What's the difference between jade and wade?



  • (n.) A stone, commonly of a pale to dark green color but sometimes whitish. It is very hard and compact, capable of fine polish, and is used for ornamental purposes and for implements, esp. in Eastern countries and among many early peoples.
  • (n.) A mean or tired horse; a worthless nag.
  • (n.) A disreputable or vicious woman; a wench; a quean; also, sometimes, a worthless man.
  • (n.) A young woman; -- generally so called in irony or slight contempt.
  • (v. t.) To treat like a jade; to spurn.
  • (v. t.) To make ridiculous and contemptible.
  • (v. t.) To exhaust by overdriving or long-continued labor of any kind; to tire or wear out by severe or tedious tasks; to harass.
  • (v. i.) To become weary; to lose spirit.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) FreeKachin (@FreeKachin) Nov 10, 5pm, attached object fell off of the sky at Tin Aung Kyaing mining lot in Hpakant Jade tract.
  • (2) Without question, Corbyn takes seriously his mission to bring hope to those who have lost faith in politics; those jaded by the requirement to fall in behind leaders with whom they only partially agree.
  • (3) But in the past year one towered above the others as if not the biggest then the most extraordinary media story of the year – the death of Jade Goody.
  • (4) I'm 64 and I've got four-year-old twins, so it's not unusual for me to look jaded, especially if they've woken each other up during the night.
  • (5) At CPAC, conservatives dedicated an entire panel to “The Future of Marriage.” One could be forgiven for assuming it tackled the issue via the sub-topic “Gays, and the Ickiness Thereof,” because that was the default assumption among those attending CPAC as part of an ongoing More Jaded Than Thou contest.
  • (6) Drinks at Jade Bar are in keeping with the spa setting: fruity and herbaceous “muddles” (alcoholic or not) are a speciality, and the bartenders host mixology sessions on Sundays, or by appointment.
  • (7) "The public in the US are increasingly jaded about the death penalty.
  • (8) In March, April, May you could see he was a bit jaded.
  • (9) The answer lies in a mix of carrot and stick provision including investing in a more integrated public transport network, encouraging active transport in the form of walking and cycling, and enticing people out of their cars.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Luminous umbrellas lit beneath high wire artist Jade Kindar-Martin.
  • (10) Countless high-profile stories have been shared by black supermodels Naomi Campbell, Iman and Jourdan Dunn about the jaded perceptions of diversity in the fashion industry.
  • (11) So, perhaps, on reflection, it was just a little bit ambitious of Britain's Euro­vision hopeful, Jade Ewen, to sing a song entitled "It's my time".
  • (12) So in allowing Jade and her counterparts to discriminate against Shilpa Shetty, Channel 4 has strayed beyond the protection it could argue it has under article 10.
  • (13) Nevertheless, perception is key and more and more South Africans view the ANC's glass as half-empty: a jaded organisation tarnished by corruption, delivering too little too slowly and in inexorable decline.
  • (14) The Hall of Ice and Jade – named after the saying "as pure as jade, as unsullied as ice" – was built to shelter these women in old age, although it is now a museum.
  • (15) Wigan looked jaded in their 61st game of a marathon campaign and this sterile stalemate served to suggest that Derby are the most vibrant team competing for the remaining spot in next season's Premier League.
  • (16) But the data from the International Energy Agency (IEA) should shock even the most jaded of negotiators.
  • (17) Jade has virtually no chance of success, given the tactical voting at Eurovision by former Soviet bloc and Balkan nations - a phenomenon that last year prompted Terry Wogan to resign in disgust from his job as Eurovision presenter.
  • (18) The jaded player took off for France during his eight-month ban, vowing to leave the English game.
  • (19) They may also have been jaded as this was their seventh match in 23 days and all but one of their starting lineup had begun the Champions League victory against Porto on Tuesday .
  • (20) It is important that the spirit of rainbow nation is extracted from the ennui of an increasingly jaded and complacent African National Congress, which, as with so many post-liberation ruling parties, is in danger of losing its moral compass.



  • (n.) Woad.
  • (v. i.) To go; to move forward.
  • (v. i.) To walk in a substance that yields to the feet; to move, sinking at each step, as in water, mud, sand, etc.
  • (v. i.) Hence, to move with difficulty or labor; to proceed /lowly among objects or circumstances that constantly /inder or embarrass; as, to wade through a dull book.
  • (v. t.) To pass or cross by wading; as, he waded /he rivers and swamps.
  • (n.) The act of wading.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Alice Wade, a 27-year-old self-professed whiskey aficionado, says she started drinking whiskey in college.
  • (2) Pharo also claimed that Wade had turned down the scoop about MPs’ expense claims because she had spent so much on a book by former glamour model Katie Price.
  • (3) It is a conflict over ownership of the process of revolutionary change, one that has already brought violence back to Egypt's streets – and which Fahmy's project is wading straight into the middle of.
  • (4) But with the privilege of hindsight – plus a very long afternoon wading through the responses to the green paper – handily archived on the iLegal site – it probably wasn't the time to give ministers the benefit of the doubt, no matter how slender and qualified that benefit was.
  • (5) Wade denied that the episode affected his focus during the Finals, but the NBA star regularly speaks about how important fatherhood is to him.
  • (6) Hogan-Howe waded into the row, saying gang members heard simple messages such as that there was a minimum five-year jail sentence for possession of a gun, but had no idea about the equivalent sentence for carrying a knife.
  • (7) The next step after Roe v Wade was the establishment of legislation in 1977 that protected the right of medical personnel who either refused to participate in abortion procedures or those who did participate.
  • (8) It is called the Constitution of the United States.” The anti-Planned Parenthood videos fail to make a case against abortion | Scott Lemieux Read more It’s not news that Rubio disagrees with reproductive freedom – he opposed Obama supreme court nominee Sonia Sotomayor because of his opposition not only to Roe v Wade but to any constitutional right to privacy.
  • (9) It was a successful breeding season for avocets - black and white wading birds - at Orford Ness in Suffolk, despite a lack of mud for feeding.
  • (10) Yet within seconds of my mother's profile flashing up on the screen, I found myself wading through my parents' most recent social occasions.
  • (11) Scottish Natural Heritage is exterminating them in the Outer Hebrides not because there is a plague of hedgehogs there but to protect the nests of the wading birds whose eggs and chicks a few escaped pet hedgehogs having been eating.
  • (12) Given that the next president could be in a position to replace Supreme Court justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer – two of the members of the razor-thin five-vote majority supporting Roe v Wade – Americans who don’t want to return women to the reproductive dark ages should vote accordingly come November.
  • (13) Dwyane Wade added 33 points and 10 assists for the Heat, who at 28-7 are off to their best 35-game start in franchise history.
  • (14) Even before Charles waded into the planning process last spring, there had been a debate in the Qatari camp about whether to approach him so he could not surprise them with objections.
  • (15) But Oliver now seems to have accepted his fate as a satirical news anchor who covers the Trump campaign, wading into the recent phallus-based Trump news in his headlines section on Sunday night.
  • (16) He later tweeted the same message with Wade’s first name spelled correctly, and deleted the original message.
  • (17) We may never know what Dimbleby really thinks about Griffin's appearance on Question Time because he is careful to avoid expressing an opinion, although he seems to relish wading into the BBC's internal politics and is one of the few presenters who can get away with chastising his bosses.
  • (18) Several privately owned canoe and kayak rental agencies offerguided and independent trips down the Mullica, Batsto, Oswego and Wading rivers.
  • (19) "I've never really talked about it but in some ways it represents one of my points about campaigning journalism – listening to your readers," Wade added.
  • (20) We examined the hypothesis (Ono & Wade, 1985) that occlusion of far stimuli by a near one on the same visual line can operate as a depth cue in stereograms containing different numbers of targets in the two eyes.

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