What's the difference between isiac and isis?



  • (a.) Pertaining to the goddess Isis; as, Isiac mysteries.

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  • (n.) The principal goddess worshiped by the Egyptians. She was regarded as the mother of Horus, and the sister and wife of Osiris. The Egyptians adored her as the goddess of fecundity, and as the great benefactress of their country, who instructed their ancestors in the art of agriculture.
  • (n.) Any coral of the genus Isis, or family Isidae, composed of joints of white, stony coral, alternating with flexible, horny joints. See Gorgoniacea.
  • (n.) One of the asteroids.

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  • (1) This would disrupt and prevent Isis from maintaining stable and reliable sources of income.
  • (2) It said 70 of the killed militants were from Isis, while the other 50 it described as being aligned with the Nusra Front, the parent organisation of the Khorasan cell and al-Qaida’s preferred affiliate in Syria.
  • (3) That’s important, because Ebola is the Isis of biological agents .
  • (4) If we reach the point where I believe our advisers should accompany Iraqi troops on attacks against specific [Isis] targets, I will recommend that to the president,” Dempsey said, preferring the term “close combat advising”.
  • (5) Even regional allies disagree with American priorities about Isis, Biddle noted, which is why Turkey continues to bomb Kurds and Saudi Arabia and the UAE arm groups around the region , most notably in Syria but also in the ruins of Yemen .
  • (6) Espinosa wrote that time has now come, with 15 of his group of prisoners having been released, six executed, and American humanitarian worker Kayla Mueller killed in a bombing of Isis positions last month.
  • (7) Long-term: The defeat of Isis is a political shaping exercise – you find moderate Sunni leaders, empower and install them in Syria and Iraq.
  • (8) Security forces have also tried to wrest back the Sunni stronghold of Tikrit from a loose alliance of Isis fighters, other jihadist groups and former Saddam Hussein loyalists.
  • (9) The strike, which Central Command said destroyed the Isis fighting position, follows Barack Obama's vow in his televised speech on Wednesday to go on the offensive against Isis more broadly in Iraq and, soon, Syria.
  • (10) The Iraqi prime minister has fired several senior security force commanders over the defeats in the face of Isis and on Wednesday announced that 59 military officers would be prosecuted for abandoning the city of Mosul.
  • (11) The Pentagon leadership suggested to a Senate panel on Tuesday that US ground troops may directly join Iraqi forces in combat against the Islamic State (Isis), despite US president Barack Obama’s repeated public assurances against US ground combat in the latest Middle Eastern war.
  • (12) But it still seemed unlikely, despite the angry and determined mood, that the kingdom would risk ground operations, informed sources said – not least because the main strongholds of Isis are far away in northeastern Syria and across the border in Iraq.
  • (13) After an hour or so, a car appeared, and another Isis man drove Abu Ali to a reception house not far away.
  • (14) What emerges strongly is the expressed belief of many that Isis can be persuasive, liberating and empowering.
  • (15) I think that those who go there, to Isis, they hate Russia for the conditions they have to endure to live,” Nazarov’s brother says.
  • (16) The city council’s community safety team, now responsible for a leaflet campaign urging young Muslims not to join Isis, used to employ 31-year old Mashudur Choudhury as a racial harassment worker.
  • (17) The US-led air campaign against Isis began on 8 August in Iraq and was extended into Syria in September.
  • (18) Lahoor Talabani, director of counter terrorism for the Kurdistan Regional Government, said: "According to the intelligence we have, just Britain alone have around 400 to 450 known people fighting amongst the ranks of Isis."
  • (19) Last week Isis bulldozed the ancient city of Nimrud , also near Mosul, which the militant group conquered in a lightning advance last summer.
  • (20) His comments come the day after David Cameron revealed that an unprecedented aerial strike in Syria had killed two Britons fighting alongside Islamic State (Isis).

Words possibly related to "isiac"

Words possibly related to "isis"