What's the difference between isomeric and isomerism?



  • (a.) Having the same percentage composition; -- said of two or more different substances which contain the same ingredients in the same proportions by weight, often used with with. Specif.: (a) Polymeric; i. e., having the same elements united in the same proportion by weight, but with different molecular weights; as, acetylene and benzine are isomeric (polymeric) with each other in this sense. See Polymeric. (b) Metameric; i. e., having the same elements united in the same proportions by weight, and with the same molecular weight, but which a different structure or arrangement of the ultimate parts; as, ethyl alcohol and methyl ether are isomeric (metameric) with each other in this sense. See Metameric.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Structure assignment of the isomeric immonium ions 5 and 6, generated via FAB from N-isobutyl glycine and N-methyl valine, can be achieved by their collision induced dissociation characteristics.
  • (2) This is interpreted to mean that the release of fructose from the central complex is faster than the isomerization of the E-NADH complex.
  • (3) The optical and oxygen binding properties of the reconstituted myoglobins containing two isomeric monoformyl-monovinylhemins were found to be different.
  • (4) Line broadening detected in several of the high-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectra was attributed to cis-trans isomerization.
  • (5) Two new isomeric delta-lactones 2 and 3 have been isolated from the marine fungus Helicascus kanaloanus (ATCC 18591).
  • (6) Two isomeric hydrolysis products of this compound with only three 3(R)-hydroxymyristic acid moieties attached to the disaccharide-1-phosphate were also identified.
  • (7) Studies on the metabolism of nicotine by rabbit liver microsomal fractions in the presence of 0.01 M sodium cyanide have led to the characterization of two isomeric cyanonicotine compounds.
  • (8) Kinetic methods are outlined for the distinction between two pathways of substrate binding, which include an isomerization either of the free enzyme or of the enzyme-substrate complex.
  • (9) In the case of H101S, a mutant protein with measurable isomerizing activity, substrate binding with novel fluorescent properties was observed, possibly the bound pyranose form of xylose under steady-state conditions.
  • (10) There were consistent isomeric preferences for the R(-) configuration of both DA analogs in stimulating adenylate cyclase (D-1 sites) and in competing for high affinity binding of 3H-spiroperidol (D-2 sites) and of 3H-ADTN (DA agonist binding sites) in striatal tissue, with lesser isomeric differences in the limbic tissue.
  • (11) Oligosaccharides 3 and 4 and oligosaccharides 5 and 6 were isolated as unresolved isomeric mixtures in fractions B3a and B4a, respectively.
  • (12) Subsequent fractionation of the original compound into its two isomeric forms resulted in the identification of the isomer primarily responsible for this convulsive activity.
  • (13) However, the 1500 K simulation produced higher energy structures, even after minimization; in addition, this highest temperature run had many cis-trans peptide isomerizations.
  • (14) From model compound data, it is shown that the expected rate for isomerism is in satisfactory agreement with the rates actually observed for protein folding.
  • (15) Re-analysis of PCP and PCP-Na samples with high PCDD contents on a high-resolution glass capillary column showed the presence of 3 hexa- and the 2 heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins with nearly constant isomeric ratios.
  • (16) Such a genomic structure does not appear to have been reported amongst the herpesviruses--all the genomes that do not isomerize either have repeat structures only at the termini, or if present internally, have only direct repeats.
  • (17) The isomeric N,N-dimethyl-4,5-diphenyl-1H-pyrazole-1-propanamine was completely inactive in the primary antidepressant screens.
  • (18) Correspondingly, in the case of the histidine-peptides examined only mixtures of the cyclic isomeric compounds were isolated and structurally characterized by 1H-NMR analysis.
  • (19) In contrast to the biphasic unfolding of the wild-type nuclease, the unfolding of the mutant is represented by a single-phase reaction, indicating that the biphasic unfolding for the wild-type protein is caused by cis-trans isomerization about the prolyl peptide bond in the native state.
  • (20) In order to prepare a completely light-stable rhodopsin, we have synthesized an analog, II, of 11-cis retinal in which isomerization at the C11-C12 cis-double bond is blocked by formation of a cyclohexene ring from the C10 to C13-methyl.



  • (n.) The state, quality, or relation, of two or more isomeric substances.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Structure assignment of the isomeric immonium ions 5 and 6, generated via FAB from N-isobutyl glycine and N-methyl valine, can be achieved by their collision induced dissociation characteristics.
  • (2) This is interpreted to mean that the release of fructose from the central complex is faster than the isomerization of the E-NADH complex.
  • (3) The optical and oxygen binding properties of the reconstituted myoglobins containing two isomeric monoformyl-monovinylhemins were found to be different.
  • (4) Line broadening detected in several of the high-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectra was attributed to cis-trans isomerization.
  • (5) Two new isomeric delta-lactones 2 and 3 have been isolated from the marine fungus Helicascus kanaloanus (ATCC 18591).
  • (6) Two isomeric hydrolysis products of this compound with only three 3(R)-hydroxymyristic acid moieties attached to the disaccharide-1-phosphate were also identified.
  • (7) Studies on the metabolism of nicotine by rabbit liver microsomal fractions in the presence of 0.01 M sodium cyanide have led to the characterization of two isomeric cyanonicotine compounds.
  • (8) Kinetic methods are outlined for the distinction between two pathways of substrate binding, which include an isomerization either of the free enzyme or of the enzyme-substrate complex.
  • (9) In the case of H101S, a mutant protein with measurable isomerizing activity, substrate binding with novel fluorescent properties was observed, possibly the bound pyranose form of xylose under steady-state conditions.
  • (10) There were consistent isomeric preferences for the R(-) configuration of both DA analogs in stimulating adenylate cyclase (D-1 sites) and in competing for high affinity binding of 3H-spiroperidol (D-2 sites) and of 3H-ADTN (DA agonist binding sites) in striatal tissue, with lesser isomeric differences in the limbic tissue.
  • (11) Oligosaccharides 3 and 4 and oligosaccharides 5 and 6 were isolated as unresolved isomeric mixtures in fractions B3a and B4a, respectively.
  • (12) Subsequent fractionation of the original compound into its two isomeric forms resulted in the identification of the isomer primarily responsible for this convulsive activity.
  • (13) However, the 1500 K simulation produced higher energy structures, even after minimization; in addition, this highest temperature run had many cis-trans peptide isomerizations.
  • (14) From model compound data, it is shown that the expected rate for isomerism is in satisfactory agreement with the rates actually observed for protein folding.
  • (15) Re-analysis of PCP and PCP-Na samples with high PCDD contents on a high-resolution glass capillary column showed the presence of 3 hexa- and the 2 heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins with nearly constant isomeric ratios.
  • (16) Such a genomic structure does not appear to have been reported amongst the herpesviruses--all the genomes that do not isomerize either have repeat structures only at the termini, or if present internally, have only direct repeats.
  • (17) The isomeric N,N-dimethyl-4,5-diphenyl-1H-pyrazole-1-propanamine was completely inactive in the primary antidepressant screens.
  • (18) Correspondingly, in the case of the histidine-peptides examined only mixtures of the cyclic isomeric compounds were isolated and structurally characterized by 1H-NMR analysis.
  • (19) In contrast to the biphasic unfolding of the wild-type nuclease, the unfolding of the mutant is represented by a single-phase reaction, indicating that the biphasic unfolding for the wild-type protein is caused by cis-trans isomerization about the prolyl peptide bond in the native state.
  • (20) In order to prepare a completely light-stable rhodopsin, we have synthesized an analog, II, of 11-cis retinal in which isomerization at the C11-C12 cis-double bond is blocked by formation of a cyclohexene ring from the C10 to C13-methyl.