What's the difference between invected and inveighed?
(a.) Having a border or outline composed of semicircles with the convexity outward; -- the opposite of engrailed.
Example Sentences:
(1) The structure of the most abundant invected transcript was defined by obtaining the full-length cDNA sequence and by S1 nuclease sensitivity and primer extension studies; a partial sequence of the invected gene was determined; and the developmental profile of invected expression was characterized by Northern analysis and by in situ localization.
(2) The shared region contains a homeo domain and is within the region of engrailed shared with the Drosophila invected gene and the mouse En-1 and En-2 genes.
(3) Speaking to a class of college students in January 2012, he used hateful invective against Jewish people and called Jewish students derogatory names, according to Buzzfeed, which spoke to the professor who invited Cross to his class to teach students about hate groups.
(4) The emails reveal that the researchers shared tactics, encouraged each other and competed for the rudest invective against McIntyre.
(5) But I will not alter them if I am faced with invective rather than debate; in fact, they will become more entrenched.
(6) The invected gene, like the engrailed gene, is expressed in the embryonic and larval cells of the posterior developmental compartments and in the embryonic hindgut, clypeolabrum, and nervous system.
(7) The collision of protests about cuts to legal aid and foreign dignitaries eager to learn from England’s judicial heritage produced contrasting legal blasts of invective and appreciation in Westminster.
(8) Updated at 8.03am BST 5.06am BST Question Time The invective hour opens with condolences.
(9) Wilshere had been fortunate in the first half to avoid what by modern-day standards could easily have been a red-card offence, taking exception to one of Mike Dean’s decisions, aiming a mouthful of invective at the referee and then responding to Marouane Fellaini’s indignation by jutting his forehead into his opponent’s chin.
(10) His purpose is not to change, but to punish, which makes the invective so deeply gratifying.
(11) Like the engrailed gene, the invected gene can encode a protein of approximately 60 kD that contains a homeo box near its carboxyl terminus; indeed, a sequence of 117 amino acids in the carboxy-terminal region of both proteins is almost identical.
(12) Chinese commentators unleashed a stream of nationalist invective on the internet while travel agencies cancelled package tours to Japan.
(13) Two mouse genes, En-1 and En-2, have sequence homology to the engrailed (en) and invected (inv) genes of Drosophila (Joyner et al.
(14) The vgW allele is also the result of a chromosomal inversion, in this case resulting in a gene fusion between vg and the homeobox-containing invected (inv) gene.
(15) When their anti-nationalist invective outweighs their pro-union adulation, you realise that they are not convinced either.
(16) More effectively, every Nazi utterance is in subtitled, guttural, invective-heavy German, which produces the movie's one truly chilling sequence, a mass choir of pretty little Aryan schoolgirls singing a real Nazi hymn that's all racial chauvinism, down with the Jews and death to the untermenschen , as Kristallnacht unfolds in cross-cuts.
(17) The row over foreign secretary David Miliband's attack on the Conservative party chairman, Eric Pickles, for suggesting that Latvians who had joined the Waffen SS volunteer legion were only "conscripts" – following orders – has drawn inevitable invective from Conservatives .
(18) An eagle-eyed spectator caught her blast of invective on camera and it was soon doing the rounds on Twitter.
(19) Whatever else you made of him, when it came to delivering sustained barrages of political invective, you had to salute his indefatigability.
(20) And contemporaries, infuriated by her single-minded and relentless pursuit of her objectives in government, recalled in the cosy glow of nostalgia her huge appetite both for life and for the fight, a woman who delighted in dancing with the enemy at night before spearing him with her invective the next day.
(imp. & p. p.) of Inveigh
Example Sentences:
(1) It is easy simply to inveigh against the situation, the way that both Russia and the west are more interested in asserting their own position (and virtue) than engaging with the other’s.
(2) Indeed, continually depicting Muslims as the supreme evil - even when compared to the west's worst monsters - is par for Harris' course, as when he inveighed : Unless liberals realize that there are tens of millions of people in the Muslim world who are far scarier than Dick Cheney, they will be unable to protect civilization from its genuine enemies."
(3) He caught sight of Marine Le Pen on a TV politics show in 2007, inveighing against the European Union in the pugnacious style she honed as a lawyer, warning the government to “stop taking the people for fools”.
(4) A Christian humanist with a healthy respect for Islam, he was a member of the academic elite; yet he inveighed against academic professionalism, venturing into territories well outside his area of speciality, insisting always that the true intellectual's role must be that of the amateur, because it is only the amateur who is moved neither by the rewards nor the requirements of a career, and who is therefore capable of a disinterested engagement with ideas and values.
(5) Erdogan inveighed against the international media, blaming the BBC and CNN for distorting the drama of the past three weeks in what he repeatedly alleged was an international plot to divide and diminish Turkey.
(6) A group of Democrats, flanked by family members of gun violence victims, were at times brought to tears during a press conference on Capitol Hill on Thursday following the murder of 49 people in a gay club in Orlando over the weekend, as they inveighed against an epidemic that kills an average of 90 Americans each day and vowed to force Republicans on the record on the issue.
(7) When Jacqui Smith was home secretary, she was inveighing against irresponsible drink promotions such as "50p shots until midnight" and "all you can drink for a tenner" nights.
(8) With bogus indignation Cameron inveighed against the “merry-go-round” of tax credits – and indeed the state shouldn’t need to subsidise misery wages.
(9) She inveighs against the "gravediggers" of Brussels, whose austerity measures are held responsible for the scourge of mass unemployment and economic stagnation.
(10) However, several aspects of the data inveigh against the significance of the findings with regard to narcotic mechanisms.
(11) I inveighed against the callous manipulation of public attitudes against claimants by the popular press that has driven many people to turn a blind eye to the real agenda.
(12) From the chancellor who inveighed against Labour's culture of debt and the government that vowed to focus on rebalancing the economy, Help to Buy smacks either of hypocrisy or an admission of defeat.
(13) The author argues that Zoellner's case that these matters are experimental questions rested on arguments which Hermann von Helmholtz, inveighing against rationalist views of space and space perception, had recently published.
(14) In the thesis , called “The Republican Party’s Vision for the Family: The Compelling Issue of The Decade,” McDonnell argued that government must promote “the traditional two-parent, one-earner family.” The thesis inveighed against women in the workplace, grouped feminism with the “real enemies of the traditional family” and warned against “cohabitators, homosexuals, or fornicators.” It made McDonnell look, to some eyes, like a fundamentalist, out of step with centrist Virginia voters.
(15) Almost daily John Paul inveighed against the " culture of death " – abortion, contraception, homosexuality, divorce, sex before marriage, and the use of condoms even between partners with HIV.
(16) In his first visit outside Rome since becoming pope, Francis visited recently arrived migrants on the island of Lampedusa on Monday, lambasting the rich world for its lack of concern for their suffering and inveighing against a "globalisation of indifference".
(17) During the 80s his act turned steadily more political as he inveighed against the corruption that was steadily engulfing Italy under its then Socialist prime minister, Bettino Craxi.
(18) Dr Robin Russell-Jones Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire • Simon Jenkins is right to inveigh against the habit of politicians keeping the populace in a state of fear.