(1) Signals were processed by iterative routines that computed the location of one or two independent dipoles that best reconstruced the observed surface potentials.
(2) A line iterative technique is described to solve numerically the resulting coupled system of nonlinear partial differential equations with physiologically relevant boundary and entrance conditions.
(3) The local secondary structure was calculated from sequential and medium-range backbone NOEs with the double-iterated Kalman filter method [Altman, R. B., & Jardetzky, O.
(4) 9.59am GMT Summary We’ll leave you with a summary of what transpired here throughout the day: • Julia Gillard announced a contest for her position as prime minister following calls by Simon Crean, a senior minister in her government, for her to be replaced by her predecessor, Kevin Rudd • Shortly before the ballot was to take place Kevin Rudd announced he would not stand for the Labor Party leadership , re-iterating his promise to the Australian people that he would not challenge Julia Gillard • When it came time for the ballot, Gillard was the only person who stood for the leadership and she and her deputy Wayne Swan were elected unopposed .
(5) Flow-karyotypes are normalized using an iterative fitting procedure, using corrections for (1) amplification of HO and CA fluorescence, (2) cross-talk between the fluorescence signals of HO and CA, and (3) offset of the HO and CA origin.
(6) Various iterative algorithms for separation of superimposed event sequences were designed, and their efficiency examined through simulation studies.
(7) With larger differences in the analog values (and larger feedback error) at each iteration, we found that networks learned to transmit different chaotic attractors.
(8) An iterative method is presented which solves for the radius of curvature despite the variation in magnification.
(9) We have investigated the properties of a recursive process in which the output signal from a given RF excitation pulse may be used as the input (excitation) pulse of a subsequent iteration.
(10) The Vancouver Sedative Recovery Scale (VSRS) was developed through an iterative process during which we identified numerous indicators of levels of alertness among sedated children, and then determined the applicability and face validity of these indicators.
(11) The PIC scores of 132 learning-disabled children between the ages of 6 and 12 years were investigated using Q-factor analysis, four hierarchical-agglomerative clustering techniques, and one iterative partitioning clustering technique.
(12) But it also succeeded by elevating the likes of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo to the kind of status usually reserved for totemic superheroes such as Batman, Superman and Spider-Man, characters destined to be wheeled out time and time again in different big screen iterations.
(13) Both single dose treatment and iterated injections caused significant retardation of tumour growth, and continuous infusion had a more pronounced effect, almost completely retarding increase in tumour volume; these differences in effect in between the treatment schedules were not, however, statistically significant.
(14) Implementing ergonomic interventions is an ongoing, iterative process.
(15) An explicit solution to these equations giving true corneal thickness in terms of apparent thickness cannot be established, and an iterative procedure is used to develop a relationship for a number of different pachometer configurations.
(16) The retrieval is done by using a bidimensional Gerchberg-Saxton phase-retrieval algorithm joined to an iterative phase-unwrapping algorithm.
(17) This algorithm consists of a versatile variation scheme and an innovative decision rule, the essence of which lies in a radical revision of the conventional philosophy of optimization: A number of configurations of variables with better values, instead of only a single best configuration, are selected as starting points for the next iteration.
(18) With the help of a computer program using Newton's iterative method, it is possible to obtain a practically instantaneous solution for the two-wavelenght method equation even for values different from 2 for the ratio k of the extinction coefficients.
(19) Three methods of obtaining distance constraints from 2D NOE peak intensities are examined: one entails a conservative use of ISPA, one assumes the ISPA to be fairly accurate, and one utilizes an iterative relaxation matrix method called MARDIGRAS (matrix analysis of relaxation for discerning the geometry of an aqueous structure), developed in this laboratory.
(20) They opposed the first iteration of the House healthcare bill as not going far enough to repeal Obamacare.
(v. t.) To go over again; to attempt, do, make, or utter again; to iterate; to recite; as, to repeat an effort, an order, or a poem.
(v. t.) To make trial of again; to undergo or encounter again.
(v. t.) To repay or refund (an excess received).
(n.) The act of repeating; repetition.
(n.) That which is repeated; as, the repeat of a pattern; that is, the repetition of the engraved figure on a roller by which an impression is produced (as in calico printing, etc.).
(n.) A mark, or series of dots, placed before and after, or often only at the end of, a passage to be repeated in performance.
Example Sentences:
(1) Clinical surveillance, repeated laboratory tests, conventional radiology, and especially ultrasonography and CT scan all contributed to the preoperative diagnosis.
(2) Nine of 14 patients studied for documented clinical relapse had positive repeat studies.
(3) Comparison of wild type and the mutant parD promoter sequences indicated that three short repeats are likely involved in the negative regulation of this promoter.
(4) Pituitary weight, mitotic index and chromosomes were studied in male rats following a single or repeated dose of estradiol-benzoate for a total period of 210 days.
(5) A chronic cannulation procedure is described which allows for sampling vomeronasal organ (VNO) contents repeatedly in freely moving conscious subjects.
(6) The region containing the injection stop signal (iss) has been cloned and sequenced and found to contain numerous large repeats and inverted repeats which may be part of the iss.
(7) In view of reports of the reduction of telomeric repeats in human malignant tumors, we measured the lengths of telomeric repeats in 55 primary neuroblastomas.
(8) A domain containing a CA repeat, similar to ones found in other late, cAMP-induced Dictyostelium genes, is required for cAMP-induced and developmental expression.
(9) But it will be a subtle difference, because it's already abundantly clear there's no danger of the war being suddenly forgotten, or made to seem irrelevant to our sense of what Europe and the world has to avoid repeating.
(10) An axillo-axillary bypass procedure was performed in a high-risk patient with innominate arterial stenosis who had repeated episodes of transient cerebral ischemia due to decreased blood flow through the right carotid artery and reversal of blood flow through the right vertebral artery.
(11) Intensity thresholds for eliciting eating and drinking were different, and both thresholds decreased with repeated testing.
(12) Our experience indicates that lateral rhinotomy is a safe, repeatable and cosmetically sound procedure that provides and excellent surgical approach to the nasal cavity and sinuses.
(13) In crosses between inverted repeats, a single intrachromatid reciprocal exchange leads to inversion of the sequence between the crossover sites and recovery of both genes involved in the event.
(14) Each species has approximately 500 core histones cluster repeats per haploid genome.
(15) We identified four distinct clinical patterns in the 244 patients with true positive MAI infections: (a) pulmonary nodules ("tuberculomas") indistinguishable from pulmonary neoplasms (78 patients); (b) chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis with sputum repeatedly positive for MAI or granulomas on biopsy (58 patients, virtually all older white women); (c) cavitary lung disease and scattered pulmonary nodules mimicking M. tuberculosis infection (12 patients); (d) diffuse pulmonary infiltrations in immunocompromised hosts, primarily patients with AIDS (96 patients).
(16) Examinations, begun at day 150 of gestation in 33 monkeys and between days 32 and 58 in four other animals, were repeated at intervals of one to seven days.
(17) During that time they have repeatedly demonstrated the likely existence of signalling molecules or morphogens that control the pattern of development in the embryo.
(18) Male guinea pigs received either a single dose of As2O3 10 mg.kg-1 s.c. or repeated doses of 2.5 mg.kg-1 bis in die (b.i.d.)
(19) Plasmids containing the inverted repeat alone bound ER, though less efficiently than did plasmids containing the entire sequence.
(20) These studies indicate that at each site of induction during feather morphogenesis, a general pattern is repeated in which an epithelial structure linked by L-CAM is confronted with periodically propagating condensations of cells linked by N-CAM.