the patients with psychiatric disorders tended to have a longer duration of illness, to exhibit more salient features of introversion and neuroticism in their personalities, to show poorer family function and to experience more stressful life events.
  • (19) Three distinct sets of results may be enumerated, namely: (1) a negative correlation between sensation-seeking and TSH; (2) a positive correlation between the most indicative scales predisposing to depression-anxiety (hypochondriasis, depression, social introversion, susceptibility to punishment) and T4, and (3) the Hypomania Scale (Ma) showed a significant negative correlation with T4 in the patient group and a positive but nonsignificant relationship in the healthy group.
  • (20) In alcoholics, the self-reinforcement scores were significantly correlated with the majority of the MMPI clinical scales: the highest coefficients were with the Social Introversion, Depression, Psychasthenia, and Schizophrenia--lower self-reinforcement level was associated with more psychopathology.



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Introvert

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Female sex, greater age, higher severity of episodes, manic or hypomanic episodes recurrent course, and introverted and anancastic personality were factors increasing the rate of treated cases in both samples, as well as familial loading with treated depression.
  • (2) Interviews and psychological tests revealed that CD-patients were introverted with strong connections to their families.
  • (3) The 'introverts' scored significantly highest on the Matrices, but the scores of the 'ambiverts' were lowest.
  • (4) They made the hypothesis that if a tranquillizing drug were administered the operative level of neuroticism would be decreased, and as a consequence the level of susceptibility of neurotic extraverts would be raised, and that of neurotic introverts lowered.
  • (5) The hypothesized identity of the dimensions of extraversion-introversion and strength of the nervous system was tested on four groups of nine subjects (neurotic extraverts, stable extraverts, neurotic introverts, stable introverts).
  • (6) The extraverted women gazed longer during listening than did introverted women.
  • (7) Psychological tests showed that all the patients were more neurotic, more introverted, and more obsessional than normal subjects.
  • (8) Remaining types were Betas (15%) and Deltas (4%), both introverted types who avoid leadership positions.
  • (9) In my year, 2012, Susan Cain was doing her introvert talk and everyone kept saying: "Oh she's so brave giving a TED talk when she's an introvert."
  • (10) The selfrating results show that schizophrenics are introverted premorbidly, as compared to control groups; it is assumed that this personality trait will be understood as "schizoid" in non-selfrating.
  • (11) Examination of those items which best accomplish this discrimination indicates that the members of the majority type (approximately 85%, on average, over several studies) have disorders of character, while the members of the minority type (approximately 15%, on average, over several studies) are introverted neurotics.
  • (12) But larger motor potentials preceding the smoking act in introverts indicated a greater involvement of introverts in the smoking act itself.
  • (13) It was hypothesized that time perceptions of extraverts and introverts would differ when their interest in the task was dissimilar.
  • (14) Intended to foster a sense of belonging and being part of a collective endeavour, it instead turned Beijing into a place of introverted islands, separated by competition and mutual distrust.
  • (15) He was shy & introverted & considered to be failing at that age.
  • (16) High levels of introverted hostility were reported by SS patients in relation to the other two groups.
  • (17) The results support the following conclusions: (1) neither personality grouping nor drug treatment during preinduction trials significantly affected KFAE; (2) both types of variables were, however, significantly related to behavior during the postinduction trials; (3) the extraverted subjects showed larger KFAEs than ambiverted and introverted subjects under placebo condition; (4) the extent of KFAE was reduced in extraverted and enhanced in introverted subjects under the influence of the drug; (5) there were significant interactions between the drug treatments and personality variables in effects on KFAE.
  • (18) Results showed that extraverts had a peak time insignificantly later than introverts.
  • (19) The subjects were selected after preliminary testing with the Eysenck Personality Inventory and were classified into three groups: extraverts, ambiverts, and introverts.
  • (20) How do you tell the difference between a Finnish introvert and a Finnish extrovert?

Words possibly related to "introversion"

Words possibly related to "introverting"