What's the difference between irrigate and irrugate?



  • (v. t.) To water; to wet; to moisten with running or dropping water; to bedew.
  • (v. t.) To water, as land, by causing a stream to flow upon, over, or through it, as in artificial channels.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA) is a dissecting system that removes tissue by vibration, irrigation and suction; fluid and particulate matter from tumors are aspirated and subsquently deposited in a canister.
  • (2) Arthrotomy with continuous irrigation appears to be more effective in decreasing long-term residual effects than arthrotomy alone.
  • (3) The compatibility with Gentamycin solution used for irrigation of the anterior chamber of the eye was studied in experiments performed on rabbits.
  • (4) Ninety-two per cent of patients who irrigated their colostomies gained fecal continence.
  • (5) In the external ear canal, residual water from caloric testing or any other irrigation may act to simulate a conductive hearing loss and interfere with subsequent auditory brainstem response recording leading to increased latencies and reduced amplitudes.
  • (6) On Day 3, dogs with patent grafts underwent wound debridement, irrigation, and closure, and the treatment to which they had been randomized was carried out.
  • (7) Wastewater from Mexico city is used to irrigate over 85 000 hectares, mainly of fodder and cereal crops in the Mezquital Valley.
  • (8) Irrigation of the vessels is not done, but an intravenous bolus of 3,000 U. of heparin is given when the anastomoses are completed.
  • (9) The first village, Gezirat El-Maabda, has a basin system of irrigation.
  • (10) Finally, there is access to the biliary tree for daily irrigation, radiography, and cultures.
  • (11) The same protocol for irrigating the wound and relieving pressure was followed for both dressing groups.
  • (12) 19 critically ill adults with acute mediastinitis after cardiac surgery were treated with granulated sugar, either directly (11 patients) or after failure of continuous irrigation (8 patients).
  • (13) The purpose of this study was to investigate different types of irrigation systems and to record pressures and flows in a joint model.
  • (14) In the older Gezira-Managil irrigation system nearby, where transmission had not been controlled there was also little S. haematobium but the prevalence of S. mansoni in school-aged children was rising above 70%.
  • (15) To attempt to improve survival, the most critically ill 14 (of 32 total) newborns with NEC and perforation underwent planned second-look laparotomy 24 to 36 hours after initial exploration to reassess questionably viable bowel and resect if necessary, irrigate purulent material, and search for further perforation.
  • (16) The method is simple and rapid and it helps to determine the correct time for the withdrawal of the irrigation tube in individual patients.
  • (17) Oral irrigation is an approved procedure in periodontal prophylaxis and therapy.
  • (18) Changes were not seen in endothelial cell density after irrigation with any of the solutions evaluated.
  • (19) A partial-thickness limbal corneal flap provided access to an intrastromal limbal pocket through which the subconjunctival space was entered with an irrigating cystotome.
  • (20) Operative enterotomy and irrigation was successful in three cases while resection and enterostomy was done in nine.



  • (v. t.) To wrinkle.

Example Sentences:

Words possibly related to "irrugate"