(a.) Made or consisting of iron; partaking of iron; iron; as, irony chains; irony particles.
(a.) Resembling iron taste, hardness, or other physical property.
(n.) Dissimulation; ignorance feigned for the purpose of confounding or provoking an antagonist.
(n.) A sort of humor, ridicule, or light sarcasm, which adopts a mode of speech the meaning of which is contrary to the literal sense of the words.
Example Sentences:
(1) And the irony of it is it doesn't interest me at all.
(2) The irony of this type of self-manipulation is that ultimately the child, or adult, finds himself again burdened by impotence, though it is the impotence of guilt rather than that of shame.
(3) The irony is that we have more media than ever before, but less insight.
(4) Richard Aylard, director of sustainability and external affairs for Thames Water, said the firm was aware of the irony that heavy rain had set in after the hosepipe ban was announced.
(5) One of the terrible ironies of the Iraq War is that President Bush used the threat of nuclear terrorism to invade a country that had no active nuclear program.
(6) That he was able to keep his secret treasures here, not in some remote corner of the globe but in the centre of the city that gave birth to the National Socialist movement, is both extraordinary and not short of a certain dark irony.
(7) He is wary of pretension, alive to all shades of irony.
(8) There was a thing at the time that said basically: 'Oh, the working classes obviously don't understand this is irony, so Harry's had to kill him off.'
(9) But the character – compounded of piercing sanity and existential despair, infinite hesitation and impulsive action, self-laceration and observant irony – is so multi-faceted, it is bound to coincide at some point with an actor’s particular gifts.
(10) The irony of her image being exchanged in return for commodities in the future,” she said, “seems to recall the way that actual slaves’ bodies were serving as currencies of exchange.” Larson arrived at a different conclusion about the honor.
(11) In the end, though, practical rethinkers have to get beyond the delights of irony and paradox in which Glasman too often wraps himself.
(12) There is a perverse irony that people who have cracked their iPhones are now being targeted by hackers.
(13) The irony of this is that today, when I was getting all of this horrible antisemitic shit that I’ve only ever seen in Russia, I was reminded that 26 years ago today my family came to the US from Russia.
(14) The irony is an uncomfortable one for policymakers.
(15) Because of our slightly younger average age and city location, we were supposedly one of the "new wave" WIs that had started springing up in the years before – groups that rejected crochet and did more modern activities, often with more than a tinge of irony.
(16) White House officials said that Obama, who was planning to work on the final draft of his speech on his flight from Washington to Oslo, would directly address the issue of the irony of being awarded the peace prize while escalating the war.
(17) Labour's pensions spokesman, Gregg McClymont, said: "The irony is that there are lots of good pension schemes out there that are being undermined by what is going on.
(18) She is being helpful, no doubt about that, but there is an unconscious note of power play – not to mention the sweet irony of my having provoked her into pulling not one but two phones out of her bag within seconds of us sitting down.
(19) "The irony of welcoming to the London 2012 Olympic Games an individual who is alleged to have led an organised and brutal repression of athletes because they peacefully exercised their internationally recognised right to freedom of expression and association during Bahrain's Arab Spring would be a blow to all athletes around the world, and irreconcilable with the UK commitment to human rights and claimed support to peaceful pro-democracy movements," the ECCHR said.
(20) A h, the irony of white people complaining about being interrupted by black people.
(a.) Placed over against; standing or situated over against or in front; facing; -- often with to; as, a house opposite to the Exchange.
(a.) Applied to the other of two things which are entirely different; other; as, the opposite sex; the opposite extreme.
(a.) Set over against each other, but separated by the whole diameter of the stem, as two leaves at the same node.
(a.) Placed directly in front of another part or organ, as a stamen which stands before a petal.
(n.) One who opposes; an opponent; an antagonist.
(n.) That which is opposed or contrary; as, sweetness and its opposite.
Example Sentences:
(1) "Zayani reportedly cited the political sensitivity of naturalising Sunni expatriates and wanted to avoid provoking the opposition," the embassy said.
(2) A triphasic pattern was evident for the neck moments including a small phase which represented a seating of the headform on the nodding blocks of the uppermost ATD neck segment, and two larger phases of opposite polarity which represented the motion of the head relative to the trunk during the first 350 ms after impact.
(3) Eye movements which were either complementary or in opposition to the induced vestibular nystagmus were produced with an optokinetic drum.
(4) Enamel was exclusively present opposite well developed dentine.
(5) She knows you can’t force the opposition to submit to your point of view.
(6) Problems associated with school-based clinics include vehement opposition to sex education, financing, and the sheer magnitude of the adolescents' health needs.
(7) Environment groups Environment groups that have strongly backed low-carbon power have barely wavered in their opposition to nuclear in the last decade, although their arguments now are now much about the cost than the danger it might pose.
(8) 10 women in the study developed carcinoma in the same or opposite breast within 16-20 years, a rate of incidence 480% greater than among the general population of women of the same age.
(9) To understand the reason for the opposite effect of the molar ratio observed at the middle of and at four residues away from the lysine-rich sequence, actual cross-linked residue(s) was (were) determined by subjecting cross-linked product to a protein sequencer.
(10) Effective medical or surgical therapy increased DAO activity and decreased CDAI, while clinical recurrence had the opposite effect.
(11) Hfr strains B4 and B8 transfer the Escherichia coli chromosome in opposite directions, each transferring lac(+) as the last known marker.
(12) Others said it might appeal to Russia, Assad's chief ally, which backs talks between the regime and the opposition.
(13) The ruling centre-right coalition government of Angela Merkel was dealt a blow by voters in a critical regional election on Sunday after the centre-left opposition secured a wafer-thin victory, setting the scene for a tension-filled national election in the autumn when everything will be up for grabs.
(14) Application of a mirror at the serosal surface opposite to the probe, resulted in an average increase of the output signal by 50% using the large fibre diameter probe, whereas no increase was observed with the small fibre probe.
(15) Her speech suggested the kind of Republican who would truly "raise the conversation", and if it seems like settling to want an opposition party to simply not be so utterly vindictive, well, yes, I will settle for that.
(16) 2) Left-right PHR coherence spectra had no distinct peaks, indicating that correlations between opposite PHR discharges were now not frequency specific.
(17) What we see from those opposite and we see in this chamber every day is the 'born to rule mentality' of those opposite.
(18) Of those, 39 were civilians, 34 armed opposition fighters and 35 members of the state security forces, said the UK-based group.
(19) Opposition politicians such as Joshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam and Chee Soon Juan , brought low for daring to disagree.
(20) A property may be considered overcrowded if two children above 10 of the opposite sex have to share the same bedroom.