(1) The government t ook a hard line against industry assistance to carmakers and SPC Ardmona , setting up renewed political argument over the role of taxpayer funds in safeguarding jobs.
(2) She was l ooking forward to returning to school, where she was studying commerce.
(3) The histological features are reported of osteo-odonto-acrylic laminae removed from three patients who for differing underlying causes received Strampelli's osteo-odonto-keratoprostheses (OOK) 20, 16, and 12 years previously.
(4) Grade 2 and 3 readers increasingly used larger orthographic correspondences termed rimes (e.g., -ook, -ild).
(5) However when no such event occurs the OOK is well preserved and well tolerated even 20 years after implantation.
(6) L ook at that house,” says Nivia Bruno Ribeiro de Cajazeira, pointing to a small dwelling hidden by lush vegetation near the top of Babilônia hill, in the south zone of Rio de Janeiro .