

  • (n.) An opaque, impure variety of quartz, of red, yellow, and other dull colors, breaking with a smooth surface. It admits of a high polish, and is used for vases, seals, snuff boxes, etc. When the colors are in stripes or bands, it is called striped / banded jasper. The Egyptian pebble is a brownish yellow jasper.

Compare jasper with other words:

jasper vs. rasper

amethyst vs. jasper

asper vs. jasper

japer vs. jasper

jasper vs. moonstone

jade vs. jasper

jaspachate vs. jasper

jasper vs. jasponyx

jasper vs. jaspoid

jasper vs. jaspilite

jasper vs. jaspideous

jasper vs. onyx

jasper vs. magi

jasper vs. opal

jasper vs. wasp

jasper vs. jaspidean

jasper vs. jaspery

jasper vs. jasperous

jasper vs. jasperoid

jasper vs. jasperize

jasper vs. jasperated

jasper vs. quartz

jasper vs. opaque

cornelian vs. jasper

chalcedony vs. jasper

chert vs. jasper

jasper vs. silicon