What's the difference between labeler and libeler?
(n.) One who labels.
Example Sentences:
(1) It was tested for recovery and separation from other selenium moieties present in urine using both in vivo-labeled rat urine and human urine spiked with unlabeled TMSe.
(2) Within the outflow tract wall, the labelled cells were enmeshed by strands of alcian blue-stained extracellular matrix.
(3) Competition with the labelled 10B12 MAb for binding to the purified antigen was demonstrated in sera of tumor-bearing and immune rats.
(4) Simplicity, high capacity, low cost and label stability, combined with relatively high clinical sensitivity make the method suitable for cost effective screening of large numbers of samples.
(5) Following central retinal artery ligation, infarction of the retinal ganglion cells was reflected by a 97 per cent reduction in the radioactively labeled protein within the optic nerve.
(6) Estimations of the degree of incorporation of 14C from the radioactive labeled carbohydrate into the glycerol and fatty acid moieties were carried out.
(7) In addition autoradiography was performed to localize labelled cells in the inner ear.
(8) When the data correlating DHT with protein synthesis using both labelling techniques were combined, the curves were parallel and a strong correlation was noted between DHT and protein synthesis over a wide range of values (P less than 0.001).
(9) Photoirradiation of F1 in the presence of the analog leads to inactivation depending linearly on the incorporation of label.
(10) Significant amounts of 35S-labeled material were lost during the alkali treatment.
(11) In all groups, there was a fall in labeling index with time reflecting increasing tumor size.
(12) In the measurement, enzyme-labeled and unlabeled antigens (Ag* and Ag) were allowed to compete in binding to the antibody (Ab) under conditions where Ag* much less than Ab much less than Ag.
(13) This mAb inhibited monocyte binding of both soluble FITC-labeled IgA and IgA-coated E, whereas it did not inhibit IgG binding.
(14) Autoradiographic studies with tritiated thymidine showed that both epithelial and mesenchymal tumor cells were labeled.
(15) However, when conjugated to an antigen-bearing cell, a "non-antigen bearing" cell was labeled near the cell interaction area.
(16) In oleate-labeled particles, besides phosphatidic acid the product of PLD action radioactivity was also detected in diglyceride as a result of resident phosphatidate phosphohydrolase, which hydrolyzed the phosphatidic acid.
(17) Intracellular localization of the labeled substance in the tumor tissue was examined autohistoradiographically.
(18) It could be demonstrated by radioimmune precipitation of virus labeled with[35S]methionine that all three polypeptides are specific for hog cholera virions.
(19) The labeling index of the treated groups was significantly reduced when compared to that of control group in both tumors.
(20) After absorption of labeled glucose, two pools of trehalose are found in dormant spores, one of which is extractable without breaking the spores, and the other, only after the spores are disintegrated.
(n.) One who libels.
Example Sentences:
(1) Brett added companies should have to prove some financial damage – or the potential of financial damage – before they are allowed to launch a libel case.
(2) First, there are major vested interests, such as large corporations, foreign billionaires and libel lawyers, who will attempt to scupper reform.
(3) "In recent years, though, the increased threat of costly libel actions has begun to have a chilling effect on scientific and academic debate and investigative journalism."
(4) Aside from the fact that it is intemperate and inaccurate, it is also libelous.
(5) And there are plenty who think that, as our libel laws are cleaned up, smart lawyers are switching horses to privacy.
(6) The case, which had been going on for four years, became a cause celebre, one of a number that were used to spearhead a campaign for change to the libel laws by campaigners for freedom of speech.
(7) He stressed that the sister-in-law and her husband were not only accused of circulating libellously untrue stories but also of harassment of the wealthy financier.
(8) Polonsky is hoping to sue Lebedev for libel and is seeking damages for defamation, his lawyer Andrew Stephenson has said.
(9) Thousands who have confronted the possibility of a libel action have self-censored or backed down.
(10) He added that London remained the "libel capital of the world – the place where the rich and dodgy flock to keep their reputations intact".
(11) Newspapers have been lobbying hard to stave off a Leveson law of any kind, arguing that the press is already subject to laws ranging from libel to data protection and computer misuse acts to guard against illegal activities.
(12) Instead, NMT sued Wilmshurst in London, which has become the libel capital of the world.
(13) Priority has been given to applying sticking-plasters to libel law when urgent surgery is needed to regulate a tabloid newspaper industry that has been shown to have no regard for privacy or the criminal law.
(14) But Miller, in continuing to urge publishers to be "recognised" by the charter did refer to the "incentives", meaning a protection from the payment of legal costs for libel claimants (even if unsuccessful) and the imposition of exemplary damages (which would be very doubtful anyway).
(15) The inquiry originally looked as if it would be confined to the issue of "libel tourism", but it seems officials believed it would not be possible to restrict the inquiry in this way.
(16) His charge sheet includes numerous assaults (one against a waiter who served him the wrong dish of artichokes); jail time for libelling a fellow painter, Giovanni Baglione, by posting poems around Rome accusing him of plagiarism and calling him Giovanni Coglione (“Johnny Bollocks”); affray (a police report records Caravaggio’s response when asked how he came by a wound: “I wounded myself with my own sword when I fell down these stairs.
(17) The former Conservative chief whip Andrew Mitchell was a Jekyll and Hyde character who employed a mixture of charm and menace, his libel trial against the Sun newspaper over the Plebgate affair heard.
(18) In a letter to Hodge on Tuesday, Duncan also claimed that Hodge, the MP for Barking, had made “undoubtedly libellous assertions” about the tax affairs of the bank’s chief executive Stuart Gulliver.
(19) The libel laws have been long been considered to restrict free speech.
(20) What about the chilling effects of libel tourism and a system that both adds cost to stories and stifles freedom of expression?