(n.) A shrubby plant of the genus Jasminum, bearing flowers of a peculiarly fragrant odor. The J. officinale, common in the south of Europe, bears white flowers. The Arabian jasmine is J. Sambac, and, with J. angustifolia, comes from the East Indies. The yellow false jasmine in the Gelseminum sempervirens (see Gelsemium). Several other plants are called jasmine in the West Indies, as species of Calotropis and Faramea.
Example Sentences:
(1) Because the housing crisis goes far beyond us Focus E15 mums | Jasmin Stone Read more Annette May, 68, from Lambeth Annette May has watched with mounting dismay as the community fabric of the council estate where she has lived for 44 years steadily unravels.
(2) The country is often celebrated as the sole success story, its move from the jasmine revolution of the streets to democracy has been short and comparatively smooth.
(3) Jasmin Lorch, from the GIGA Institute of Asian Studies in Hamburg, said: “If the military gets the feeling that its vested interests are threatened, it can always act as a veto player and block further reforms.” The New York-based advocacy group Human Rights Watch said the elections were fundamentally flawed, citing a lack of an independent election commission with its leader, chairman U Tin Aye, both a former army general and former member of the ruling party.
(4) It feels like it was only yesterday that I was kicking Blue Jasmine down the stairs like Tommy Udo in Kiss Of Death.
(5) Blue Jasmine contains two scenes that would have triggered the warning spots (which otherwise would face being cut).
(6) Click here for the Magic in the Moonlight trailer Compared with the gloomy ruminations on ageing and aspiration that characterised the well-received Blue Jasmine, which won Cate Blanchett an Oscar , this is Allen going back to the knockabout farce and blithe May-December couplings that populate his lighter films.
(7) Her brother has the dairy-free apricot and jasmine sorbet.
(8) The sleep time was prolonged by terpinyl acetate and phenethyl alcohol, and was shortened by lemon oil and jasmin oil.
(9) Speaking about his most recent release, in which Cate Blanchett plays Jasmine, a socialite whose luxurious New York life abruptly ends with the suicide of her corrupt financier husband, Allen said he felt more comfortable writing serious roles for women, rather than men.
(10) We went to a house party but got booted out because we had a foam fight in their bathroom and in the process Jasmine lost her trousers.’ Photograph: Robert Lang Lang photographed both boys and girls but, when choosing images for his show, he found the images of the women particularly striking.
(11) Jasmine, broke and shaky, goes to stay with adopted sister Ginger (Sally Hawkins) in her boxy San Francisco flat.
(12) "We choose pink to represent the Jasmine revolution and to show that we do not want violence," said Rudhwan Masude, head of the student union at Sana'a University.
(13) Our critic Peter Bradshaw gave Blue Jasmine five stars and hailed it as his best in 20 years.
(14) Twenty-year-old Jasmin Stone of Focus E15, who continues to campaign vociferously on housing issues , is disillusioned by the lot.
(15) The message – posted on an overseas website on Saturday – was titled "The jasmine revolution in China".
(16) The anti-carcinogenic effects of the 5 varieties of Chinese tea were also not the same the Fujian Oolong tea and Jasmine tea had the strongest effect.
(17) The romantic comedy has been picking up lukewarm early reviews , by contrast with recent Oscar-winning Allen fare such as 2012's Midnight in Paris and last year's Blue Jasmine.
(18) PVR Pictures, Blue Jasmine's Indian distributor, had planned to show the film on 25-30 screens last weekend, but the film was pulled.
(19) Its “Jasmine revolution” in 2011 unseated a corrupt dictator relatively peacefully and ushered in a transition to democratic elections and habits.
(20) It could take years to recover," adds Jasmine Atkinson, who works at the reserve.
(superl.) Reflecting to the eye all the rays of the spectrum combined; not tinted with any of the proper colors or their mixtures; having the color of pure snow; snowy; -- the opposite of black or dark; as, white paper; a white skin.
(superl.) Destitute of color, as in the cheeks, or of the tinge of blood color; pale; pallid; as, white with fear.
(superl.) Having the color of purity; free from spot or blemish, or from guilt or pollution; innocent; pure.
(superl.) Gray, as from age; having silvery hair; hoary.
(superl.) Characterized by freedom from that which disturbs, and the like; fortunate; happy; favorable.
(superl.) Regarded with especial favor; favorite; darling.
(n.) The color of pure snow; one of the natural colors of bodies, yet not strictly a color, but a composition of all colors; the opposite of black; whiteness. See the Note under Color, n., 1.
(n.) Something having the color of snow; something white, or nearly so; as, the white of the eye.
(n.) Specifically, the central part of the butt in archery, which was formerly painted white; the center of a mark at which a missile is shot.
(n.) A person with a white skin; a member of the white, or Caucasian, races of men.
(n.) A white pigment; as, Venice white.
(n.) Any one of numerous species of butterflies belonging to Pieris, and allied genera in which the color is usually white. See Cabbage butterfly, under Cabbage.
(v. t.) To make white; to whiten; to whitewash; to bleach.
Example Sentences:
(1) This study compares the mortality of U.S. white males with that of Swedish males who have had the highest reported male life expectancies in the world since the early 1960s.
(2) Cranial MRI revealed delayed myelination in the white matter but no brain malformation.
(3) Positivity was not correlated with current residence census tract socioeconomic indicators in black or white females.
(4) The urine compositions of the European mole Talpa europaea and of the white rat Rattus norvegicus (albino) kept on a carnivore's diet were compared.
(5) Fluttering in the background was a black flag adorned with white script, the “black flag of jihad”.
(6) The vulvar white keratotic lesions which have been subjected to histological examination in Himeji National Hospital (1973-1987) included 13 cases in benign dermatoses, 4 cases in vulvar epithelial hyperplasia, 3 cases in lichen sclerosus, and 3 cases in lichen sclerosus with foci of epithelial hyperplasia.
(7) Instead, the White House opted for a low-key approach, publishing a blogpost profiling Trinace Edwards, a brain-tumour victim who recently discovered she was eligible for Medicaid coverage.
(8) The flow properties of white cells were tested after myocardial infarction, by measuring the filtration rates of cell suspensions through 8 microns pore filters.
(9) The findings confirm and quantitate the severe atrophy of the neostriatum, in addition to demonstrating a severe loss of cerebral cortex and subcortical white matter in HD.
(10) Tottenham Hotspur’s £400m redevelopment of White Hart Lane could include a retractable grass pitch as the club explores the possibility of hosting a new NFL franchise.
(11) We identified four distinct clinical patterns in the 244 patients with true positive MAI infections: (a) pulmonary nodules ("tuberculomas") indistinguishable from pulmonary neoplasms (78 patients); (b) chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis with sputum repeatedly positive for MAI or granulomas on biopsy (58 patients, virtually all older white women); (c) cavitary lung disease and scattered pulmonary nodules mimicking M. tuberculosis infection (12 patients); (d) diffuse pulmonary infiltrations in immunocompromised hosts, primarily patients with AIDS (96 patients).
(12) In 60 rhesus monkeys with experimental renovascular malignant arterial hypertension (25 one-kidney and 35 two-kidney model animals), we studied the so-called 'hard exudates' or white retinal deposits in detail (by ophthalmoscopy, and stereoscopic color fundus photography and fluorescein fundus angiography, on long-term follow-up).
(13) African Americans also have more outpatient episodes than whites.
(14) As a Native American I am pretty sensitive to charges of racism and white supremacy,” the Oklahoma congressman added.
(15) The White House denied there had been an agreement, but said it was open in principle to such negotations.
(16) The charges against Harrison were filed just after two white men were accused of fatally shooting three black people in Tulsa in what prosecutors said were racially motivated attacks.
(17) Today, she wears an elegant salmon-pink blouse with white trousers and a long, pale pink coat.
(18) The relative effect of the intramammary infections and of different factors related to the cow (parity, stage of lactation, milk yield) on the individual cell counts, were studied for 30 months on the 62 black-and-white Holstein cows of an experimental herd.
(19) The administration of stable analogue of the leu-enkephalin did not alter the concentration of cortisole and aldosterone in the blood of white male rats whereas this concentration increased after administration of the parathormone.
(20) The patient, a 12 year-old boy, showed a soft white yellowish mycotic excrescence with clear borders which had followed the introduction of a small piece of straw into the cornea.