What's the difference between jerk and unpleasant?



  • (v. t.) To cut into long slices or strips and dry in the sun; as, jerk beef. See Charqui.
  • (v. t.) To beat; to strike.
  • (v. t.) To give a quick and suddenly arrested thrust, push, pull, or twist, to; to yerk; as, to jerk one with the elbow; to jerk a coat off.
  • (v. t.) To throw with a quick and suddenly arrested motion of the hand; as, to jerk a stone.
  • (v. i.) To make a sudden motion; to move with a start, or by starts.
  • (v. i.) To flout with contempt.
  • (n.) A short, sudden pull, thrust, push, twitch, jolt, shake, or similar motion.
  • (n.) A sudden start or spring.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The EMG silent periods (SP) produced in the open-close-clench cycle and jaw-jerk reflex were compared for duration before and after treatment with an occlusal bite splint.
  • (2) While tonic pupil and reduced sweating can be attributed to the affection of postganglionic cholinergic parasympathetic and sympathetic fibres projecting to the iris and sweat glands, respectively, the pathogenesis of diminished or lost tendon jerks remains obscure.
  • (3) In reflex-induced jerks this negative transient could be recognized as a component of the sensory evoked potential.
  • (4) A dynamic optimization technique to minimize jerk cost under the constraint on jerk input was applied to interpret the results, assuming that a major goal of skilled movements was to produce optimally smooth movements.
  • (5) The Peppers like to be jerks (at Dingwalls Swan dedicated a song to “all you whiney Britishers who can suck my American cock”), but don’t let the surface attitude fool you.
  • (6) Results from animal experiments and neuropathological studies suggest that the abolition of jerks in such cases is probably due to loss of facilitating influences from the cerebral cortex and central grey nuclei.
  • (7) Surgery caused or aggravated unilaterally diminished knee or ankle jerks in 3% and 10% of cases, respectively.
  • (8) This is a gladiatorial display – that is what people go to see.” Bray added: “The popular knee-jerk reaction will be we should ban airshows, but it’s very rare for such a crash to take place.
  • (9) High-frequency trading may or may not distort markets, but surely a knee-jerk reaction by banning it is not the answer.
  • (10) In order to overcome various drawbacks of the conventional polygraphic study of a relationship between myoclonus and EEG, the EEG preceding and following the myoclonic jerk was simultaneously averaged by the CNV program.
  • (11) Compared with the myoclonic-serotonergic syndrome evoked by 5-hydroxytryptophan in rats with 5.7-dihydroxytryptamine lesions, harmaline+5-hydroxytryptophan-treated rats displayed more continuous and greater axial myoclonic jerks and some postural differences.
  • (12) The effects of electrical stimulation and microinjection of sodium glutamate (0.5 M) in the sympathetic pressor areas of the dorsal medulla (DM), ventrolateral medulla (VLM), and parvocellular nucleus (PVC) on the knee jerk, crossed extension, and evoked potential of the L5 ventral root produced by intermittent electrical stimulation were studied in 98 adult cats anesthetized with chloralose and urethane.
  • (13) The knee jerk itself is seen as a "physiological artefact," resulting from a mode of stimulation that does not occur in life, with the normal function of its underlying circuitry still under debate.
  • (14) The patients did not significantly differ from controls on catch-up saccade amplitude, square wave jerk rate, or anticipatory saccade rate.
  • (15) It was confirmed that the technique of jerk-locked averaging with a backward averaging program was useful for detecting cortical spikes in association with the spontaneously occurring myoclonus, which are not recognized on the convential polygraph, and for evaluating the temporal and topographical relationship between the spike and the myoclonus.
  • (16) The typical electrophysiological correlates of myoclonus in Alzheimer's disease are similar to those of cortical reflex myoclonus, with a focal, contralateral negativity in the EEG preceding the myoclonic jerk.
  • (17) The analgesic effect of morphine in the rat tail jerk assay was enhanced by the serotonin uptake inhibitor, fluoxetine.
  • (18) In focal epileptic status, the single dose stopped paroxysmal activity and the associated clonic jerks for a few seconds.
  • (19) The occurrence of horizontal jerks with larger amplitudes than on Earth was observed during vertical optokinetic nystagmus in astronauts tested throughout a 7-day spaceflight.
  • (20) Only one patient felt his knee to be unstable (he had a positive pivot jerk).



  • (a.) Not pleasant; not amiable or agreeable; displeasing; offensive.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In the ketamine group, 36% of the patients complained of unpleasant dreams.
  • (2) Facial expression, EEG, and self-report of subjective emotional experience were recorded while subjects individually watched both pleasant and unpleasant films.
  • (3) The subjects described the thirst sensations as mainly due to a dry unpleasant tasting mouth, which was promptly relieved by drinking.
  • (4) It is no wonder that these visits can be stressful and unpleasant.
  • (5) Jonathan Rees, who was yesterday cleared of murdering his former business partner, Daniel Morgan, is a private investigator of a particularly unpleasant and vindicative kind.
  • (6) The lack of clinical activity and the unpleasant adverse effects in this population of patients with previously treated cervix cancer makes it unlikely that this drug will play any significant role in treatment.
  • (7) It must be very unpleasant to find out you’ve violated a brilliant artist whose public performance about you has drawn international attention and widespread support.
  • (8) In its infancy, the movement against censorship agitated on behalf of artists, iconoclasts, talented blasphemers; against repressive forces whose unpleasantness only confirmed which side was in the right.
  • (9) Before and after the experiment subjects were required to answer a questionnaire concerned with their image and attitude toward computers and the degree to which the task of typing is unpleasant.
  • (10) In our experience intestinal bypass, though resulting in significant weight loss, is associated with a number of unpleasant complications.
  • (11) "If you told them that some ... warheads were going to be dropped there and that it would be a very unpleasant place to go, they would not go there."
  • (12) In a joint statement the chapels said:"It shows management's utter disregard for the loyalty and dedication that their staff show every day in their efforts to produce quality newspapers and magazines, and sends out a deeply unpleasant message: no matter your experience or your commitment, everything is rated by cost."
  • (13) High problem severity was primarily associated with drinking in response to unpleasant affect and the belief that alcohol enhances social behavior.
  • (14) In an attitude survey of pregnant women 77% believed that vaginal examination was reassuring, 55% found it unpleasant, and 18% thought it could cause miscarriage.
  • (15) Cold pressor stimulation consisted of forearm immersion in a circulating water bath maintained at 0-1 degrees C. Subjects made threshold determinations of pain and tolerance and used Visual Analogue Scales to rate the strength and the unpleasantness of both noxious stimuli before and after receiving either hypnosis- or relaxation-induced analgesia.
  • (16) What's impressive is Cole's unfailing good cheer in the face of so much unpleasantness.
  • (17) It’s not as smelly as people imagine (myth number three), but it is still unpleasant, especially when the space is this confined, and one of the men tells me he reckons they are underpaid for what they do.
  • (18) Lidocaine (20 mg IV) will significantly reduce the incidence and severity of pain with propofol injection, but about 6% of patients will still suffer unpleasant pain if the dorsum of the hand is used.
  • (19) Both normal controls and left brain-damaged patients often averted their gaze from the screen when unpleasant material was displayed, whereas right brain-damaged patients rarely showed gaze aversion.
  • (20) However, all 8 subjects had unpleasant nasal symptoms following chlormethiazole, and it is therefore not an ideal hypnotic for this age group.