What's the difference between iron and metal?



  • (n.) The most common and most useful metallic element, being of almost universal occurrence, usually in the form of an oxide (as hematite, magnetite, etc.), or a hydrous oxide (as limonite, turgite, etc.). It is reduced on an enormous scale in three principal forms; viz., cast iron, steel, and wrought iron. Iron usually appears dark brown, from oxidation or impurity, but when pure, or on a fresh surface, is a gray or white metal. It is easily oxidized (rusted) by moisture, and is attacked by many corrosive agents. Symbol Fe (Latin Ferrum). Atomic weight 55.9. Specific gravity, pure iron, 7.86; cast iron, 7.1. In magnetic properties, it is superior to all other substances.
  • (n.) An instrument or utensil made of iron; -- chiefly in composition; as, a flatiron, a smoothing iron, etc.
  • (n.) Fetters; chains; handcuffs; manacles.
  • (n.) Strength; power; firmness; inflexibility; as, to rule with a rod of iron.
  • (n.) Of, or made of iron; consisting of iron; as, an iron bar, dust.
  • (n.) Resembling iron in color; as, iron blackness.
  • (n.) Like iron in hardness, strength, impenetrability, power of endurance, insensibility, etc.;
  • (n.) Rude; hard; harsh; severe.
  • (n.) Firm; robust; enduring; as, an iron constitution.
  • (n.) Inflexible; unrelenting; as, an iron will.
  • (n.) Not to be broken; holding or binding fast; tenacious.
  • (v. t.) To smooth with an instrument of iron; especially, to smooth, as cloth, with a heated flatiron; -- sometimes used with out.
  • (v. t.) To shackle with irons; to fetter or handcuff.
  • (v. t.) To furnish or arm with iron; as, to iron a wagon.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The hypothesis that proteins are critical targets in free radical mediated cytolysis was tested using U937 mononuclear phagocytes as targets and iron together with hydrogen peroxide to generate radicals.
  • (2) The most successful dyes were phenocyanin TC, gallein, fluorone black, alizarin cyanin BB and alizarin blue S. Celestin blue B with an iron mordant is quite successful if properly handled to prevent gelling of solutions.
  • (3) These membrane perturbation effects not observed with bleomycin-iron in the presence of a hydroxyl radical scavenger, dimethyl thiourea, or a chelating agent, desferrioxamine, were correlated with the ability of the complex to generate highly reactive oxygen species.
  • (4) The specific activities of extracts from cells grown under phototrophic and aerobic conditions were similar and not affected by the concentration of iron in the growth media.
  • (5) In the 153 women to whom iron supplements were given during pregnancy, the initial fall in haemoglobin concentration was less, was arrested by 28 weeks gestation and then rose to a level equivalent to the booking level.
  • (6) Typically the iron-iron axis (gz) of the binuclear iron-sulfur clusters is in the membrane plane.
  • (7) Increased iron levels in basal ganglia were generally associated with normal or elevated levels of ferritin immunoreactivity, for example, the substantia nigra in PSP and possibly MSA, and in putamen in MSA.
  • (8) Lead levels in contents and shells of eggs laid by hens dosed with all-lead shot were about twice those in eggs laid by hens dosed with lead-iron shot.
  • (9) Dietary factors affect intestinal P450s markedly--iron restriction rapidly decreased intestinal P450 to beneath detectable values; selenium deficiency acted similarly but was less effective; Brussels sprouts increased intestinal AHH activity 9.8-fold, ECOD activity 3.2-fold, and P450 1.9-fold; fried meat and dietary fat significantly increased intestinal EROD activity; a vitamin A-deficient diet increased, and a vitamin A-rich diet decreased intestinal P450 activities; and excess cholesterol in the diet increased intestinal P450 activity.
  • (10) Since iron from fortified formulas is well absorbed during the first three months of life, even if it is not immediately used for hemoglobin formation, an inccrease in the iron stores will occur...
  • (11) Dietary intakes, measured by three 24-hour recalls, revealed that protein, iron and Vitamin C generally met or exceeded the Nutrition Recommendations for age.
  • (12) This is a struggle for the survival of our nation.” As ever, after Trump’s media dressing-down, his operation was quick to fit a velvet glove to an iron fist.
  • (13) Ten weeks of iron therapy was not, however, long enough to increase iron stores.
  • (14) With both approaches, carbohydrate and fat had little influence whereas egg albumin had a significant inhibitory effect on the absorption of nonheme iron.
  • (15) The protein quality and iron bioavailability of mechanically deboned turkey meat (MDT) and hand-deboned turkey meat (HDT) were determined in rats.
  • (16) Serum levels of vitamins A and E, zinc and iron were determined in healthy control subjects and lepromatous leprosy patients belonging to an eastern state of India.
  • (17) Ferric iron in aqueous solution was used as an iron-only control.
  • (18) The implications of inhibition of protein kinase C by adriamycin-iron(III) are discussed.
  • (19) The duodenal mucosa of genotypically normal iron replete and iron deficient mice and mice with sex-linked (sla) and microcytic anemias (mk) was examined for the presence of iron-binding proteins.
  • (20) Ferredoxin reductase (Fd-reductase) supplies reducing equivalents obtained from NADPH to mitochondrial cytochrome P450 enzymes via the small iron-sulfur protein ferredoxin.



  • (n.) An elementary substance, as sodium, calcium, or copper, whose oxide or hydroxide has basic rather than acid properties, as contrasted with the nonmetals, or metalloids. No sharp line can be drawn between the metals and nonmetals, and certain elements partake of both acid and basic qualities, as chromium, manganese, bismuth, etc.
  • (n.) Ore from which a metal is derived; -- so called by miners.
  • (n.) A mine from which ores are taken.
  • (n.) The substance of which anything is made; material; hence, constitutional disposition; character; temper.
  • (n.) Courage; spirit; mettle. See Mettle.
  • (n.) The broken stone used in macadamizing roads and ballasting railroads.
  • (n.) The effective power or caliber of guns carried by a vessel of war.
  • (n.) Glass in a state of fusion.
  • (n.) The rails of a railroad.
  • (v. t.) To cover with metal; as, to metal a ship's bottom; to metal a road.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In this study of ten consecutive patients sustaining molten metal injuries to the lower extremity who were treated with excision and grafting, treatment with compression Unna paste boot was compared with that with conventional dressing.
  • (2) The LD50 of the following metal-binding chelating drugs, EDTA, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), hydroxyethylenediaminetriacetic acid (HEDTA), cyclohexanediaminotetraacetic acid (CDTA) and triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid (TTHA) was evaluated in terms of mortality in rats after intraperitoneal administration and was found to be in the order: CDTA greater than EDTA greater than DTPA greater than TTHA greater than HEDTA.
  • (3) Our recurrences are due to local infections, removing the metal strut too early, i.e.
  • (4) "Acoustic" craters were produced by two laser pulses delivered into a saline-filled metal fiber cap, which was placed in a mechanically drilled crater.
  • (5) These results indicate that the inhibition of CarAc by heavy metals occurs by binding of the sulfhydryl on the enzyme by the metals.
  • (6) The consequences of proved hypersensitivity in patients with metal-to-plastic prostheses, either present prior to insertion of the prosthesis or evoked by the implant material, are not known.
  • (7) In general, enzyme activity was strongly reduced by heavy metal inorganic cations; less strongly by organometallic cations, some anions, and certain pesticides; and weakly inhibited by light metal cations and organometallic and organic compounds.
  • (8) EGTA was ineffective in removing calmodulin from particulate preparations, but treatment with the tervalent metal ion La3+ resulted in a loss of up to 98% of calmodulin activity from these preparations.
  • (9) Sift the cocoa powder over the top and lightly but thoroughly fold it in with the metal spoon.
  • (10) The results also suggest that both alkali metals most probably have been delivered to the suckling pups and some of their toxic effect was retarded.
  • (11) The radioprotective action in E. coli ATCC 9637 of ascorbate added to media containing the weak sensitizer, tetracycline (effect described by Pittillo and Lucas (1967)), was found to be dependent on the presence of metal catalysts of the autoxidation of ascorbate.
  • (12) This study introduces a simple in vitro arrangement to measure current densities of implant metals.
  • (13) A rubber cuff was fixed on the metal cylinder and let an opening of 8 cm, simulating the cervix uteri.
  • (14) Since the enzyme requires a metal ion (Co2+) we suggest that the RNA and heparin are inhibitory by virtue of their capacity to chelate the Co2+.
  • (15) Lesions of allergic contact type could not be induced in the oral mucosa to any of the metal salt preparations.
  • (16) As yet the observations demonstrate that workers exposed in their occupation to heavy metals (cadmium, lead, metalic mercury) and organic solvents should be subjected to special control for detection of renal changes.
  • (17) This study investigates the photoneutron field found in medical accelerator rooms with primary barriers constructed of metal slabs plus concrete.
  • (18) While a clearcut relationship cannot be established between heavy metal music and destructive behavior, evidence shows that such music promotes and supports patterns of drug abuse, promiscuous sexual activity, and violence.
  • (19) The physiologically important metal ion for catalysis is Mg2+; however, Mn2+ supports in vitro activity, though at a reduced level.
  • (20) We support the view that catalysis by metalloenzymes may be a reflection of the chemistry of the metal ion itself as a Lewis acid, and that perhaps too much emphasis has been placed on supposed special characteristics (such as strains, "entasis") of the enzyme-metal ion association.