(n.) A fragment of any solid substance; a thick piece. See Chunk.
(n.) Pieces of old cable or old cordage, used for making gaskets, mats, swabs, etc., and when picked to pieces, forming oakum for filling the seams of ships.
(n.) Old iron, or other metal, glass, paper, etc., bought and sold by junk dealers.
(n.) Hard salted beef supplied to ships.
(n.) A large vessel, without keel or prominent stem, and with huge masts in one piece, used by the Chinese, Japanese, Siamese, Malays, etc., in navigating their waters.
Example Sentences:
(1) We propose that "junk" DNA in eucaryotes functions to maintain total DNA at an optimum concentration.
(2) People are eating a lot of junk food and rejecting traditional food,” he told the BBC .
(3) Russia’s credit rating has been downgraded to junk status for the first time in a decade due to the collapsing oil price, the tumbling value of the rouble and sanctions imposed because of its intervention in Ukraine.
(4) ITV's investment in children's programming has also been damaged by the ban on advertising junk food.
(5) At half-time time Pardew acted, junking his entire left side, bringing on Martin Kelly and Bakary Sako.
(6) • The following correction was published on 5 February 2012: "Downgrades, debt and junk: key questions about the eurozone crisis answered" (Business), said: "The [Eurozone financial stability facility] fund has already committed large sums to Greece, Ireland and Portugal and will need to raise more money should Italy and Spain need the same kind of help."
(7) Myths that suggest that the obese are inactive, eat differently, or eat more junk food suggest that obese individuals are socially deviant and justifies the intense discrimination directed against them.
(8) Long stretches of DNA previously dismissed as "junk" are in fact crucial to the way our genome works, an international team of researchers said on Wednesday.
(9) These include a mechanism to assess which shows have an "above average" appeal to under-16s and therefore cannot run any junk food ads.
(10) Russia is spending 2.3tn roubles (£22bn) to shore up its economy as sanctions bite and after its debt was downgraded to junk.
(11) Conservatives blame the problems of sexual violence on western values, immodest dress or even on the over-consumption of junk food.
(12) And who is leading the charge to junk our membership of the single market?
(13) For each trial of the DNMS task, two stimuli were randomly selected from a pool of 250 small "junk" objects; one member of the pair was designated as the sample.
(14) The Real Junk Food Project , a charity which operates a chain of “pay as you feel” cafés using surplus food, now has two Sharehouse food stores connected to its operations in Leeds and Sheffield.
(15) Numerous documents prove that executives at leading banks, credit agencies, and mortgage brokers were falsely touting assets as sound that knew were junk: the very definition of fraud.
(16) Spain defied renewed pressure to accept an international bailout on Thursday, a stance that could last for several more weeks or even months despite the humiliation of having its credit rating cut to near junk status.
(17) Stock markets around the world plunged today after Standard & Poor's cut Greece's credit rating to junk status and downgraded its view of Portugal in the clearest evidence yet that the European sovereign debt crisis is spreading.
(18) Any evidence of a fresh split among European policymakers will increase anxiety in the financial markets, which were rattled on Wednesday by news that ratings agency Moody's had downgraded Portugal's debt to junk status.
(19) Dr Aseem Malhotra, an NHS cardiologist who campaigns against junk food, said the study "adds further fuel to the fire that sugar really is the 'silent killer' and is independent of body weight".
(20) The attack happened in a normal part of Delhi, at 9pm and no one can possibly allege that she was behaving in a way that was 'not in keeping with Indian traditions' and all that junk," Gupta said.
(n.) That which is worthless or useless; rubbish; refuse.
(n.) Especially, loppings and leaves of trees, bruised sugar cane, or the like.
(n.) A worthless person.
(n.) A collar, leash, or halter used to restrain a dog in pursuing game.
(v. t.) To free from trash, or worthless matter; hence, to lop; to crop, as to trash the rattoons of sugar cane.
(v. t.) To treat as trash, or worthless matter; hence, to spurn, humiliate, or crush.
(v. t.) To hold back by a trash or leash, as a dog in pursuing game; hence, to retard, encumber, or restrain; to clog; to hinder vexatiously.
(v. i.) To follow with violence and trampling.
Example Sentences:
(1) William Burroughs called the film director John Waters "the pope of trash".
(2) The public servants’ ethos, their attachment to the civic realm, has been systematically trashed as mere unionised self-interest.
(3) The phrase "Frankenfood" entered tabloid English at the turn of the last century when protesters, backed by the green movement, trashed GM crops wearing white overalls and face masks as an emotive PR tactic.
(4) I was told the Guardian had been too negative about Playboy in the past, and that they were also wary after a recent "trashing in the Sunday Times magazine – where Mr Hefner underwent a complete character assassination".
(5) "It's as if they are trying to trash the Copenhagen accord."
(6) It does not give people the right to come on to a green belt … and to trash it.
(7) There was trash talking though – motherflippers and Bad Words must fly about on court all the time ... Now and again you'd get trash talkers.
(8) Two years later, the offices of Mohamed Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood were trashed after an all-night siege , with looters seizing door-labels of prominent Brotherhood leaders as trophies.
(9) We should be proud, actually, of what we've done, and we need to defend it a bit more, because they try to trash it, don't they?
(10) Putin could have been forgiven for allowing himself a wry grin, as another court comprehensively trashed Berezovsky's reputation.
(11) Adrian Clark, style director of Shortlist , is throwing a trailer-trash curveball: "a pair of vintage black leather Versace jeans with zips – wrong in all the right ways – Gucci biker boots and bespoke tailoring by Gieves & Hawkes , Richard James and Mr Start".
(12) The then education minister, Christopher Pyne, dismissed the call, saying the government didn’t as a rule trash funding agreements already in place.
(13) Iceland This strange and beautiful country is now as flooded with satellite trash as everywhere else, but is listed in the futile hope that the suppression it once practised might be revived.
(14) Hawaii, however, is in line for several deposits of tsunami trash.
(15) This is a guy whose last feature, Trash Humpers , was 80 minutes of old people shagging foliage.
(16) The potential for production of fine particulate from botanical trash materials plus lint and linters was determined in the laboratory by an abrasive milling test.
(17) "Mr Hester's job at RBS in the last three years has not been made any easier by the incompetence of EU politicians, whose inept and moribund approach to the sovereign debt crisis has trashed the banking sector's value.
(18) Coe claimed that Britain's international reputation would be "trashed" if it reneged on a promise given to retain the track that was made during the bidding process.
(19) The Greens argued the government was “trashing long-established legal norms”.
(20) In any case, the young woman, also a student at Florida State (or she was until she left campus earlier this year) is getting trashed all over the place : on sports sites, in newspaper comment sections, in bars where fans hang out.