(1) Opposition parties were quick to exploit Maehara's departure, and vowed to step up pressure on Kan to resign or call an early general election.
(2) Following the recent announcement from Naoto Kan, the prime minister, that Japan would "start from scratch" with regard to future nuclear power expansion, we can be sure that there is plenty of paddling in Tokyo.
(3) After Hatoyama's resignation, just eight months after taking office, the Democrats are hoping that Kan's arrival will herald a period of stability and boost their flagging fortunes in time for the upper house elections.
(4) The Mycotrim Triphasic flask system (Irvine Scientific, Irvine, Calif.) was compared with a system composed of Mycotrim GU broth (Irvine Scientific) and A7 or A8 agar (Remel, Lenexa, Kans.)
(5) On Friday Kan apologised for dithering over the tests, which will be modelled on those being conducted on reactors in European Union member states.
(6) Of the leading candidates, Maehara is closest to Kan on energy policy, saying Japan should phase out nuclear power over the next 20 years.
(7) Measurable amounts of choline acetyltransferase were also detected in SMS-KAN and SMS-KANR.
(8) In fact, 30% of the oxine complex and possibly more KAN-322 appears to partition in the intracellular parasite itself.
(9) The positions of neo-2, nea-1, and kan-2 are uncertain, although they are located in this region to the right of cysA14.
(10) KAN concentrations in perilymph were unaffected by treatment with EA.
(11) In May, the then prime minister, Naoto Kan, ordered the killing of livestock by lethal injection after radiation made them commercially worthless.
(12) Although he survived the motion, Kan faces a difficult few months, during which he is expected to struggle to reach deals on emergency budgets in a deeply divided parliament, and to introduce a controversial tax rise.
(13) The delta fol::kan mutation is stable in E. coli K549 [thyA polA12 (Ts)] and can be successfully transduced to other E. coli strains providing they have mutations in their thymidylate synthetase (thyA) genes.
(14) For the final 5 y, a new pattern (AmpKanStrSulTetTm [Kan = kanamycin]) was spread throughout the country by two trimethoprim-resistant clones.
(15) Thus, the largest ORF was likely to represent the kan gene.
(16) The current parliamentary session is due to end on 22 June, but the Kan administration is pushing to extend it in the hope of passing the compensation package, as well as an emergency budget to fund post-tsunami reconstruction.
(17) The sisA gene was compared to the previously reported Micromonospora purpurea Kan-Gen (kanamycin-gentamicin)-resistance gene.
(18) The panel was also critical of Naoto Kan, the prime minister at the time of the accident, whose "direct intervention" in the early days of the crisis had caused confusion in the chain of command and wasted valuable time.
(19) One stx::Tn-mini-kan transposon mutation was transferred by P1 transduction from this E. coli Stx- mutant to an E. coli K-12 Hfr strain and in turn transferred by conjugation to the original S. dysenteriae 1 strain plus two others.
(20) According to the Nikkei poll, voters would prefer Kan's Democratic party of Japan (DPJ) administration to co-operate with the LDP to address the myriad economic and social issues confronting Japan .